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Information Centre | Nepal
PUBLICHEALTH about 94 results (0.0051 in miliseconds)  
Asia-Pacific Workshop on Multisectoral Collaboration for the Prevention and Control of Zoonosis Expansion of population, higher demand on agriculture and livestock production, extensive use of antimicrobial and global warming triggers the emergence and re-emergence of new pathogens, contributing the significant risk of public health threat. Thi...
WHO, FAO, OIE, (2013)
Global Tuberculosis Report (2015) This global TB report was produced by a core team of 19 people: Laura Anderson, Anna Dean, Dennis Falzon, Katherine Floyd, Inés Garcia Baena, Christopher Gilpin, Philippe Glaziou, Yohhei Hamada, Tom Hiatt, Avinash Kanchar, Irwin Law, Christian Lienha...
WHO, (2015)
World Drug Report (2015) UNODC is pleased to present the findings of the World Drug Report 2015, based on the best available data and our long-standing research expertise in the many complex facets of drugs and crime. The World Drug Report presents a comprehensive annual ove...
UNODC, (2015)
NEPAL: Diarrhoea Outbreak in Mid West and Far West Region (14 July, 2009) District Public Health Office confirms 103 diarrhoea related deaths in Jajarkot District from 1 May to 13 July 2009, and 25 diarrhoea related deaths in Rukum District from 29 June to 13 July, currently under investigation. District Line Agencies are ...
UNOCHA, (2009)
Post-Emergency Syndromic Disease Surveillance Guidelines: Epidemiology & Disease Control Division Highlights: 1. Syndromic disease surveillance is NOT a replacement of regular surveillance systems 2. It is an active reporting system to enhance surveillance and ensure quick flow of information in periods of increased health risks during or short...
GoN, WHO, (2014)
Basic Health and its Sub-sectors in Far Western and Mid Western Region (4 July 2011) This map shows basic health and its sub sectors in Far western and Mid Western Region. It shows basic health sector coverage, infectious disease control service, health care service and health infrastructure. #PUBLICHEALTH #HEALTH #HEALTHCARE #DI...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
Humanitarian Crisis After the Nepal Earthquakes 2015: Initial Public Health Risk Assessment and Interventions, May 2015 The purpose of this public health risk assessment is to provide all health sector partners, including professionals of local and national authorities, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), donor agencies and United Nations agencies currently working ...
WHO, (2015)
United Nations Children’s Fund Regional Office for South Asia GETTING TO THE ROOTS - Mobilizing community volunteers to combat Vitamin A Deficiency Disorders in Nepal For every child Health, Education, Equality, Protection ADVANCE HUMANITY Behind the endless vistas of its stunning Himalayan snow peaks lay a malady that had slithered around Nepal for centuries until the new millennium dawned. It tormented a number of people even though the symptom, common and ephemeral, was deemed an in...
UNICEF, (2003)
Assignment Report on Health Laboratory Services (WHO Project: Nepal 0010) Reference: Miss Nelson, J.R. (1968). Assignment Report on Health Laboratory Services (WHO Project: Nepal 0010), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The Public Health Laboratory, Kathmandu (Nepal), started functioning in the first week of May 1967. T...
WHO, (1968)
Assignment Report on Production of Rehydration Fluids for Cholera Control in Nepal (WHO Project: SEARO 144) Reference: Dr. Andrey, P. (1967). Assignment Report on Production of Rehydration Fluids for Cholera Control in Nepal (WHO Project: SEARO 144), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The re-hydration fluid is produced in a limited quantity, in government...
WHO, (1967)
Assignment Report on Smallpox Eradication Programme in Nepal (WHO Project: SEARO 136) Reference: Dr. Lal, K.M. (1967). Assignment Report on Smallpox Eradication Programme in Nepal (WHO Project: SEARO 136), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The writer visited Nepal from 17 to 26 December 1966 for the purpose of: (1) observing the ac...
WHO, (1967)
Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Medical Spending and Health Outcome in Nepal: Problems with Technology or its Distribution? Reference: Pokhrel, Subhash; Sauerborn, Rainer (2003). Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Medical Spending and Health Outcome in Nepal: Problems with Technology or its Distribution?, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Notwithstanding the g...
WHO, (2003)
Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Cost-effectiveness of Cataract Surgery in a Public Health Eye Care Programme in Nepal Reference: Marseille, E. (1999). Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Cost-effectiveness of Cataract Surgery in a Public Health Eye Care Programme in Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Programme planners and policy-makers are turning ...
WHO, (1996)
Bugs, Drugs & Smoke Since the World Health Organization (WHO) was founded in 1948, the world has changed dramatically and so too has its health. But while some scourges (e.g. small- pox and polio) have subsided, others have made a comeback (e.g. tuberculosis) and fright...
WHO, (2012)
UN Staff Influenza Pandemic: Update # 14 (6th July, 2009) Highlights: 1. Surveillance has been intensified. Tracing of the passengers and close contact of the confirmed cases was carried out and no suspected case was found except the index’s sibling and cousin. 2. Public and private hospitals, including ...
WHO, (2009)
Community Perception Survey Report- Kavrepalanchok: Round 6 (December 2015) This Community Perception Survey Report is conducted in kavrepalanchok,round 6 which have 100 of survey questionnaires.The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report shou...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
Health Related Quality Of Life Of Women Suffering From Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Before And 9 To 11 Months After Surgical Interventions The current study on health related quality of life of women suffering from Pelvic Organ Prolapse before and 9 to 11 months after surgical intervention was conducted at two points in time. In 2011, a Baseline study was conducted which analysed inform...
UNFPA, (2013)
Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women Empowered women contribute to the health and productivity of whole families and communities and to improved prospects for the next generation. Therefore, it is very critical to empower and capacitate women in general and poor women from the discrimin...
UNFPA, (2007)
Training of Health Manpower in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project: NEP HMD 001) Reference: Dr. Begbie, G. H. (1975). Assignment Report - Training of Health Manpower in Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The terms of reference of the assignment were: (1) to advice the Dean of the Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University...
WHO, (1975)
Addressing Outstanding Humanitarian Needs in Nepal: A Shared Effort And Responsibility (19 August 2015) Marking the World Humanitarian Day, aid community in Nepal saluted contributions made by good‐willed individuals and communities themselves to saving lives and alleviating the suffering in the aftermath of the back-to-­back earthquakes.The response l...
UN, (2015)
Assignment Report on Health Laboratory Services, Nepal Reference: Dr Henderson R.J. (1971). Assignment Report on Health Laboratory Services, Nepal (WHO Project: SEARO 0159), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ In consultation with the national authority, (1) to collect relevant data concerning the organiz...
WHO, (1971)
Health Planning and Programming in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project: NEP SHS 005) Reference: Nguyen, Van C. (1976). Health Planning and Programming in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project: NEP SHS 005), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The lack of accurate and relevant information needed for planning and evaluation of health s...
WHO, (1976)
Strengthening of Health Services in Nepal - Assignment Report, WHO Project: NEP SHS 001 (Nepal 0021) Reference: Tewari, T. R. (1975). Strengthening of Health Services in Nepal - Assignment Report, WHO Project: NEP SHS 001 (Nepal 0021), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ While the Health Planning Unit in the Ministry of Health has become operational,...
WHO, (1975)
Veterinary Public Health in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project ICP VPH 001) Reference: Abdussalam, M. (1977). Veterinary Public Health in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project ICP VPH 001), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The purpose of the visit was to review the national veterinary public health situation especially in...
WHO, (1977)
Promoting The Health Of Left-Behind Children Of Asian Labour Migrants: Evidence For Policy And Action Despite the political discourse on migration becoming an important issue in the global development agenda, the mental and physical health implications for left-behind children of migrant workers have received less attention. And the current evide...
IOM, MPI, (2015)
Assignment Report on Health Laboratory Services, Nepal Reference: Dr Nehaul B.B.G. (1972). Assignment Report on Health Laboratory Services, Nepal (WHO Project: NEPAL 0010), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The writer would like to express his sincere thanks to the Minister of Health and his staff and t...
WHO, (1972)
Assignment Report on Occupational Health Programme, Nepal Reference: Dr Christensen Herbert E.(1974). Assignment Report on Occupational Health Programme, Nepal (WHO Project: NEPAL 0021), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The writer would like to acknowledge the invaluable assistance received from the offic...
WHO, (1974)
Hospital and Health Centre Design in Nepal - Assignment Report, WHO Project: NEP SHS 001 (Nepal 0021) Reference: Cordes, J. A. (1970). Hospital and Health Centre Design in Nepal - Assignment Report, WHO Project: NEP SHS 001 (Nepal 0021), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The terms of reference for the assignment covered the following aspects: (1) to...
WHO, (1975)
Rapid Situation and Response Assessment of Drugs and HIV in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka Injecting drug use (opioids and pharmaceuticals) and HIV associated with injecting drug users (IDUs), has diffused rapidly in the South Asian region. Further, the sexual transmission of HIV from the IDUs to their non-injecting sexual partners has bee...
UNODC, (2008)
United Nations Development Programme The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the United Nation’s global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. It is on the ground in 177 co...
UNAIDS, UNDP, (2015)
Dolakha District Food Security Bulletin The district was affected by the 25 April earthquake and major aftershock on 12 May (with the epicenter in Dolakha), with severe impact on livelihood activities, like agriculture, livestock, tourism, and infrastructure (hydropower/road construction)....
GoN, WFP, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake WASH Response Dashboard : Summary Of Kabhrepalanchok: 07/01/2015 Highlights: 1. All of 90 VDCs have a focal point agency and WASH programs ongoing with 17 WASH Cluster partners present. 2. 18,016 people have benefited from approx. 29,029 hygiene kits. Estimated Caseload: 145,512 (12% reached). 3. 30,976 people ...
GoN, WC/UN, (2015)
Progress towards measles elimination in Nepal, 2007– 2014 In 2013, during its 66th session, the Regional Committee of the WHO South- East Asia Region (SEAR) established a goal to eliminate measles1 and control rubella and congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) by 2020.2,3 The recommended measles elimination stra...
who, (2014)
Regional Workshop on National Nutrition Surveillance (30 November–2 December 2009) The World Health Organization’s Regional Office for South-East Asia (WHO-SEARO), in collaboration with the Department of Nutrition for Health & Development, WHO-HQ and the Ministry of Public Health and Family Welfare, Government of Nepal, organized a...
WHO, (2010)
Present Status and Future Plans for the Smallpox Eradication Programme in Nepal Reference: Dr. Shrestha, P. N. (1972). Present Status and Future Plans for the Smallpox Eradication Programme in Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The Smallpox Eradication Programme (SEP) is a special prject in the Department of Health Servic...
WHO, (1972)
Radiation Protection in Kathmandu (Nepal) Reference: Mr Rao I.S. Sundara, (1977). Radiation Protection in Kathmandu (Nepal),(WHO Project: NEP HSD 001), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The term of reference of the assignment were; To assess the current situation with regard to the nature o...
WHO, (1977)
Urban Community Health Volunteers Reference: Chaulagai Chet Nath, (1993). Urban Community Health Volunteers, Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ This work was supported financially by the International Nepal Fellowship, formerly the Shinning Community Health Project. The author...
WHO, (1993)
Emergency and Humanitarian Action (EHA) Newsletter - Issue VIII, September 2006 Summer usually tests the disaster response capacity of Nepal, when the monsoons trigger water induced disasters. This year Nepal’s Western regions were most severely affected by floods and landslides. Unlike in 2002 and 2004, where a large number of ...
WHO, (2006)
Emergency health action in Nepal- WHO Emergency and Humanitarian Action (EHA) Newsletter - Issue XI, April 2007 Transition and complexity are key terms that could be used to describe the current public health scenario in the country. Despite new conflict patterns along ethno-caste lines, Nepal appears to be moving towards a post-conflict scenario. Policy maker...
WHO, (2007)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Executive Board Second Regular Session 2017 12-15 September 2017 Comments by the United States UNICEF Draft Country Programme Document, Nepal, 2018-2022 One of the key considerations for a successful health program is timely procurement and efficient supply chain management, particularly for child health products, including vaccines. They may also want to engage and play a stronger role in the public...
UNICEF, (2017)
Expanding Health-Care Access in the United States This paper focuses on the ways in which women in the United States are impacted by the 2010 passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (usually referred to as ACA or ‘Obamacare’). The ACA’s three main goals of expanding access, increas...
UNWOMEN, (2015)
Confronting the Open Defecation Practice in Flat Lands of Nepal: Creating New Social Norms The world remains off track to meet the MDG sanitation target of 75% and if current trends continue, it is set to miss the target by more than half a billion people. By the end of 2011, there were 2.5 billion people who still did not use an improved ...
UNICEF, (2014)
Emergency Nutrition Contingency Planning: IASC Nutrition Cluster Meeting Hotel Summit (13 April 2011) Highlights: 1. To ensure timely and effective humanitarian response to nutritional needs during an emergency to minimize mortality and morbidity of the population and increase in malnutrition among children under five, lactating and pregnant women...
UNICEF, (2011)
Comparison of Two Azithromycin Distribution Strategies for Controlling Trachoma in Nepal In 1996, WHO initiated the GET 2020 programme (Global Elimination of Trachoma by the year 2020) and declared that high priority should be given to trachoma control in Nepal. The 1981 Nepal Blindness Survey found trachoma to be the second leading caus...
WHO, (2001)
The Thirty-First Session of WHO South-East Asia Advisory Committee on Health Research In 1959, the World Health Assembly established the WHO Global Advisory Committee on Medical Research (ACMR). This Committee was mandated to review the WHO research programme and advise the Director-General on WHO research polices and priorities. The ...
WHO, (2009)
Development of Health Services in Nepal Reference: Dr Kozlov I.M., (1977). Development of Health Services in Nepal, Nepal (WHO Project: Nep HSD 001), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ In 1970, zonal health offices were established in five of the 14 zones. Standard lists of drugs and equip...
WHO, (1977)
World Health Organization 2014: A Wealth of Information on Global Public Health Highlights: 1. Between 2000 and 2012, measles deaths worldwide have been cut by almost 80% – from 562000 to 122000 deaths. 2. Human African trypanosomiasis (commonly known as sleeping sickness) is at its lowest level in 50 years, with fewer than 10...
WHO, (2014)
Small Area Estimation of Poverty, Caloric Intake and Malnutrition in Nepal This report presents the results of small area estimation techniques to improve sample survey estimates of poverty, caloric intake and malnutrition for Nepal. This is the first time that statistical techniques have been used to estimate indicators of...
GoN, WFP, WB, (2006)
Health Action in Nepal-Health Newsletter - Issue VI (February 2006) Health Action in Nepal is the 6th volume of the health Newsletter- February 2006.The newsletter consists of the following headlines: Country Safe from Bird Flu and Little Risk of Import: Minister K. B. Bista and State Minister M. Lama, Laboratory Ba...
GoN, WHO, (2006)
Health Cluster Coordination Meeting - WHO/UN House: 5 May 2015 Source: http://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/nepal/document/150505-health-cluster-meeting-minutes Assessment of the health care needs and treatment of the injured is on-going in the affected districts. Response coordination, includi...
HC/UN, WHO, (2015)
Admission of Nepal to Membership of the World Health Organization WHA6.5 Admission of Nepal to Membership of the World Health Organization The Sixth World Health Assembly ADMITS Nepal as a Member of the World Health Organization, subject to the deposit of a formal instrument with the Secretary-General of the United...
WHO, (1953)
Assignment Report on the Public Health Nursing and Training Aspects of the Integration of Maternal and Child Health Services Reference: Miss Stubbs, B.J. (1968). Assignment Report on the Public Health Nursing and Training Aspects of the Integration of Maternal and Child Health Services, Nepal (WHO Project: Nepal 0008), WHO.URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ This report deals wi...
WHO, (1968)
Cost-effectiveness of cataract surgery in a public health eye care programme in Nepal Reference: Marseille E. (1996). Cost-effectiveness of cataract surgery in a public health eye care programme in Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Programme planners and policy-makers are turning increasingly to cost-effectiveness assessments ...
WHO, (1996)
Sexual and Reproductive Health of Young People in Asia and the Pacific A significant proportion of young people in the region are sexually active, and while for many the onset of sexual activity is associated with marriage, an increasing number are initiating sex before marriage. The available information indicates that...
National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan 2015-2021 Nepal is aspiring to graduate from a ‘Least Developed Country’ to a ‘Developing Country’ by 2022 and is committed to improving the health status of its people through reduction in maternal, neonatal, infant and under-five mortality. In the area of Fa...
UNFPA, GoN, (2015)
Nepal - World Health Organization 2014 This publication includes: (1) Alcohol Consumption: Levels and Patterns (2) Health Consequences: Mortality and Morbidity (3) Policies and Interventions #ALCOHOL #HEALTH #PUBLICHEALTH #POLICIES...
WHO, (2014)
National Immunization Programme: Measles Outbreak Response Immunization (ORI)- Banke And Bardiya (Volume 2 - Issue 2) Measles is a highly endemic in Nepal for last several years affecting thousands of children and young adults. The country has started health facility based surveillance since 2003. Further more, the measles surveillance has been strengthen by establi...
WHO, (2015)
UNICEF Nepal Working Paper Series: LOST LIVES, LOST FUTURES : The Indirect Cost of Infant Mortality in Nepal This study estimated the indirect costs and the years of potential life lost due to infant deaths in Nepal using the human capital approach and national statistics and estimates, which are publicly available. The indirect costs of productivity losses...
UNICEF, (2015)
Far-Western Humanitarian Situation Report UN Field Coordination Office Dadeldhura, Nepal (June 2013) Highlights: 1. A total of seven people killed (five in Baitadi and two in Achham); three missing (two in Kanchanpur and one in Darchula). 2. A massive flash flood in Mahakali River swept away more than 50 houses and huts including 13 government off...
UNRCHCO, (2013)
Retrofitting Hospitals During a disaster, health centres and hospitals are critical life-lines. They become the central focus for dealing with those directly affected by the emergency. Not only do they need to cater to existing patients, but must be ready to attend to the ...
WHO, (2015)
Nepal In Short Highlights: 1. Protect and assist Bhutanese refugees until a durable solution is found. 2. Support bilateral efforts by the Governments of Bhutan and Nepal to identify such a solution. 3. Emphasise self-help activities and encourage the active inv...
UNHCR, (2000)
National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan 2015-2021 Nepal is aspiring to graduate from a ‘Least Developed Country’ to a ‘Developing Country’ by 2022 and is committed to improving the health status of its people through reduction in maternal, neonatal, infant and under-five mortality. In the area of Fa...
UNFPA, the Family Health Division/ MoHP, (2014)
Nepal Earthquake WASH Response Dashboard: Summary Of Lalitpur District: 22/07/2015 Highlights: 1. 41 of the 26 VDCs & 4 municipalities have a focal point agency and WASH programs ongoing with 22 WASH Cluster partners present. 2. 48,188 people have benefited from approx. 8,761 hygiene kits. Estimated Caseload: 39,575 (22% reached)...
GoN, WC/UN, (2015)
A Case Study on the Insurance Scheme of the Public Health Concern Trust (PHECT) Nepal Established as a non-governmental organization in 1991, the Public Health Concern Trust (phect-NEPAL) is a non-profit making entity. It is registered at the Kathmandu District Administration Office and affiliated with the Social Welfare Council/Nepal...
ILO, (2003)
Reaching the Poor with Health Services In Nepal, a country where young people's reproductive health needs are especially acute, a grassroots participatory approach has reduced the gap in reproductive health outcomes for young people with disadvantaged backgrounds. This approach has improv...
World Bank, (2007)
खाद्यान्न सुरक्षा तथा जीविकोपार्जन सम्बन्धी समुदायको बुझाइको प्रतिबेदन – रामेछाप मे २०१६ यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ । रामेछाप जिल्लामा जम्मा १५० वटा सर्वेक्षणह...
CFP/UNRCO, (2016)
खाद्यान्न सुरक्षा तथा जीविकोपार्जन सम्बन्धी समुदायको बुझाइको प्रतिबेदन – सिन्धुपल्चोव्क मे २०१६ यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ । सिन्धुपल्चोव्क जिल्लामा जम्मा १५० वटा सर्व...
CFP/UNRCO, (2016)
संरक्षण सम्बन्धी समुदायको बुझाइको प्रतिवेदन – रसुवा अगस्ट २०१६ यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ । रसुवा जिल्लामा जम्मा १५० वटा सर्वेक्षणहर...
CFP/UNRCO, (2016)
Nepal Multiple Indicator Surveillance Nepal Multiple Indicator Surveillance (NMIS) is being conducted to collect community based information for the monitoring the National Programme of Action for the Children and Development for the 1990s set in line with the World Summit for Children, ...
Press Release- Despite progress, much work remains on human rights and access to health for LGBTI people in Nepal Much work remains to be done to end the stigma and discrimination faced by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community in Nepali society, despite some remarkable progress on human rights, access to health and legal equalit...
BDS,UNDP, (2014)
Management of Obstetric Fistula for Health Care Providers – On-the-Job Training Obstetric fistula is a devastating child birth injury that has been severely neglected, despite the traumatizing impact it has on the lives of affected women and girls. This publication is intended for learners, facilitators and supervisors to be com...
UNFPA, (2014)
Child And Maternal Nutrition Malnutrition is a serious obstacle to the survival, growth and development of children in Nepal. Even mildly or moderately malnourished children are more likely to die from common childhood diseases than those that are adequately nourished. In additi...
UNICEF, (2006)
United Nations Population Fund- Dignity First Nepal Earthquake: 5 Month Progress Report Of The Humanitarian Response In the immediate aftermath of the earthquake on 25th April 2015, UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, in coordination with the Ministry of Health and Population, the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, and many other partners, reach...
UNFPA, (2015)
WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2006-2011 Nepal The WHO Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS), a medium-term framework for WHO cooperation with the Government of Nepal, has been developed keeping in mind the need to balance between the country priorities and WHO priorities as outlined in WHO’s 11th G...
WHO, (2007)
Human Cases of Influenza A/H1N1 This poster explains the Human Cases of Influenza and what to do and not to do while suffering from the flu. #PublicHealth #WHO #Emergency #Monitoring #Committee ...
WHO, (2009)
Emergency and Humanitarian Action (EHA), WHO Nepal Districts in the Far West, Mid West and Western regions in Nepal have reported flash floods and landslides.The initial responses received by EDCD from the District Health Officers (DHO) and District Public Health Officers (DPHO) indicate that most R...
EHA, WHO, (2006)
Accelerating Universal Access to Reproductive Health To achieve its long-term goal of reducing fertility and under-5 mortality, Nepal specifies family planning as a priority element of an Essential Health Care Service in its Health Sector Strategy (2004), Nepal Health Sector Programme–Implementation Pl...
Emergency Health Action In Nepal Issue No. X ( January 2007 ) Following the annual Earthquake Safety Day on 16 January, this issue of the newsletter focuses on hospital preparedness and Mass Casualty Management (MCM); key functions for any earthquake response. As follow-up to an EHA assessment highlighting insu...
WHO, (2007)
WHO Nepal Earthquake - Situation Report #14, 11 May 2015 26 hospitals (3 completely and 23 partially) are damaged and more than 900 primary health care centers and health posts have been rendered nonfunctional. A total of 46 National Medical Teams and 99 Foreign Medical Teams are working in the affected di...
WHO, (2015)
Nepal : Diarrhoea Outbreak in Jajarkot District (16 July, 2009) District Public Health Office confirms 111 diarrhoea related deaths in Jajarkot District from 1 May to 16 July 2009. Access to remote affected areas is time consuming and delays delivery of medical supplies and health staff. #PublicHealth #Diarrho...
UNOCHA, (2009)
Nepal : Diarrhoea Outbreak in Mid West and Far West Region (As of August 03, 2009) The Districts of the Mid Western Region and Far Western Region are affected by an outbreak of Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD). A total of 233 diarrhoea related deaths reported in 16 districts in Mid and Far Western Regions, from 5 May to 3 August 2009,...
UNOCHA, (2009)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- काभ्रेपलान्चोक: राउण्ड ७ (जनुअरी २०१६) यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ। काभ्रेपलान्चोक जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वे...
CFP-UNRCO, (2016)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- नुवाकोट: राउण्ड ७ (जनुअरी २०१६) यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ। नुवाकोट जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षणहरु...
CFP-UNRCO, (2016)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- ललितपुर: राउण्ड ७ (जनुअरी २०१६) यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ। ललितपुर जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षणहरु...
CFP-UNRCO, (2016)
NEPAL CLIMATE PUBLIC EXPENDITURE AND INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW (CPEIR) Government of Nepal National Planning Commission United Nations Development Programme United Nations Environment Programme Capacity Development for Development The nature of the climate threats facing communities across Nepal is diverse requiring location specific understanding of the problem in order to plan appropriate responses. It is yet to be clear as to what extent a particular economic sector in a gi...
GON, UNDP, UNEP, (2011)
Emergency and Humanitarian Action, WHO Nepal Nepal Earthquake Health Update : Report No. 9 Situation Update: 1. According to the latest figures from the Nepalese Government, 7365 people have been killed and 14 355 have been injured (National Emergency Operation Center: 15:00 local time). 2. Bhaktapur, Dhading, Dolakha, Gorkha, Kathmandu,...
WHO, (2015)
Health System in Nepal:Challenges and Strategic Options Equitable access to health is an issue in many developing countries in the Region. Nepal is not an exception. In spite of Nepal facing with internal conflict and political disturbances throughout the country, generally health actions are on way forwa...
WHO, (2007)
Report of the Eighteenth Meeting of Ministers of Health of Countries of SEAR The Eighteenth Meeting of Ministers of Health of the Countries of the WHO South-East Asia Region (SEAR) was held in Kathmandu, Nepal, from 23-25 August 2000, at the invitation of the Minister of Health, His Majesty’ Government of Nepal. The substan...
WHO, (2000)
Report of the Twenty-seventh Meeting of Ministers of Health of Countries of the South-East Asia Region The Meeting of the Ministers of Health of the Member States Of WHO'S south East Asia region objectives are To reinforce the commitment of the Member States to the attainment of the highest possible level of health for their people. These meetings hav...
WHO, (2009)
Inter-Agency Common Feedback Report: (August 2015) Engagement with and accountability to affected people are critical. Affected people need to be kept informed about available services and aid while ensuring issues of gender quality and diversity of communities is addressed. Without access to reliabl...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake, Health Cluster Bulletin #4, 18 - 26 May 2015 It has been a little over a month since the first earthquake hit Nepal on 25 April, and response has transitioned towards: 1) operations in Districts and Village Development Committees (VDCs); and 2) early recovery and reconstruction. Health cluster ...
WHO, Health Cluster, (2015)
Improving the teaching of Public Health at under graduate level in Medical Schools - Suggested Guidelines A regional meeting on “Teaching of public health in medical schools” was organized by the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia (WHO-SEARO) on 8-10 December 2009 in Bangkok, Thailand for stakeholders in different institutions and organizations to s...
WHO, (2010)
HEALTH IN THE SDGs ERA Sustainable Development Goals ensures healthy life for all at all ages.It achieve the universal health coverage including financial risk protection,access to quality essential health care service,medicine and vaccines for all. MDGs unfinished and exp...
WHO, (2016)
Achieving The Millennium Development Goals By Enabling The Rural Poor To Overcome Their Poverty At the Millennium Summit in September 2000, world leaders undertook the commitment to halve by 2015 the proportion of people in the world whose income is less than one dollar a day and the proportion of people who suffer from hunger. They also pledge...
IFAD, (2003)