OCHA Nepal Situation Report 5 Floods and Landslides
Meanwhile in Bardiya district, some disaster affected population carried out protests complaining that relief assistance was not reaching them. Loss of crops certainly is an issue that may need further careful assessment, to determine the mid-term fo... UNOCHA, (2006)
Celebration UN Day- 2009
UN agency staff of OCHA posing for the photo in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009
#UNStaff #UNAgency #OCHA #UNHouse #UNDay #2009 #October #UNIC
... unic, (2009)
OCHA Experience sharing for Earthquake of Haiti
National Information Officer Ram Babu Shah, Head of OCHA, Ms. Wendy Cue and OCHA Office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs (OCHA) Personnel in press conference, sharing an experience of earthquake of Haiti
#OCHA #PressConference #UNIC ... UNIC, (2010)
OCHA Experience sharing for Earthquake of Haiti
OCHA Personnel (Office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs) in press conference sharing experience of earthquake of Haiti
#OCHA #PressConference #UNIC #Photo #2010 #July... UNIC, (2010)