Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Bachelor student of Pentagon International College, filling the "Thank You Card' during the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #OutreachProgramme #NepalArmy #Penta... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Bachelor students of Pentagon International College, attending the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #OutreachProgramme #NepalArmy #PentagonInternationalCollege... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Bachelor students of Pentagon International College, attending the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #OutreachProgramme #NepalArmy #PentagonInternationalCollege... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Bachelor students of Pentagon International College, attending the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #OutreachProgramme #NepalArmy #PentagonInternationalCollege... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Bachelor students of Pentagon International College, attending the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #OutreachProgramme #NepalArmy #PentagonInternationalCollege... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Bachelor students of Pentagon International College, attending the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #OutreachProgramme #NepalArmy #PentagonInternationalCollege... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Bachelor students of Pentagon International College, attending the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #OutreachProgramme #NepalArmy #PentagonInternationalCollege... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Bachelor students of Pentagon International College, attending the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #OutreachProgramme #NepalArmy #PentagonInternationalCollege... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Bachelor students of Pentagon International College, attending the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #OutreachProgramme #NepalArmy #PentagonInternationalCollege... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Bachelor students of Pentagon International College, attending the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #OutreachProgramme #NepalArmy #PentagonInternationalCollege... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Bachelor students of Pentagon International College, filling the "Thank You Cards' during the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #OutreachProgramme #NepalArmy #Pen... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Bachelor students of Pentagon International College, strike a pose along with their teachers and Ram Babu Shah and Rajendra Man Banepali from UNIC during the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019 front of the college b... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Bachelor students of Pentagon International College, strike a pose along with their teachers and Ram Babu Shah and Rajendra Man Banepali from UNIC during the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019 front of the college b... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Lt. Col Bhumibhakta Baral giving a presentation to the bachelor students of Pentagon International College, during the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #Outreach... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Lt. Col Bhumibhakta Baral giving a presentation to the bachelor students of Pentagon International College, during the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #Outreach... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Ram Babu Shah giving a presentation to the bachelor students of Pentagon International College, during the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #OutreachProgramme #N... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Ram Babu Shah giving a presentation to the bachelor students of Pentagon International College, during the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #OutreachProgramme #N... UNIC, (2019)
Outreach Programme: Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019
Bachelor students of Pentagon International College, attending the outreach programme theme based on Service And Sacrifice Campaign 2019.
#ServiceandSacrificeCampaign2019 #Peacekeepers #OutreachProgramme #NepalArmy #PentagonInternationalCollege... UNIC, (2019)
Hon'ble Mr. Giriraj Mani Pokharel, Minister of Health and Foreign Affairs
at the Program of International Day of Peace and
unveiling of the Nepali UN Peacekeepers' Memorial Plaque in the UN House
at 10 am on 20th September 2017
This document includes Statement by Hon'ble Mr. Giriraj Mani Pokharel, Minister of Health and Foreign Affairs at the Program of International Day of Peace and
unveiling of the Nepali UN Peacekeepers' Memorial Plaque. This year's global theme of the ... UNIC, (2017)
Jean-Pierre Lacroix USG visit Nepal 2018
Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Unites Nations Under Secretary General DPKO, clicking pictures with Nepal Army in Nepal Army Headquarter on 26th of June 2018.
#JeanLacroix #NepalArmy #DPKO #USG #Photo #2018... UNIC, (2018)
Jean-Pierre Lacroix USG visit Nepal 2018
Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Unites Nations Under Secretary General DPKO, giving speech to Nepal Army in Nepal Army camp Patan on 26th of June 2018.
#JeanLacroix #NepalArmy #DPKO #USG #Photo #2018... UNIC, (2018)
संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय
मानवअधिकार उच्चायुक्तको
कार्यालय, नेपाल
प्रेस विज्ञप्ति, २०६६ असार २२, सोमबार
असार २२ गते, उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय-नेपालका प्रमुख रिचार्ड बेनेटले रक्षामंत्री विद्या भण्डारीलाइ भेटी उपरथी तोरणजंगबहादुर सिंहलाइ रथीमा बढुवा गर्न सिफारिस गरिएकोमा चिन्ता व्यक्त गर्नु भयो।
उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय विभिन्न संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय शान्ति स्थ... UNOHCHR, (2009)