United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Peacekeeper Memorial Celebration- UN Day 2017 Hon'ble Mr. Giriraj Mani Pokharel, Minister of Health and Foreign Affairs in a Moment of Silence for Nepali UN peacekeepers who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty for World Peace in UN House during International Peacekeeping Day on 20 Septemb...
UNIC, (2017)
Peacekeeper Memorial Day- UN Day 2017 Resident Coordinator Valerie Julliand in a moment of silence for Nepali UN peacekeepers who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty for world peace in UN House during International Peacekeeping Day on 20 September 2017. #ValerieJulliand #RC #Ne...
UNIC, (2017)
Moment of Silence (Late Kofi Annan): 2018 UN staffs take a moment of silence in honor of Late Kofi Annan the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations. #LateKofiAnnan #UNstaffs #MomentofSilence #SeventhSecretaryGeneral #UnitedNations #2018...
UNIC, (2018)