United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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NEPAL Annual Monitor 2016 The digital financial services (DFS) landscape in Nepal is changing, as the Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) starts issuing licences to non-bank payment service providers (PSPs). Non-banks are actively engaging to set up agent networks and develop partnership...
UNCDF , MM4P, (2016)
UNITED NATION DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME COUNTRY: NEPAL PARLIAMENT SUPPORT PROJECT (PSP) The parliament of nepal aims at making its overall work more effective, including enhancing their capacity to critically discuss, draft and adapt bills, e.g. for its earthquake recovery efforts as well as increasing the interaction and outreach with...
UNDP, (2016)
Parliament Support Project (PSP) PSP is developed to supporting the building of the parliament's strengths in areas of institutional reforms, lawmaking, oversight and outreach. This includes enhancing the capacities of individual members of parliament, supporting committees in lawma...
UNDP, (2017)