United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 1 (as of 14 August 2017) The National Emergency Operations Centre has reported that 66 people are known to have died, 35 people remain missing and 35 have been injured.The full extent of the disaster is not yet known. Many affected areas remain inaccessible dueto damaged roa...
UNRC, (2017)
NEPAL COMMUNITYFEEDBACK REPORT Issue: Food Security and Livelihoods Across 14 districts, 81 percent of respondents stated that their family’s daily food needs are being met. This is a signi cant improvement over the last round of the Food Security and Livelihood survey (July 2016), in which only 54 percent of respon...
UN, (2017)
Needs Assessment, Costing and Financing Strategy for Sustainable Development Goals SDGs have emerged as a globally agreed common development framework for the planet, people, and their prosperity. They are built on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and cover a wider range of rights-based sustainable development issues. The ambiti...
Gov, (2018)
FINAL REPORT: UNFPA Nepal Emergency Response Evaluation A Joint Initiative of UNFPA and the Columbia University School for International and Public Affairs Columbia University New York, NY May 2009 Nepal is simultaneously a developing country, a country in transition, and a country in humanitarian crisis. The fact that Nepal is vulnerable to natural disasters only further compounds the country’s challenge for social, economic, and political dev...
UNFPA, (2009)