United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
OCTOBER about 118 results (0.0084 in miliseconds)  
J.RICHARD FORAN, ASSISTANT SECRETARY- GENERAL FOR FINANCIAL SERVICE Portrait of J. Richard Foran, Assistant Secretary- General for Financial Services Mr. Foran a Canadian national, was secretary of the United Nations Conference on trade and development (UNCTAD) and director of the division for Programme support sinc...
UNIC/UN, (1982)
OHCHR-Nepal Calls for Swift Implementation of Supreme Court Ruling on Dhanusha Disappearance OHCHR-Nepal welcomes the Supreme Court’s decision in the case of the enforced disappearances of five students in Dhanusha District in October 2003. At a 2 February hearing on writ petitions filed in August 2007, the Supreme Court ordered the Nep...
OHCHR, (2009)
UN Day 2014 School students observing UN Day program at Jawalakhel Lalitpur on 30th October 2014 #Students #Observing #UNIC #Photo #2014 #October ...
UNIC, (2014)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren addressing UN day in UN house on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #NationalInformationOfficer #RamBabuShah #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMission #KareenLandgren #PrimeMinist...
unic, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren in conversation with Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sujata Koirala in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal #Kareen...
unic, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren, Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sujata Koirala, Honorable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal and Resident Coordinator Robert Piper communicating in UN house during UN day...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal, Kareen Landgren Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Sujata Koirala, Honorable Prime Minister, Madav Kumar Nepal and Resident Coordinator, Robert Piper interacting in UN House During UN Da...
unic, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Head of UN Agencies greeting the Honorable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #UNAgencies #HonorablePrimeMinister #MadavKumarNepal #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #KareenLandgren #UNDay #UNHouse #Gr...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Heads of UN Agencies and other attendees watching a video of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #HeadsofUNAgencies #Participants #SecretaryGeneral #BanKiMoon #UNDay #UNHouse #Sitting #Sitting #Watching #Scre...
unic, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Nepal Sujata Koirala and Resident Coordinator Robert Piper communicating in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #HonorableDeputyPrimeMinister #Fore...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sujata Koirala and UN Head Of Agency interacting with each other in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #HonorableDeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #UNHeadOfAgency #UNDay #UNHouse #Intera...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN DAY 2010 Honorable Foreign Minister of Nepal and Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala handing over an award to Mr. Arun Kumar Pradhan for providing Over 20 Years of dedicated service in WHO in UN House during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ForeignMinister #Dep...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Honorable Foreign Minister of Nepal and Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala handing over an award to Mr. Narayan Prasad Sapkota for providing Over 20 Years of dedicated service in WHO in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ForeignMinister ...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN DAY 2010 Honorable Foreign Minister of Nepal and Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala handing over an award to Mr. Prakash Raj Chalise for providing over 30 years of dedicated service in UNDP in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ForeignMinister #D...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Honorable Foreign Minister of Nepal and Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala handing over an award to Mr. Rajendra Kumar Lakhe for providing 20 years of dedicated service in UNDP in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ForeignMinister #Deput...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Honorable Foreign Minister of Nepal and Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala handing over an award to Ms. Ranjana Joshi for providing over 25 years of dedicated service in WHO in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ForeignMinister #DeputyPr...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN DAY 2010 Honorable Foreign Minister of Nepal and Deputy Prime Minister, Sujata Koirala handing over an Award to Mr.Shrawan Kumar for providing Over 25 Years of Dedicated Service in WHO in UN House during UN Day #ForeignMinister #DeputyPrimeMinister #Sujat...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Honorable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal (left) and Resident Coordinator Robert Piper (right) communicating in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #HonorablePrimeMinister #MadavKumarNepal #UNDay #UNHou...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Honorable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal addressing UN day in UN house on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #NationalInformationOfficer #RamBabuShah #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #KarinLandgren #PrimeMinister #MadavKu...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN DAY 2010 Honorable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal being worn Red Ribbon(AIDS SYMBOL) by UNAIDS staff as a way to raise awareness about AIDS and HIV in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #HonorablePrimeMinister #MadavKumarNepal #UNAIDSStaff #UNDay ...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Honorable Prime Minister, Madav Kumar Nepal (left) and UN Head Of Agency(right) communicating in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #HonorablePrimeMinister #MadavKumarNepal #UNHeadOfAgency #UNDay #UNHouse #Interacting #Talking #Speaking #20...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Hororable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal being welcomed by Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #HonorablePrimeMinister #MadavKumarNepal #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #K...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Hororable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal being welcomed by Resident Coordinator, Robert Piper in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #HonorablePrimeMinister #MadavKumarNepal #ResidentCoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #UNDay #UNHouse #Greeting #...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper addressing UN day in UN house on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #NationalInformationOfficer #RamBabuShah #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #KareenLandgren #PrimeMinister #MadavKumarNepal...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper interacting with UN head Of agencies in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #UNHeadOfAgencies #UNDay #UNHouse #Interacting #Talking #Speaking #2010 #October #Event #UNIC...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper interacting with UN head of agencies in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #UNHeadOfAgencies #UNDay #UNHouse #Interacting #Talking #Speaking #2010 #October #Event #UNIC...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN DAY 2010 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper introducing exhibition booth of UN agencies to the Honorable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #UNAgencies #PrimeMinister #MadavKumarNe...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper, Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren and Other UN Head of agencies clicking a photo in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMis...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 UN agency staff advertising about UNMAT (United Nation Mine Action) in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #UN #UNAgencies #UNStaff #UNDay #UNHouse #Exhibition #2010 #October #UNIC...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 UN agency staffs demonstrating about IOM by installing an exhibition booth in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #UN #UNNepal #IOMStaffs #Event #Program #ExhibitionBooth #UNDay #UNHouse #2010 #October #UNIC...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 UN agency staffs demonstrating about UNICEF by installing an exhibition booth in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #UN #UNNepal #UNICEFStaffs #Event #Program #ExhibitionBooth #UNDay #UNHouse #2010 #October #UNIC...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN DAY 2010 UN Staffs clicking a photo after receiving an award of dedicated service in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #UNStaffs #UNAgencies #UNDay #UNHouse #2010 #October #Photo #UNIC...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating of UN Day 2009 UN agency staffs advertising about UNESCO by installing an exhibition booth in UN house during UN day, 23 October 2009 #UNStaff #UNESCO #ExhibitionBooth #UNHouse #UNDay #2009 #October #Event #Program #UNIC...
unic, (2009)
Celebrating UN Day 2009 All the participants, chief of Army staff Chatra Man Singh Gurung, UN heads, UN staffs, General officers standing for the national anthem during UN day in UN house, 23 October 2009 #Participants #ChatraManSinghGurung #UNHeads #UNStaffs #Officers #...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebrating UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper congratulating UNDP staff Meera Laata Shakya for receiving an award for 25 years of dedicated service in UN house during UN day on 23 October September #ResidentCoordinator #RC #Robertpiper #UNDPStaff #MeeraLaata...
unic, (2009)
Celebrating UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper congratulating UNDP staff Meera Laata Shakya for receiving an award for 25 Years of dedicated service in UN House during UN Day, 23 October 2009 #ResidentCoordinator #RC #Robertpiper #UNDPStaff #MeeraLaataShakya #...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebrating UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper congratulating UNFPA staff Deepak Kumar Thapa for receiving 25 years of dedicated service award through Honorable Deputy Prime Minister, Sujata Koirala during UN day in UN house on 23th October 2009 #ResidentCoord...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day - 2009 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren greeting a former Chief of Army Staff of the Nepali Army Chata Man Singh Gurung during UN day in UN house on 23th October 2009 #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #KareenLandgren #Chat...
unic, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day - 2009 UN agency staff exhibiting about ILO among visitors and guest in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #UNStaffs #UN #ILO #Exhibition #Stalls #UNDay #UNHouse #October #2009 #Event #Program #Photo #UNIC...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 A former Chief of Army Staff of the Nepali Army Chata Man Singh Gurung being welcomed by UN head of agencies in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #ChiefofArmyStaff #ChataManSighGurung #UNDay #UNHouse #2009 #October #Event #Greeting #Welc...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day- 2009 All the event participants watching a video in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #Participants #Screening #UNHouse #UNDay #2009 #October #Event #Program #UNIC...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Deputy Prime Ministe Sujata Koirala being welcomed by Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #DeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #HeadofUNMIN #Kareen Landgren #Greeting #Welcoming...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala and Resident Coordinator Robert Piper interacting during UN day program in UN house on 23th October 2009 #DeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #ResidentCoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #Interacting #Communicating #U...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren, Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala and Resident Coordinator Robert Piper attending UN day program in UN house on 23th October 2009 #HeadoftheUNMIN #Kareen Landgren #DeputyPrimeMinister...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal, Kareen Landgren addressing UN Day Program in UN house on 23th October 2009 #LeftHeadoftheUNMIN #Kareen Landgren #LeftResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #LeftDeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #Event #...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala addressing UN day in UN house on 23th October 2009 #DeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #LeftHeadoftheUNMIN #KareenLandgren #LeftResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #Event #UNDay #UNHouse #2009 #Octob...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala being welcomed by Head of UN agency in UN House during UN day on 23th October 2009 #DeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #UNAgency #UNHead #UN #Stine Heiselberg #Greeting #Welcoming #UNDay #UNHouse #200...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala being welcomed by Resident Coordinator Robert Piper in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #DeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #ResidentCoordinator #RC #Greeting #Welcoming #UNDay #UNHouse #20...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Honorable Head of the Publicity Department of CPN(UML) Raghuji Pant being welcomed by Resident Coordinator Robert Piper in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #UN #RaghujiPant #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #UNHouse #UNDay #2009 #Oc...
unic, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day- 2009 National Information Officer Ram Babu Shah addressing UN day in UN house on 23th October 2009 #ResidentCoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #DeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #Event #UNDay #UNHouse #2009 #October #UNIC...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper congratulating UNDP staff Jiban Nepali for receiving 25 years of dedicated service award through Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala during UN day in UN house on 23th October 2009 #ResidentCoordinator #...
unic, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper, UNDP Staff Meera Laata Shakya, Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala posing for the camera in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #UN #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #UNDPStaff #MeeraLaata #DeputyPri...
unic, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator, Robert Piper addressing UN day in UN house on 23th October 2009 #ResidentCoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #LeftHeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #Kareen Landgren #Event #UNDay #UNHouse #2009 #October #UNIC...
unic, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 UN agency staffs advertising about UNHCR by installing an exhibition booth in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #UNStaff #UNHCR #ExhibitionBooth #UNHouse #UNDay #2009 #October #Event #Program #UNIC...
unic, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 UN head of agencies interacting with each other in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #UNHead #UNStaff #UN #UNHouse #UNDay #2009 #October #ExhibitionBooth #Event #Program #UNIC...
unic, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 UNFPA Staff Deepak Kumar Thapa clicking photo after being awarded for 25 years of dedicated service in UNFPA in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #UNFPAStaff #DeepakKumarThapa #UNHouse #UNDay #Program #Event #Standing #2009 #October #UNI...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration UN Day 2009 Chief of Army Staff of the Nepali Army Chhatra Man Singh Gurung being welcomed by Resident coordinator Robert Piper in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #ChiefofArmyStaff #ChhatraManSinghGurung #ResidentCoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #Gree...
unic, (2009)
Celebration UN Day- 2009 UN agency staff exhibiting about UN AIDS in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #UNStaff #UNAgency #UNAIDS #UNHouse #UNDay #2009 #October #UNIC ...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration UN Day- 2009 UN agency staff of OCHA posing for the photo in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #UNStaff #UNAgency #OCHA #UNHouse #UNDay #2009 #October #UNIC ...
unic, (2009)
UN DAY 2014 Dramatist Performing in UN day at Jawalakhel Ground on 30th October 2014 #UN #Peacekeeping #UNDay #Jawalakhel #Performance #October #2014 #UNIC...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Dramatist Performing in UN Day at Jawalakhel Ground on 30th October 2014 #UN #UNDay #Jawalakhel #Perfomance #October #2014 #UNIC...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Dramatist Performing in UN Day at Jawalakhel Ground on 30th October 2014 #UN #UNPeaceKeeping #UNDay #Jawalakhel #Perfomance #October #2014...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Dramatist Performing Peacekeeping in UN Day at Jawalakhel Ground on 30th October 2014 #UN #Peacekeeping #UNDay #Jawalakhel #Performance #October #2014 #UNIC...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Peacekeeping Dramatist Performing in UN Day at Jawalakhel Ground on 30th October 2014 #UN #Peacekeeping #UNDay #Jawalakhel #Performance #October #2014 #UNIC...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Students Collecting a Distributed Book and Publications From UN Agencies Booth in UN Day at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur on 30th October 2014 #UN #UNDay #Jawalakhel #October #2014 #UNIC #October ...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 UN Day visitors visiting and strolling around UN agencies booth in UN day at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur on 30th October 2014 #UN #UNDay #Jawalakhel #October #2014 #UNIC #October ...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 UN Staff of FAO Mala Lakhe clicking a picture with poster of Secretary General Ban ki-Moon in UN day at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur on 30th October 2014 #UN #UNDay #Jawalakhel #October #2014 #UNIC #October ...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2008 Former president of the All Nepal Women's Association Hilisa Yami Communicating with UN staffs in UN House during UN Day on 24 October 2008 #UN #Former #President #AllNepalWomensAssociation #HilisaYami #Interacting #Communicating #Speaking #Standi...
UNIC, (2008)
UN DAY 2008 Honorable Health Minister Upendra Yadav delivering a Speech in UN Day at UN house on the date of 24 October 2008. #UN #HealthMinister #UpendraYadav #RamBabuShah #Speech #UNDay #UNHouse #Event #2008 #October ...
UNIC, (2008)
UN DAY 2014 Youth of the United Nation Youth Society Association Nepal (UNYSAN) Getting Ready for Blood Donation Program at Jawalakhel in UN Day on the date of 30 October 2014. #UN #UNYSAN #Youth #BloodDonation #Event #Jawalakhel #UNDay #2014 #October ...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Dramatist Performing UN Peace Keeping Forces in UN Day at Jawalakhel Ground #UN #UNPeaceKeeping #UNDay #Jawalakhel #Perfomance #October #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Resident Coordinator Jamie Mcgoldrick along with Honorable Speaker of the Parliament Onsari Gharti Magar Formal Finance Minister Barsaman Pun and UNICEF Representative Tomoo Hozumi glancing a program at Jawalakhel Ground in UN Day on the date of 30 O...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Resident Coordinator Jamie MCGOLDRICK and the Formal Finance Minister Barsaman Pun greeting each other at Jawakhel Ground during the Event of UN Day on 30 October 2014. #UN #ResidentCoordinator #RC #JamieMcGoldRick #Formal #FinanceMinister #Barsa...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Resident Coordinator Jamie McGoldRick delivering a speech in UN Day at Jawalakhel ground on the date of 30 October 2014. #UN #ResidentCoordinator #RC #JamieMcGoldRick #Sharing #Delivering #Speech #Jawalakhel #UNDay #October #2014...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 UN Agency staffs exhibiting about UNESCO by distributing books, pamphlets at Jawakhel Ground in UN Day on the date of 20 October 2014. #UN #UNESCO #Staffs #Demonstration #Exhibition #Books #Publication #Pamplets #UNDay #Jawalakhel #October #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 UN Staff and Volunteers getting face ink of UN Logo at Jawalakhel Ground in UN Day on the date of 30 October 2014. #UN #UNStaffs #Volunteers #Face #Paint #Ink #UNLogo #UNDay #Jawalakhel #October #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Stand-up at Open Theater Audiences Observing Stand up open theater program at Tundikhel, Kathmandu #Audiences #Kathmandu #UNIC #Photo #October #2009...
UNIC, (2009)
Stand-up at Open Theater Constituent Assembly Members in Stand up open theater at Tundikhel, Kathmandu #ConstituentAssembly #Members #UNIC #Photo #October #2009...
UNIC, (2009)
Stand-up at Open Theater Constituent Assembly Members in Stand up open theater at Tundikhel, Kathmandu #ConstituentAssembly #Members #UNIC #Photo #October #2009...
UNIC, (2009)
Stand-up at Open Theater Participants Enjoying Stand up open theater program at Tundikhel, Kathmandu #Audiences #Kathmandu #UNIC #Photo #October #2009...
UNIC, (2009)
Stand-up at Open Theater Performers performing in Stand up open theater at Tundikhel, Kathmandu #Performers #Members #UNIC #Photo #October #2009...
UNIC, (2009)
Stand-up at Open Theater Performers performing in Stand up open theater at Tundikhel, Kathmandu #Performers #Members #UNIC #Photo #October #2009...
UNIC, (2009)
Stand-up at Open Theater Release of Ballons in Stand up open theater at Tundikhel, Kathmandu #Performers #Members #UNIC #Photo #October #2009...
UNIC, (2009)
Stand-up at Open Theater Resident coordinator, Robert Piper and Constituent Assembly Members in Stand up open theater at Tundikhel, Kathmandu #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #Members #UNIC #Photo #October #2009...
UNIC, (2009)
Street Drama at Bhaktapur on the Occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (18 October) Audiences Watching Street Drama during International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at Bhaktapur Durbar Square #UNIC #Photo #2008 #StreetDrama #Bhaktapur #October...
UNIC, (2008)
Street Drama at Bhaktapur on the Occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (18 October) Performer Performing Street Drama during International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at Bhaktapur Durbar Square #UNIC #Photo #2008 #StreetDrama #Bhaktapur #October...
UNIC, (2008)
Street Drama at Bhaktapur on the Occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (18 October) Performer Performing Street Drama during International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at Bhaktapur Durbar Square #UNIC #Photo #2008 #StreetDrama #Bhaktapur #October...
UNIC, (2008)
Street Drama at Bhaktapur on the Occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (18 October) Performer Performing Street Drama during International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at Bhaktapur Durbar Square #UNIC #Photo #2008 #StreetDrama #Bhaktapur #October...
UNIC, (2008)
Street Drama at Bhaktapur on the Occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (18 October) Performer Performing Street Drama during International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at Bhaktapur Durbar Square #UNIC #Photo #2008 #StreetDrama #Bhaktapur #October...
UNIC, (2008)
Street Drama at Bhaktapur on the Occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (18 October) Performer Performing Street Drama during International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at Bhaktapur Durbar Square #UNIC #Photo #2008 #StreetDrama #Bhaktapur #October...
UNIC, (2008)
Street Drama at Bhaktapur on the Occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (18 October) Performer Performing Street Drama during International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at Bhaktapur Durbar Square #UNIC #Photo #2008 #StreetDrama #Bhaktapur #October...
UNIC, (2008)
Street Drama at Bhaktapur on the Occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (18 October) Performer Performing Street Drama during International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at Bhaktapur Durbar Square #UNIC #Photo #2008 #StreetDrama #Bhaktapur #October...
UNIC, (2008)
Street Drama at Bhaktapur on the Occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (18 October) Performer Performing Street Drama during International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at Bhaktapur Durbar Square #UNIC #Photo #2008 #StreetDrama #Bhaktapur #October...
UNIC, (2008)
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (National Debate) Audience Glancing Debate program during National Debate poverty youth and unemployment program on the occasion of International Day for the eradication of poverty #UNIC #Photo #2008 #Debate #October ...
UNIC, (2008)
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (National Debate) Debater Delivering an arguments during National Debate poverty youth and unemployment program on the occasion of International Day for the eradication of poverty #UNIC #Photo #2008 #Debate #October ...
UNIC, (2008)
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (National Drama) Judges listening to debaters arguments during National debate poverty youth and unemployment on the occasion of International day for the eradication of Poverty #UNIC #Photo #2008 #Debate #October...
UNIC, (2008)
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Audience glancing street drama during International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at Patan Durbar Square, Lalitpur #UNIC #Photo #2008 #StreetDrama #Lalitpur #October ...
UNIC, (2008)
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Performer Performing Street Drama During International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at Patan Durbar Square, Lalitpur #UNIC #Photo #2008 #StreetDrama #Lalitpur #October ...
UNIC, (2008)
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Performer Performing Street Drama During International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at Patan Durbar Square, Lalitpur #UNIC #Photo #2008 #StreetDrama #Lalitpur #October ...
UNIC, (2008)
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Performer Performing Street Drama During International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at Patan Durbar Square, Lalitpur #UNIC #Photo #2008 #StreetDrama #Lalitpur #October ...
UNIC, (2008)