United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Discussion of new version of UN Digital Library with colleges and universities in UN Conference Hall inside UN House on 14th September, 2018. #Preview #UNDigitalLibrary #UNHouse #Photo #2018 ...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Anil Kedia, Representative of DAV College, having his say in a preview of new version of UN Digital Library in UN House on 14th September, 2018. On his right, Mr. Yuvraj Sharma, Representative of White House College noting in that preview. #Anil...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Bishnu Hari Pandey, Representative of Everest College, introducing himself with the group of participants and UN staff in a preview of UN Digital Library in UN House on 14th of September 2018. #BishnuHariPandey #EverestCollege #Preview #UNDigita...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Ganesh Sharma, Representative of Uniglobe College, introducing himself with the group of participants and UN staff in a preview of UN Digital Library new version in UN House on 14th of September 2018. #GaneshSharma #UniglobeCollege #Preview #UND...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Hari Gopal Risal, Representative of Kathmandu University School of Management Business School, introducing himself with the group of participants and UN staff in a preview of UN Digital Library in UN House on 14th of September 2018. On his left, ...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. L.P. Bhanu Sharma, Representative of Apex College addressing in the preview of new version of UN Digital Library in UN House on 14th September, 2018.On his right, Mr. Hari Gopal Risal from Kathmandu University School of Management. #LPBhanuSharm...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Padam Raj Pant, Representative of Nepal Open Universities having his say in a preview of new version of UN Digital Library in UN House on 14th September, 2018. On his right, Mr. Ramesh Silwal from Golden Gate College watches on. #PadamRajPant #N...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Rajan Prasad Kadel, Representative of Excel Business College, introducing himself with the group of participants and UN staff in a preview of UN Digital Library new version in UN House on 14th of September 2018. #RajanPrasadKadel #ExcelBusinessC...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Rajat Bajracharya, Representative of KFA Business School, having his say in a preview of new version of UN Digital Library in UN House on September, 2018. #RajatBajracharya #KFABusinessSchool #Preview #UNDigitalLibrary #UNHouse #Photo #2018 ...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Rajendra Man Banepali, presenting new version of UN Digital Library with colleges and universities in UN Conference Hall inside UN House on 14th September, 2018. #Preview #UNDigitalLibrary #UNHouse #Photo #2018 ...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Ram Babu Shah addressing in a preview of UN Digital Library with directors of universities and colleges at UN House. This preview was held in UN Conference Hall inside UN House on the date of 14th September, 2018. #Preview #RamBabuShah #UNConfer...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Ramesh Silwal, Representative of Golden Gate College having his say in a preview of new version of UN Digital Library in UN House on 14th September, 2018. #RameshSilwal #NationalCollege #Preview #UNDigitalLibrary #UNHouse #Photo #2018...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Ramesh Silwal, Representative of Golden Gate College observes the preview of UN Digital Library new version in UN House on 14th of September 2018. #RameshSilwal #GoldenGateCollege #Preview #UNDigitalLibrary #UNHouse #Photo #2018...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Shreekrishna Bista, Representative of Triton International College addressing in the preview of new version of UN Digital Library in UN House on 14th September, 2018.On his left, Mr. Keshar Prasain from Kantipur Engineering College observing the ...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Surendra Subedi, Representative of Kathmandu Model College, introducing himself with the other representatives from different colleges and universities in a preview of new version of UN Digital Library. #SurendraSubedi #KathmanduModelCollege #Pr...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Tulshi Ram Pandey representative of CG Institute of Management addressing in a preview of new version of UN Digital Library in UN House on 14th September, 2018. #TulshiRamPandey #CGInstituteOfManagement #Preview #UNDigitalLibrary #UNHouse #Photo...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Tulshi Ram Pandey, Representative of CG Institute of Management, in an insightful session of new version UN Digital Library in UN House on 14th of September 2018. On his right, Mr. Padam Raj Pant, Representative of Nepal Open University is observ...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Ukesh Raj Bhuju, Representative of National College having his say in a preview of new version of UN Digital Library in UN House on 14th September, 2018. #UkeshRajBhuju #NationalCollege #Preview #UNDigitalLibrary #UNHouse #Photo #2018...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Ukesh Raj Bhuju, Representative of National College, introducing himself with the group of participants and UN staff in a preview of UN Digital Library in UN House on 14th of September 2018. #UkeshRajBhuju #NationalCollege #Preview #UNDigitalLib...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Yuvraj Sharma, Representative of White House College addressing in a preview of new version of UN Digital Library in UN House on 14th September, 2018. #YuvrajSharma #WhiteHouseCollege #Preview #UNDigitalLibrary #UNHouse #Photo #2018...
UNIC, (2018)