United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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International Day of Peace School Students on Rally during International Day of Peace at BhirkutiMandap, Kathmandu #UNIC #UN #Photo #2008 #September #Mass #InternationalPeaceDay ...
UNIC, (2008)
Arbour Says Harrassment and Secrecy Laws Undermine Press Freedom - Statement to mark World Press Freedom Day (3 May). UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour marked World Press Freedom Day, which falls on 3 May, by underscoring the importance of the media’s efforts to carry out their vital task of informing the public about key events and policies – a r...
OHCHR, (2008)
Commemoration in the memory of the Holocaust #HolocaustRemembranceDay #2019 #KathmanduDurbarSquare #MassGatheredToKnowAboutHolocaust #UnitedNation #EuropeanUnion #GermanEmbassy #IsraelEmbassy #JapanEmbassy ...
UNIC, (2019)
Celebrating UN Day 2012 UN Staffs, Visitors and Guests Having a Tea and Visiting Exhibition Booth in UN House during the Celebration of UN Day on 2 November 2012. #UN #UNDay #UNHouse #Mass #Group #Exhibition #Booth #Photo #2012 #NOVEMBER...
UNIC, (2008)
International Day of Peace School Students on Rally during International Day of Peace at BhirkutiMandap, Kathmandu on 21st September 2008 #UNIC #UN #Photo #2008 #September #Mass #Students #InternationalPeaceDay...
UNIC, (2008)
International Day of Peace School Students on Rally during International Day of Peace at BhirkutiMandap, Kathmandu on 21st September 2008 #UNIC #UN #Photo #2008 #September #Mass #Students #InternationalPeaceDay...
UNIC, (2008)
International Day of Peace School Students on Rally during International Day of Peace at BhirkutiMandap, Kathmandu #UNIC #UN #Photo #2008 #September #Mass #InternationalPeaceDay...
UNIC, (2008)