United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
REFUGEES about 59 results (0.0084 in miliseconds)  
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has a mandate to lead and coordinate global action to protect the rights and well-being of tens of millions of refugees, internally displaced persons and others of concern, inclu...
Addressing HIV in the Context of Resettlement in Nepal Over 104,000 refugees from Bhutan were residing in seven camps in Eastern Nepal. This is a protracted refugee situation with the first refugees arriving in 1992. A large-scale programme of resettlement to third countries was launched in October 2007 ...
UNHCR, (2010)
From Refugee to a New Life The Government of Nepal together with UNHCR has over the last 20 years supported some 108,000 refugees from Bhutan. Throughout this protracted refugee situation, from the time the refugees arrived in Nepal in the 1990’s to the time of resettlement, ...
UNHCR, (2013)
Nepal - UNHCR Mid Year Progress Report 2001 The initial objectives of this project is as follows: 1. Facilitate bilateral discussions between the Governments of Nepal and Bhutan to seek durable solutions for Bhutanese refugees. 2. Provide protection and assistance to Bhutanese refugees until...
UNHCR, (2001)
NEW ISSUES IN REFUGEE RESEARCH (Research paper No.258) Waves of Life: The role of Radio in Bhutanese Refugee Camps in Nepal (July 2013) Radios are powerful objects. They transmit information to societies, nurture communities and, as in the case of the Rwandan genocide, even destroy them (Kellow and Steeves 1998,107). Though in the Western world radio is often perceived as an outdated...
UNHCR, (2013)
New UNHCR Report says Global Forced Displacement at an 18 Year High A report released today by UNHCR, the UN's refugee agency, says that more people are refugees or internally displaced at any time 1994, with the crisis in Syria having emerged as a major new factor in global displacement. #RefugeesAndInternallyDisp...
UNHCR, (2012)
General Assembly - UNHCR Activities Financed by Voluntary Funds : Report for 1994-1995 and Proposed Programmes and Budget for 1996 At 31 December 1994, 86,100 refugees and asylum-seekers from Bhutan, largely of ethnic Nepalese origin, were registered and assisted by UNHCR in eight camps in the south-eastern districts of Jhapa and Morang in Nepal. According to Nepalese authoritie...
UNHCR, (1996)
Joint Assessment Mission Report Assistance to the Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal The 2008 Joint Assessment Mission was held from 9 through 20 June. Representatives from UNHCR and WFP and two donor representatives (ECHO, and the US Embassy) based in Kathmandu accompanied their colleagues based in Damak in the far eastern areas of ...
WFP/UNHCR, (2008)
Nepal - 2002 UNHCR Statistical Yearbook This yearbook consists of statistical outcome related to the following topic for the year 2002: 1. REFUGEES, ASYLUM-SEEKERS AND OTHERS OF CONCERN TO UNHCR. 2. DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS, LOCATION, LEGAL BASIS AND RECOGNITION, END 0F 2002. 3. REFU...
UNHCR, (2002)
Nepal - 2003 UNHCR Statistical Yearbook This yearbook consists of statistical outcome related to the following topic for the year 2003: 1. REFUGEES, ASYLUM-SEEKERS AND OTHERS OF CONCERN TO UNHCR. 2. DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS, LOCATION, LEGAL BASIS AND RECOGNITION, END 0F 2003. 3. R...
UNHCR, (2003)
Nepal - 2004 UNHCR Statistical Yearbook This yearbook consists of statistical outcome related to the following topic for the year 2004: 1. REFUGEES, ASYLUM-SEEKERS AND OTHERS OF CONCERN TO UNHCR. 2. DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS, LOCATION, LEGAL BASIS AND RECOGNITION, END 0F 2004. 3. R...
UNHCR, (2004)
Nepal - 2005 UNHCR Statistical Yearbook This yearbook consists of statistical outcome related to the following topic for the year 2005: 1. REFUGEES, ASYLUM-SEEKERS AND OTHERS OF CONCERN TO UNHCR. 2. DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS, LOCATION, LEGAL BASIS AND RECOGNITION, END 0F 2005. 3. R...
UNHCR, (2005)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Appeal 2003 The main objectives of this report are mentioned below: ■ Urge the Governments of Bhutan and Nepal to resume the bilateral verification of refugees as soon as possible, with a view to solving the Bhutanese refugee issue. ■ Provide protection and ba...
UNHCR, (2003)
Nepal in short - UNHCR 2001 Global Appeal Main objectives of this report are mentioned below: • Facilitate bilateral discussions between the Governments of Bhutan and Nepal to seek durable solutions for Bhutanese refugees. • Provide protection and assistance to Bhutanese refugees until a l...
UNHCR, (2001)
Report of WFP/UNHCR Joint Assessment Mission Regarding Assistance to Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal (25 August – 9 September 2003) The 2003 WFP/UNHCR Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) took place in Nepal from August 25th to September 9th 2003. In accordance with the Terms of Reference, the Mission carried out a regular management review and needs assessment. This work was conducte...
HMG, WFP-UNHCR, (2003)
Behavioral Surveillance Survey among Refugees and Surrounding Host Community - Jhapa and Morang districts, Nepal (November 2005) A Behavioural Surveillance Study (BSS) was undertaken in seven refugee camps and selected surrounding host community sites in south-eastern Nepal in October and November 2005. This information will be used to strengthen HIV prevention programs in the...
UNHCR, (2005)
Nepal - UNHCR 2002 Global Appeal - 165 In the pursuit of a durable solution for some 100,400 Bhutanese refugees in Nepal, the Governments of Bhutan and Nepal held their tenth round of bilateral talks in Kathmandu in December 2000. During these talks the two Governments agreed upon a defin...
UNHCR, (2002)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Appeal 2004 The main objectives of this report are mentioned below: • Urge the Governments of Nepal and Bhutan to find durable solutions for the Bhutanese camp population. • Provide international protection to this population pending durable solutions. • Impl...
UNHCR, (2004)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Appeal 2005 The main objectives of this report are mentioned below: • Actively support the Government of Nepal to provide refugees with international protection and seek durable solutions. • Safeguard the welfare of vulnerable refugees through the establishmen...
UNHCR, (2005)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Appeal 2009 Update The main objectives of the report are mentioned as follows: • Seek durable solutions for refugees and asylum-seekers, notably through large-scale resettlement; ensure that they are able to make informed and free decisions; and that those with specif...
UNHCR, (2009)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Appeal 2010 - 11 The main objectives of this report are mentioned below: Favourable protection environment 1. Ensure standards of protection are met for all refugees and asylum-seekers, taking into account age, gender and diversity, with particular attention to the...
UNHCR, (2011)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Appeal 2013 The main objectives of this report are mentioned below: Favourable protection environment 1. Access to territory is improved and the risk of refoulement reduced. - No credible cases of refoulement are reported. Security from violence and exploita...
UNHCR, (2013)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Report 2000 The main objective and activities of this report are listed below: 1. Protect and assist Bhutanese refugees until a durable solution is found. 2. Support bilateral efforts by the Governments of Bhutan and Nepal to identify such a solution. 3. Emph...
UNHCR, (2000)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Report 2001 The Bhutanese refugees remained the single largest refugee group in the region. As lasting solutions are not yet in prospect, UNHCR’s initial objectives remained to facilitate bilateral discussions between the Governments of Bhutan and Nepal; to expl...
UNHCR, (2001)
REPORT OF UNHCR / WFP JOINT ASSESSMENT MISSION - Assistance to Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal (29 May – 09 June 2006) This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) commissioned by UNHCR and WFP regarding assistance to Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal. The JAM took place from 29 May-9 June 2006. The Mission included represent...
UNHCR, (2006)
UNHCR Nepal Fact Sheet March 2014 The operational objective of the report are mentioned below: 1. Ensure that standards of protection and assistance are met for all refugees and asylum-seekers, taking into account age, gender and diversity. 2. Continue to provide protection and ass...
UNHCR, (2014)
Country Operation Plan 2002 for Nepal (External Version) UNHCR's major role in Nepal is to seek durable solutions for approximately 98,900 Bhutanese refugees. Pending a durable solution, UNHCR continues to provide for their care and maintenance in eastern Nepal. The influx of Bhutanese refugees into Nepa...
UNHCR, (2002)
Country Operations Plan - 2004 Nepal is not a signatory to the 1951 Convention or the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees. No national legislation relating to asylum-seekers and refugees exists. At the request of the Government of Nepal, UNHCR has been playing an acti...
UNHCR, (2004)
Country Operations Plans for Nepal 2006 Physical insecurity and violence surroundingBhutanese camps hindering monitoring by UNHCR staff, delivery of food and other supplies, responding to protection concerns, provision of medical assistance, movement of refugees, and all other activities; ...
UNHCR, (2006)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Appeal 2006 The main objectives of the workshop are mentioned below: • Provide legal and physical protection to refugees, asylum-seekers and others of concern while pursuing durable, comprehensive solutions with relevant governments. Populations of concern incl...
UNHCR, (2006)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Appeal 2008 - 2009 The main objective of the workshop is mentioned below: • Seek durable solutions for refugees and asylum-seekers, notably through large-scale resettlement; ensure that they are able to make informed and free decisions; and that vulnerable members of ...
UNHCR, (2009)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Appeal 2011 Though not a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention or the 1967 Protocol, and with no domestic refugee legislation, Nepal continues to host a large number of refugees and asylum-seekers, of whom the majority (more than 75,000) are refugees from Bhu...
UNHCR, (2011)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Report 2002 Pending the attainment of durable solutions, UNHCR’s main objectives remained to protect and assist the camp population in eastern Nepal; facilitate a resolution of their situation by encouraging the bilateral process of negotiation between the Bhut...
UNHCR, (2002)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Report 2004 Continue to urge the Governments of Nepal and Bhutan to resolve the situation of protracted camp populations; provide international protection and assistance to Bhutanese refugees; implement UNHCR policies related to human rights, protection of refug...
UNHCR, (2004)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Report 2007 UNHCR’s main objectives in Nepal were to: • Seek durable solutions for refugees to bring an end to their protracted displacement, while ensuring that they receive adequate protection and assistance in the camps. • Provide international protection t...
UNHCR, (2007)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Report 2008 In 2008, UNHCR’s main objectives were to seek durable solutions for refugees in situations of protracted displacement, while ensuring that they received adequate protection and assistance in the camps.The Office also aimed to protect urban refugees a...
UNHCR, (2008)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Report 2009 The Office sought durable solutions for refugees in Nepal, notably through large-scale resettlement, while simultaneously ensuring adequate protection and assistance in the camps. Projects were initiated to improve local services for refugees and hos...
UNHCR, (2009)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Report 2011 In 2011, UNHCR aimed to ensure access to asylum, protection and durable solutions for all people of concern to it. Other key objectives were to continue third-country resettlement for refugees from Bhutan, and ensure that standards of protection and...
UNHCR, (2011)
Country Operations Plan - 2005 Nepal is not a signatory to the 1951 Convention or the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees. No specific and/or applicable national legislation relating to asylum-seekers or refugees exists. At the request of His Majesty's Government of N...
UNHCR, (2005)
Eastern Nepal This map contains Capital, UNHCR branch/Liasion office,office of change de mission, UNHCR sub office, Refugee Camp, Main Town or Village, Secondary Town or Village, International boundary, Main road, Secondary Road, Railway, Administrative boundary (...
UNHCR, (2003)
Eastern Nepal and Bhutan 2004 This map contains Capital, UNHCR branch/Liasion office,office of change de mission, UNHCR sub office, Refugee Camp, Main Town or Village, Secondary Town or Village,Town of interest, International boundary, Primary road and Secondary road. #UNHCR #...
UNHCR, (2004)
Eastern Nepal and Bhutan 2006 This map contains Capital, UNHCR Representation, UNHCR Sub office, Refugee Camp, Main Town or Village, Secondary Town or Village,Town of interest, International boundary, Primary road and Secondary road. #UNHCR #TheUNRefugeeAgency #RefugeesInNepal...
UNHCR, (2006)
Micronutrient Supplementation for Children in Bhutanese refugee Camps of Nepal Nutritional and Micronutrient Survey in Bhutanese refugee camps in Nepal March 2007 showed anemia prevalence of 43% amongst under five children in the refugee camps. Joint WFP-UNHCR micronutrient powder initiative for some 7,500 registered refugee ch...
UNHCR, (2012)
Nepal, Districts with Security Problems (November 2001) This map contains Capital, UNHCR Office, Refugee Camp, International boundary, Administrative boundary (level 1),Administrative boundary (level 2),Administrative boundary (level 3)District with security problems during last month. #UNHCR #TheUNRef...
UNHCR, (2001)
Child Protection Network (Community-based Child Care Center) Nepal Location: Beldangi-I and Sanischare camps Time and Duration: Beldangi-I: 2009 – present Sanischare camp: Since 2012 Population Groups: Refugees and asylumseekers Actors: UNHCR, Bhutanese Refugee Women’s Forum (BRWF), Lutheran World federa...
UNHCR, (2012)
Child Protection Network (Early Childhood Development Center) Nepal Location: Sanischare camp Time and Duration: January 2012 – Present Population Groups: Refugees, asylum seekers, and host communities Actors: UNHCR, Early Childhood Development Committee (EDCD), Seto Gurans, Lutheran World Federation (LWF) ...
UNHCR, (2012)
Submission by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees For the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' Compilation Report Universal Periodic Review: Nepal Nepal is not a State party to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees or its 1967 Protocol (hereinafter jointly referred to as the 1951 Convention). Nepal is also not a State party to the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of State...
UNHCR, (2015)
UNHCR Country Operations Plan 2002 - Nepal UNHCR's major role in Nepal is to seek durable solutions for approximately 98,900 Bhutanese refugees. Pending a durable solution, UNHCR continues to provide for their care and maintenance in eastern Nepal. The influx of Bhutanese refugees into Nepal ...
UNHCR, (2001)
UNHCR Country Operations Plan 2003 - Nepal UNHCR, at the request of His Majesty's Government of Nepal (HMG-N), has been playing an active advisory, co-ordination and monitoring role in protection activities and the provision of assistance to Bhutanese refugees since 1993. Law and order at the...
UNHCR, (2002)
UNHCR Country Operations Plan 2004 - Nepal Nepal is not a signatory to the 1951 Convention or the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees. No national legislation relating to asylum-seekers and refugees exists. At the request of the Government of Nepal, UNHCR has been playing an acti...
UNHCR, (2003)
UNHCR Country Operations Plan 2005 - Nepal Nepal is not a signatory to the 1951 Convention or the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees. No specific and/or applicable national legislation relating to asylum-seekers or refugees exists. At the request of His Majesty's Government of N...
UNHCR, (2004)
UNHCR Country Operations Plan 2006 - Nepal His Majesty’s Government of Nepal (HMG-N) has neither acceded to the 1951 Convention / 1967 Protocol nor adopted national refugee legislation. Refugee rights are governed by the Aliens Act and administrative directives that are caseload-specific and ...
UNHCR, (2005)
UNHCR Global Report 2006, Nepal At the beginning of 2006, pro-democracy political parties and the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoists (CPN-M) intensified their confrontation with the King and army. Mass arrests, severe restrictions on freedom of movement, country-wide strikes and prot...
UNHCR, (2007)
UNHCR Global Report 2008, Nepal Group resettlement for refugees living in camps started in March. Some 8,000 of the 60,000 people who expressed an interest in resettlement departed for third countries in 2008. In September, the Government of Nepal and UNHCR completed the registra...
UNHCR, (2009)
UNHCR Global Report 2009, Nepal 2009 was a key year in terms of resolving one of Asia’s most protracted refugee situations. Just one year after the start of large-scale resettlement for refugees from Bhutan, more than 25,500 refugees departed for third countries to start new lives....
UNHCR, (2010)
UNHCR Global Report 2010, Nepal In 2010, UNHCR’s Nepal operation ran the largest resettlement programme in the world, sending some 14,800 refugees, originally from Bhutan, to third countries. Since the large-scale operation began at the end of 2007, more than 40,000 refugees have b...
UNHCR, (2011)
UNHCR Global Report 2011, Nepal UNHCR’s resettlement programme for refugees in Nepal was the largest such programme globally. In 2011, it helped some 18,100 refugees, originally from Bhutan, to depart for new homes in eight countries. Some 58,500 people have been resettled since th...
UNHCR, (2012)
Waves of life: the role of radio in Bhutanese refugee camps in Nepal “Radios are powerful objects. They transmit information to societies, nurture communities and, as in the case of the Rwandan genocide, even destroy them (Kellow and Steeves 1998, 107). Though in the Western world radio is often perceived as an outdat...
UNHCR, (2013)
Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation, Nepal - Food Assistance to Refugees from Bhutan in Nepal As a consequence of revised citizenship laws enacted by the Government of Bhutan in the 1980s, Bhutanese asylum seekers fled to Nepal in the early 1990s. The Bhutanese refugees are the decedents of Nepalese people that migrated to Bhutan between th...
WFP, (2009)