People in Need (MEMBER OF ALLIANCES 2015) - Her Safety Assessment Report (November 2015)
In July and August 2015, People in Need (PIN) conducted a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the target Village Development Committees (VDCs) where “Her Safety” is being implemented. Overall, 6701 women and girls across seven of the ten proje... CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
INTER AGENCY COMMON FEEDBACK PROJECT Nepal Earthquake 2015 - Information and Communication Needs Assessment.
From the period of July and August 2015, the Inter Agency Common Feedback Project (CFP), working under the Communicating with Communities Working Group, coordinated an information and communication needs assessment. As a result, a total of 222 key in... CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
Inter Agency Common Feedback Report - November 2015 Feedback Report.
In November, community perception surveys highlight a mix of continued positive perceptions on certain elements of the earthquake response and no change to
other elements.
Feedback collected from 17 agencies in the field also highlight the issue o... CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
Inter Agency Common Feedback Report - October 2015 Feedback Report.
In October, community perception surveys highlight a continued improvement of how
communities feel about the earthquake response. While feedback collected focuses
on earthquake response, other issues, particularly the fuel crisis and
reconstructio... CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
Nepal Community Feedback Report - Issue : Food Security and Livelihood (September 2016)
In June 2016, the Inter-Agency Common Feedback Project collected feedback from communities (2100 respondents) across 14 districts on food security and livelihood related issues.
One area of life that was hit hard by the earthquake has been livelihoo... CFP-UNRCO, (2016)
INTER AGENCY COMMON FEEDBACK PROJECT - Issue : Reconstruction (April 2017)
In March 2017 the Inter-Agency Common Feedback Project (CFP) collected feedback from 2100 respondents, randomly selected from across the 14 priority earthquake affected districts on reconstruction issues. This quantitative research is further supplem... CFP-UNRCO, (2017)
INTER AGENCY COMMON FEEDBACK PROJECT - Reconstruction and Food Security and Livelihood (December 2017)
Over the course of 2017 the Inter-Agency Common Feedback Project (CFP) has collected feedback from earthquake affected communities across the 14 priority affected districts through six rounds of Community Perception Surveys. CFP enumerators interview... CFP-UNRCO, (2017)
(August 2017)
In late November – December 2016 the Common Feedback Project (CFP) held a series of 23 focus group discussions in November, with earthquake affected communities across seven of the 14 priority affected districts: Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Dhading, Gorkha, Ram... CFP-UNRCO, (2017)
INTER AGENCY COMMON FEEDBACK PROJECT - Reconstruction and Protection (October 2017)
In September 2017 the Inter-Agency Common feedback Project (CFP) collected feedback from 2100 respondents, randomly selected from earthquake affected communities across the 14 priority affected districts on reconstruction and protection issues. The p... CFP-UNRCO, (2017)