Brief on Work in Freedom Programme in Nepal
For many in Nepal, migration is an important alternative to the realities of home. People move long distances in pursuit of jobs for varying reasons ranging from economic aspirations or loss of habitat resulting from processes of economic transformat... ILO, (2016)
Project infosheet - P2P Support for Building Community Resilience through Recovery and Reconstruction in Nepal
This project is promoting people-to-people (P2P) approach, where the citizens of Thailand are helping the citizens of Nepal to reduce risk and build resilience of the vulnerable communities in the eight worse earthquake hit districts. The P2P approac... International Organization for Migration (IOM) Nepal, (2018)
Labour Migration for Employment - A Status Report for Nepal 2013/2014
Over the past decade, Nepal has experienced a surge in out-migration for foreign employment to various destination countries. As more and more Nepali citizens aspire and depart for foreign jobs, regulators and stakeholders face new challenges in mana... ILO, IOM, GoN, (2014)
Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report 2016
016 marked the ten- year anniversary of Nepal’s peace process and the first Constitution Day since the adoption of the charter in September 2015. The last ten years have witnessed some remarkable transformations, including the demobilization of the f... UN, (2016)
Nepal Migration Profile 2019
This Migration Profile, which is a living document owned by the Government of Nepal, was prepared through the government-led, inter-Ministerial Technical Working Group (TWG), in consultation with a broad range of stakeholders and with technical suppo... IOM, (2019)
Migration from Nepal is not a new phenomenon, but it has been on the increase in recent years, with the majority of flows consisting of low-skilled migrants moving to Malaysia or the Middle East for temporary work contracts in such fields as construc... ILO, (2016)
International Organization for Migration Nepal Mission Overview - January 2018
Established in 1951, IOM is the leading inter-governmental organization field of migration and works closely with governmental,intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. With 169 member states,a further 8 states holding observer status and 393 ... IOM, (2018)
Situation Report on International Migration in East and South-East Asia
Migration has long shaped the nature of societies in East and South-East Asia. The latter, in particular, has attracted migrants because of the opportunities it offers and as a safe haven during periods of dynastic and political change in other regio... IOM, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP, UNAIDS, (2008)
Migration Initiatives 2016: Migration Governance And Sustainable Development
On 27 September 2015, the international community agreed on an ambitious agenda comprising 17 goals and 169 targets to reduce poverty and inequality, and achieve social, economic and environmentally sustainable development by the year 2030. An import... IOM, (2015)
Migration of Health Workers from Nepal
There are many factors, both push factors and pull factors that are responsible for the migration of the health workers mostly from the development countries. Nepal experiences inequitable distribution and migration of health workers leading to criti... ILO, European Union, (2017)
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants on his Mission to Nepal
During the mission of Felipe González Morales to Nepal from 29 January to 5 February 2018, the Special Rapporteur met with representatives of the Government, the National Human Rights Commission, the diplomatic community, members of the United Natio... UN, (2018)
Analysis of Labour Market and Migration Trends in Nepal
Large-scale migration from Nepal and the concurrent inflow of remittances has led the government and its development partners to explore opportunities to harness the potential of migration for the overall development of the country. This paper analys... GIZ, ILO, (2015)
Migration and resilience: Experiences from Nepal's 2015 earthquake
In the aftermath of the M 7.8 earthquake that struck central Nepal on 25 April 2015, and its aftershocks, particularly a major one of M 7.33 on 12 May 2015, issues related to the links between migration and disaster-preparedness as well as coping str... Centre for the Study of Labour and Mobility, (2015)
Labour Migration for Employment: A Status Report for Nepal: 2014/2015
Foreign employment is indeed the most significant motivation for international migration from Nepal in the twenty-first century. More than 3.8 million permits to work abroad (excluding India) were issued by the Government during the 1993/94–2014/15 f... Government of Nepal, (2016)
Promoting Informed Policy Dialogue on Migration, Remittance and Development In Nepal
Migration from Nepal is not a new phenomenon, but it has been on the increase in recent years, with the majority of flows consisting of low-skilled migrants moving to Malaysia or the Middle East for temporary work contracts in such fields as construc... ILO, (2016)
अन्तराष्ट्रिय आप्रवासन संगठन नेपाल एक झलक (जनवरी २०१८)
सन् १९५१ मा स्थापना भएको ‘अन्तराष्ट्रिय आप्रवासन संगठन (आइओएम) आप्रवासनको क्षेत्रमा अग्रणी भूममका निर्बाहा गर्ने अन्तराष्ट्रिय संगठन हो र यसले सरकारी, अन्तरसरकारी, तथा गैरसरकारी साझेदारहरुसंग निकट रही कार्य संचालन गर्दछ । एकसय उनन्सत्त्तरी (१६९) सदस्... IOM, (2018)
No Easy Exit: Migration Bans Affecting Women From Nepal
Since large numbers of Nepali women began migrating for domestic work, reports have emerged of hardships experienced abroad, ranging from labour exploitation to physical and sexual abuse. Although some women report positive migration experiences, as ... ILO, (2015)
प्रदेश नं. २ को जनसाङ्ख्यिक स्थिति
ङ्घीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतान्त्रिक नेपालको सातवटा प्रदेशहरु मध्ये प्रदेश नं. २ सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, भौगोलिक, आर्थिक, जनसाङ्ख्यिक लगायतका दृष्टिकोणले विशिष्ट विशेषतायुक्त रहेको छ । यही तथ्यलाई प्रदेशको नीति तथा योजना आयोगले समग्र रुपान्तरणको मार्ग चित्र क... UNFPA, (2020)
The International Organization For Migration Mission In Nepal: FEBRUARY 2016 INFO-SHEET
Nepal became an International Organization for Migration (IOM) member state in 2006. In 2007, the Government of Nepal (GoN) and the IOM signed a memorandum of understanding to encourage cooperation and the delivery of services to Nepal,which is a cou... IOM, (2016)
Labour market trends analysis and labour migration from South Asia to Gulf Cooperation Council countries, India and Malaysia
This labour market trends analysis was conducted to better understand the characteristics and dynamics of the labour migration process in the countries to where they are bound. Such insight is
intended to lead to better protection of migrants and to... GIZ, ILO, (2015)
Migration of Working Children in Nepal
This report focuses on the study of “Migration of Working Children” in Nepal with nationally representative sample based on Migration and Employment Survey, 1996 carried out by the Central Department of Population Studies (CDPS), Tribhuvan University... ILO, (1997)
Nepal: Labour Migration Should be a Choice
[Source URL]-
[Abstract]- Every year, thousands of young women from Nepal leave their country to work abroad. But many who make the decision don't have the basic skills needed for their new jobs over... ILO, (2017)
Passage to India: Migration as a Coping Strategy in Times of Crisis in Nepal
Passage to India is a joint collaboration between WFP and NDRI to better understand the phenomenon of migration in Nepal; particularly as it relates to poor communities as a key coping mechanism during times of hardship.
#Migration #PassageToIndia... WFP, (2008)
International Youth Day
In today’s increasingly globalized and interconnected world in which more people migrate,young migrants have become powerful agents of positive change and development. In Nepal,overseas migration from all parts of the country has been rising steadily... UN, (2013)
Addressing Rural Youth Migration at its Root Causes: A Conceptual Framework
Distress migration is particularly acute among rural youth. Agriculture and rural development are central to the rate of rural out-migration to urban areas. The agricultural sector needs to engage youth in order to increase global food production. In... FAO, (2016)
Passage to India: Migration as a Coping Strategy in Times of Crisis in Nepal
Passage to India is a joint collaboration between WFP and NDRI to better understand the phenomenon of migration in Nepal; particularly as it relates to poor communities as a key coping mechanism during times of hardship.
#Migration #WFP #NDRI #Cop... WFP, (2008)