United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Impact Assessment of National Integrated Pest Management (NIPM) Program in Nepal The Integrated Pest Management program was initiated with the prime objective of training of trainers and conducting farmer field schools which later on extended to be a preliminary process for sustainable management of agricultural and ecological r...
NDRI, FAO, (2014)
Disaster recovery for the disabled My house is built with wire frame technology, which is earthquake resistant. I feel safe there,” says Khil Bahadur of Sindhupalchowk. Video Quality: 720p HD Audio Quality: High Video Location: Sindhupalchowk Duration of Video: 2m #UNDP #UND...
UNDP, (2019)
A 10-Year Literacy/NFE Policy and Programme Framework Education is a key to development and an asset towards peace and social justice. It has a fundamental role to play in reducing poverty,exclusion, ignorance and conflict. Nepal is committed to Education for all, and its progress in primary education o...
UNESCO, (2000)
Information Economy Report 2006: The Development Perspective During the past decade, ICTs have become part of many developing countries’ development plans and poverty reduction strategies. Those countries have designed and are implementing national ICT policies to reach overall development goals, recognizing t...
UN, (2006)
Nepal Human Development Report 2001-Poverty Reduction and Governance The Nepal Human Development report 2001 takes stock of the country's progress in reducing poverty since the restoration of democracy in 1990. During these 11 years,Nepal has embarked upon a programme of reforms that has covered almost all sectors of ...
UNDP, (2001)
Nepal Development Update The successful election of a new parliament and subsequent formation of a popularly mandated government provide a more conducive environment for private sector activity and economic policy. The uncertainties brought about by Nepal’s prolonged politic...
WB, (2014)
Livestock Services And The Poor The analysis in Chapter 1 concludes that livestock can be an indispensable part of the livelihood systems of many poor rural and urban populations in developing countries, that it can play a crucial role in farming systems and that it can decrease th...
IFAD, (2004)
Key Note Address by Honorable Dr. Min Bahadur Shrestha, Vice Chairman, and National Planning Commission of Nepal during Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development 2017: Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction for Poverty Eradication in Asia-Pacific. This bulletin includes statement by Honorable Dr. Min Bahadur Shrestha, Vice Chairman, and National Planning Commission of Nepal during Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development 2017: Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction for Poverty Eradicati...
GON, UNESCAP, (2017)
Trends and Drivers of Poverty Reduction in Nepal Nepal made remarkable progress in poverty reduction between 1995 and 2010, a period coinciding with a decade-long violent conflict followed by tumultuous post-conflict recovery. Although improving agricultural productivity was long regarded as instru...
WB, (2016)
Micro-Enterprises, Development for Poverty Alleviation -Volume 1 Micro economic enterprises play a vital role in poverty reduction in both rural and urban areas, and urban areas and reinforce urban rural linkage for economic and social development in Nepal. The linkage are essential not only for utilization of loc...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2010)
Value Chain Analysis- Incense Sticks The micro enterprise development program is nationally executed project implemented by ministry of industry with the technical and financial supports of the additional support from the Australian agency for international development which is now its ...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2010)
Value Chain Based Approach to Micro-Enterprise Development: Value Chain Analysis-Allo The Micro Enterprise Development Program (MEDEP) is a nationally executed project of the United Nations Development Program(UNDP) under the Ministry of Industry (MoI). The program is funded by UNDP with additional support from the Australian Agency f...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2010)
Decent Work for Poverty Reduction: An ILO Contribution to the PRSP in Nepal Generating productive, decent employment is central to a strategy of poverty reduction. The present synthesis paper is the ILO’s contribution to HMG/N’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper process. The ILO paper draws upon a substantial number of inputs...
GoN, ILO, (2002)
Micro Enterprise Development Programme - MEDEP GON/MOI/UNDP To institutionalise MEDEP model into MEDPA through a sustainable institutional structure, Government of Nepal has developed MEDPA five years strategic plan in partnership with UNDP. GoN has already approved this five years strategic plan under which ...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2014)
Micro-Enterprises, Development for Poverty Alleviation Volume I Micro economic enterprises play a vital role in poverty reduction in both rural and urban areas, and reinforce urban-rural linkages for economic and social development in Nepal. The linkages are essential not only for utilization of local resources...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2010)
Study too Determine The Special Needs of Woman in the Micro Enterprise Development Sectors The Micro Enterprise Development Programme wishes to thank Alliance Nepal for Social Mobilization which was commissioned to conduct the study. The Programme would also like to thank professionals and individuals that helped in the ...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2000)
Micro-Enterprise Development Report MEDEP has conducted this ‘Impact Assessment’ to measure the impact of MED-PA on targeted beneficiaries, and to consolidate learning and experiences regarding the transfer of knowledge and sustainability of the overall MED-PA. This study has provided ...
UNDP, GoN, (2010)
Micro Economic Development Programe- MEDEP 3 Micro enterprise development program is a multinational donor funded poverty reduction imitative supported by government of Nepal and the united nation development program. The program has been working with the poor people especially women and those ...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2009)
Micro Economic Development Programme Nepal's rural economy has been excessively dependent on agriculture and in the last three four decades,the country has been facing the rapid increase in population while the growth of agriculture has not been able to achieve the parallel growth. The ...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2001)
Micro Enterprises Development for Poverty Alleviation -Volume 2 (Nuwakot and Nawalparasi) Micro-enterprise development has always remained the backbone of the national economy due to its contribution to employment opportunities, income for the poor and overall empowerment as a consequence. This research was conducted to assess the r...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2013)
Micro Enterprises Development for Poverty Alleviation -Volume 2 (Prospects of Increasing the Usage of Allo Yarn in Carpet Factories in Kathmandu) Carpet weaving is an old tradition in Nepal. Carpet is a major export item. Natural fibers like jute, hemp, Allo, etc. are gaining popularity in the carpet market. The supply of Allo yarn has not met the demand of carpet factory. This study was condu...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2013)
Micro Enterprises Development for Poverty Alleviation -Volume 2 Despite various development efforts made to address the root causes, poverty is still a multidimensional problem in rural areas where mainstay of the economy is agriculture. Natural resource-based micro-enterprises are emphasized as a measure for acc...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2013)
Micro Enterprises Development Programme (MEDEP) Micro entreprise development programe based on lesson learnt and best practise from the first phase. The main objective of MEDEP is to improve the socio-economic status of low income families including the hardcore poor and socially excluded familie...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2006)
The Minutes of the two-days 11th RUNET Meeting of Executive Officers of Partner Municipalities of Phase I ,II & III and Replicating Municipalities The 11th RUNET Meeting was inaugurated by Mr. Yub Raj Pandy , Secretary, Ministry of Local Development in the August gathering of high level officials from His Majesty Government of Nepal, representatives of private sector, media, UN - implemented ...
RUPP/UNDP, (2005)
A Market Study of Ginger in Deurali VDC, Nawalparasi - Micro Enterprise Development Programme The Micro-Enterprise Development Programme (MEDEP) was launched in 1998 at the initiative of HMG/N and technical assistance of UNDP. This programme was envisaged to help attain the poverty reduction target determined unde...
MEDEP/UNDP, (1999)
Impact Assessment of Micro-Enterprise Development Program This study was carried out to assess the impact of Micro Enterprise Development Program (MEDEP) in the socio-economic condition of poor, women, Dalit and indigenous nationalities (Janajati). It also sought to assess the contribution of the program in...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2010)
Micro Enterprises Development for Poverty Alleviation -Volume 1 Micro economic enterprenure play a vital role in poverty reduction in both rural and urban areas and reinforce urban rural area linkages for economic and social development in nepal. The linkages are essential not only for utilization of local resour...
Micro Enterprises Development for Poverty Alleviation -Volume 1 Micro-Enterprise Development programme (MEDEP) was started in 1998 to support achieve the Ninth Plan's objective of reducing poverty through the creation of micro-enterprise. MEDEP is in the third year of its implementation. It has been observed tha...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2001)