United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
REHABILITATIONPROGRAM about 2 results (0.0139 in miliseconds)  
Support to the Rehabilitation of Verified Minors and Late Recruits, Now Called UN Interagency Rehabilitation Programme This project will support the transitional rehabilitation of up to 4,008 individuals who were verified as minors and late recruits (VMLRs) of the Maoist army in late 2007, and discharged from the Maoist army in early 2010. Building on the successful ...
UNIRP/UNDP, (2010)
UN Interagency Rehabilitation Program Vocational Skill Training (VST) is one of the rehabilitation , managed by UNDP, aimed to provide occupaƟon based vocaƟonal skills to Verified Minors and Late Recruits (VMLRs) and equip them with the skills and knowledge needed for employm...
UNDP, (2014)