United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan Intern of UNIC, Naziya Samad leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 28th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #UNIC #NaziyaSamad #Photo #2018 #August...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan Intern of UNIC, Rohini Lama leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 28th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #UNIC #RohiniLama #Photo #2018 #August...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan National Information Officer, Ram Babu Shah interacting with Visitor from Brazilian Embassy to Nepal during Condolence day to former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 28th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #K...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan On Behalf of the Brazilian Government, Ambassador of Brazil to Nepal leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 28th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #Br...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan On Behalf of the Egyptian Embassy, Third Secretary leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #EgyptianEmbassy #UNI...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan Resident Coordinator, Valerie Julliand interacting with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pradeep Gyawali during Condolence day to former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 28th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #K...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan Resident Coordinator, Valerie Julliand leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 28th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #ValerieJulliand #RC #UNIC #Photo...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan Santa Subba from UNDP leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #SantaSubba #UNDP #UNIC #Photo #2018 #August...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan UN Habitat staff leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #UNIC #Photo #2018 #August...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan UN Staff leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #UNIC #Photo #2018 #August...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan UN Staff leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #UNIC #Photo #2018 #August...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan UN Staff leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #UNIC #Photo #2018 #August...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan UN Staff leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #UNIC #Photo #2018 #August...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan UN Staff leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #UNIC #Photo #2018 #August...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan UN Staff leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #UNIC #Photo #2018 #August...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan UN Staff leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #UNIC #Photo #2018 #August...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan UN Staff leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #UNIC #Photo #2018 #August...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan UNESCO Representative Christian Manhart interacting with National Information Officer,Ram Babu Shah, Administrative and Finance Assistant at UNIC Sunita Rai interacting during Condolence day to former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN),...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan Well wisher leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25 August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #UNIC #Photo #2018 #August...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan Well wisher leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 28th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #UNIC #Photo #2018 #August...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan Administrative and Finance Assistant at UNIC, Sunita Rai leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 24th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #SunitaRai #UNI...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan Anushree Bhattarai, UNV, UNDP Nepal leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #AnushreeBhattarai #UNV #UNDPNepal #...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan Bisam Gyawali, Youth Programme Officer, UNDP Nepal leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #BisamGyawali #YouthP...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan First Secretary, Charge d. Affaires, Embassy of Switzerland to Nepal in moment of silence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 24th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #First Secreta...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan First Secretary, Charge d. Affaires, Embassy of Switzerland to Nepal, leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 24th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #F...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan Minister for Foreign Affairs (GoN) Hon'ble Pradeep Gyawali leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 24th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #Hon'ble #Pra...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan National Communication Officer Ram Babu Shah, leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 24th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #RamBabuShah #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan UNESCO Representative Christian Manhart leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #UNESCORepresentative #Christain...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan WHO Communication Officer Sujan G. Amatya leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #WHOCommunicationOfficer #Suja...
UNIC, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan WHO Representative Dr. Jos Vandelaer leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 25th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #WHORepresentative #DrJosVandelaer ...
UNIC, (2018)