United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
PRAKASHMANSINGH about 2 results (0.0157 in miliseconds)  
Secretary General Meets Deputy Prime Minister of Nepal On October 2015 Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (right) meets with Hon'ble Prakash Man Singh, Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal 2nd October, 2015. #BanKiMoon #SecretaryGeneral #PrakashManSingh #DeputyPrimeMinister #2015 #Photo...
UN, (2015)
International Conference on Community Based Adaptation at Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plaza Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) along with Hon. Prakash Man Singh, Mr. Leela Mani Poudyal and other personalities at 8th International Conference on Community Based...
UNIC, (2014)