WFP Nepal
Country Brief
The Country Programme (CP) supports the Government of Nepal in enhancing the food and nutrition security of vulnerable communities and increasing resilience to disasters.The CP covers four areas:
1. Livelihoods creation provides seasonal employment ... WFP, (2016)
शासकिय सुधारका लागी सारव्जनिक प्रशासन को तयारी आयोजना (PREPARE)
नेपाललाई एक उर्जाशिल तथा समावेशी सङ्घिय राज्यमा रुपन्तरन गर्न लोक तान्त्री क पद्द्ती एवम जवाफदेही प्रशासनिक व्यव्स्थाको आवश्यकता पर्दछ । यस कार्यका निम्ती पारदर्शी एवम जिम्मेवार सार्व जनिक प्रशासनको ठुलो मह्त्तो रहन्छ । यस सन्दर्भ मा नेपाल सर्कार सँग... UNDP, ()
PREPARE Project continued extending techinical support to the government, in close assocation with the executing like MoGA, OPMCM and other related agencies in under to get it prepared for execlusion of the major constitutional provisions having impl... UNDP, (2017)
Project to Prepare Public Administration for State Reforms (PREPARE)
Strengthen current systems, processes and procedures for effective services, and ensuring that are more accountable, transparent, accessible and responsive; and prepare relevant government institutions for administrative reform in the broader context... UNDP, (2017)
WFP Nepal
Country Brief
A joint programme was organized by the Government of Nepal, the United Nations
Resident Coordinator’s Office, the United Kingdom Department for International
Development and WFP on 24 and 25 May 2017 at the humanitarian staging area (HSA). The visi... WFP, (2017)
After-Action Review of
Nepal Earthquake Response:
Final Report
Crisis Response Unit
United Nations Development Programme
24 November 2016
Abhijit Bhattacharjee
On 25 April 2015, a devastating earthquake hit Nepal causing severe destruction of lives and property in 14 of the country’s 75 districts. This was followed by another severe earthquake on 12 May which further worsened the humanitarian situation.The ... UNDP, (2016)
Guidelines on Non-Structural Safety in Health Facilities
Throughout history, it has been demonstrated over and over again that Nepal is a highly earthquake prone country. In any disaster response, health facilities are expected to play an essential role. This is especially the case when responding to a maj... MoH, WHO, (2004)
Non-Structural Vulnerability Assessment of Hospitals in Nepal
The report presents the methodology and findings of a seismic non-structural vulnerability assessment of 9 major hospitals in Nepal.The study was conducted by National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) under a contract with WHO-Nepal dur... NSET, (2003)