United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
MATERNALMORTALITY about 4 results (0.0135 in miliseconds)  
A report of the Conference on Advocating Universal Access to Reproductive Health Services and Commodity Security 28-30 Less than seven years from 2015,significant changes remain to meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The countries of South Asia are likely to meet MDG5 : "Improve maternal Health",which includes reducing maternal mortality. The maternal mo...
UNFPA, (2009)
Addressing the Attitudes of Service Providers: Increasing Access to Professional Midwifery Care in Nepal Increasing access to professional care during labour and delivery is the central strategy in Nepal’s commitment to reducing its maternal mortality ratio. This paper outlines a number of complementary interventions used by the Nepal Safer Motherhood P...
UNICEF, (2008)
Post Training Follow- up for Skilled Birth Attendants: Review of Implementation Experiences -September 2009 In 2006 the Government of Nepal (GoN) approved the National Policy on Skilled Birth Attendants, in line with intern ational recognition of the critical role of the Skilled Birth Attendant (SBA) in reducing maternal mortality. This policy used the ...
UNFPA, (2009)
National in-Service Training Strategy for Skilled Birth Attendants 2006 –2012 The maternal mortality ratio in Nepal is among the highest in South Asia, at 539 per 100,000 live births. Neonatal deaths are also unacceptably high. Global evidence shows that a large proportion of these deaths can be averted through the implementat...
SBA/UNFPA, (2007)