United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
NAZIYA about 23 results (0.0054 in miliseconds)  
China recovery aid for flood-affected households in the Terai [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eVYxkMPsSs [Abstract]- UNDP, with funding support from the Government of the People’s Republic of China, has provided recovery support to over 31,800 families affected by the 2017 floods over the last...
UNDP, (2018)
Power to the people Syaurebhumi Grid Connection [Youtube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ydVUOC0Wt8&t=89s [Abstract] - The recent interconnection of the 23kW Syaurebhumi micro-hydro plant to the national grid has raised hopes for the sustainability of small scale hydropower projects in Ne...
UNDP, (2018)
Solar to the rescue Powering snakebite treatment centres [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtrcSq8GwHQ&t=97s [Abstract] - In Nepal, an average of 20,000 cases of snakebite are reported annually, out of which 100 deaths are owing to attacks from venomous species. However, since many snakebite...
UNDP, (2018)
Ecosystem based adaptation - A case from Panchase [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y3049tDiU4 [Abstract] - In 2014 (2070) heavy rainfall during the monsoon season resulted in a massive landslide in Saunepani. The landslide caused massive destruction to the farm of local resident Bir...
UNDP, (2018)
Launching Second Version of UN Digital Library in Nepal 2018 Ms. Naziya Samad, UNIC Intern, Posing for the Photo with the SDG Board during Launching Second Version of UN Digital Library in Tribhuvan University Central Library on 25th of September 2018. #NaziyaSamad #Photo #UNIC #2018 #September #UNDRN #SDGB...
UNIC, (2018)
Nepal Monsoon Weekly Update (as of 21 July 2018) This year monsoon has started since of June. As per Ministry of Home Affairs, continuous rainfall throughout the country since 01 July 2018 has impacted life, livelihood and infrastructure in few places. This map shows the status of death, missing, i...
UN, (2018)
Nepal Monsoon Weekly Update (as of 15 July 2018) This year monsoon has started since last week of June. As per Ministry of Home Affairs, continuous rainfall throughout the country since 01 July 2018 has impacted life, livelihood and infrastructure in few places. This map shows the status of death, ...
UN, (2018)
Nepal Monsoon update (as of 12 July 2018) This year monsoon has started since last week of June. As per Ministry of Home Affairs, continuous rainfall throughout the country since 01 July 2018 has impacted life, livelihood and infrastructure in few places. This map shows the status of death, ...
UN, (2018)
Nepal Monsoon Weekly Update (as of 12 August 2018) This year monsoon has started since of June. As per Ministry of Home Affairs, continuous rainfall throughout the country since 01 July 2018 has impacted life, livelihood and infrastructure in few places. This map shows the status of death, missing, i...
UN, (2018)
Nepal Monsoon update (as of 11 July 2018) This year monsoon has started since last week of June. As per Ministry of Home Affairs, continuous rainfall throughout the country since 01 July 2018 has impacted life, livelihood and infrastructure in few places. This map shows the status of death, ...
UN, (2018)
Nepal Monsoon update (as of 10 July 2018) This year monsoon has started since last week of June. As per Ministry of Home Affairs, continuous rainfall throughout the country since 01 July 2018 has impacted life, livelihood and infrastructure in few places. This map shows the status of death, ...
UN, (2018)
Nepal Monsoon Weekly Update (as of 05 August 2018) This year monsoon has started since of June. As per Ministry of Home Affairs, continuous rainfall throughout the country since 01 July 2018 has impacted life, livelihood and infrastructure in few places. This map shows the status of death, missing, i...
UN, (2018)
Condolence Day to Former UN Secretary General Late Mr. Kofi Annan Intern of UNIC, Naziya Samad leaving a message of Condolence in memory of former UN Secretary General,Late Kofi Annan at UNIC(UN), Lalitpur on 28th August 2018 #RIP #Former #UNSecretaryGeneral #KofiAnnan #UNIC #NaziyaSamad #Photo #2018 #August...
UNIC, (2018)
Nepal Monsoon Weekly Update (as of 28 July 2018) This year monsoon has started since of June. As per Ministry of Home Affairs, continuous rainfall throughout the country since 01 July 2018 has impacted life, livelihood and infrastructure in few places. This map shows the status of death, missing, i...
UN, (2018)
WHO Health for All 2018 [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVdjfBhKRmo [Abstract] - Compared to the past, Nepal's health sector now has made meaningful progress. However, health services have not still fully hands to everyone. [Video Quality] - 480p [Video...
WHO, (2018)
WHO voxpop Health worker [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhgTGq3-BpA&t=13s [Abstract] - Several problems prevailing in the sector of health care service delivery. [Video Quality] - 480p [Video Location] - Nepal [Content Rating] - [G] [Duration] - 1:52 ...
WHO, (2018)
Job offer Short film Net 4 Good [Youtube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPmBxoATG5Y [Abstract] - Everything you read or see on the internet is not always true, so please don’t trust it easily. When things go wrong online, don't keep it to yourself. Always consult with a ...
UNICEF, (2018)
WHO voxpop Mensuration Hygiene [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMduT9xcvlw [Abstract] - Menstruation is regarded as a from of untouchability in Nepal. In such context, how have you managed to maintain the menstrual hygiene. [Video Quality] - 480p [Video Locati...
WHO, (2018)
WHO voxpop Pollution [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qkmv_hf222w [Abstract] - The role towards controlling the day to day increasing pollution [Video Quality] - 480p [Video Location] - Nepal [Content Rating] - [G] [Duration] - 1:40 [Timeline] 0:1...
WHO, (2018)
WHO voxpop Senior Citizen [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc-cB0CgoIs [Abstract] - Facilities and services provided to the elderly people in health institutions will ease your treatment procedure. [Video Quality] - 480p [Video Location] - Nepal [Content ...
WHO, (2018)
Early Marriage in Nepal Web Series Third Episode [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvUlbXtpRAc&t=1s [Abstract] - The video is the third episode of our web series on early marriage produced on the occasion of International Day of the Girl Child (October 11, 2017) to highlight the issu...
UNFPA, (2017)
50th Anniversary of Family Planning as a Human Right [Youtube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOLQYF2QhNo [Abstract] - 50 years ago, it became official: Family planning is a human right. Yet today, this right is still under attack: unfpa.org/FP50 Throughout human history, efforts to plan, av...
UNFPA, (2018)
Early Marriage in Nepal Web Series First Episode [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMN_dGH47Jo&t=162s [Abstract] - The video is the first episode of our web series on early marriage produced on the occasion of International Day of the Girl Child (October 11, 2017) to highlight the is...
UNFPA, (2017)