United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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16 Days Of Activism 2019 Ms.Supriya Sthapit an intern of UN Information Center providing orientation about Gender Based Violence to the students of Champa Devi School, Taudaha in the occasion of 16 Days of Activism. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is a...
UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 The Educational Outreach for the 16 Days of Activism took place at Champadevi School, Tadaha, Lalitpur there were 56 students including some personals and staffs of the school and 4 UNIC, Nepal members were present. The 16 Days of Activism against Ge...
UNIC, (2019)
SRHR Activist - UNFPA Aasha Pandit a Peer facilatator during session at Paroha MP (Basantpatti) Rautahat. #ICPD #ICPD25 #ReproductiveRights, #FamilyPlanning #UnfinishedBusiness #UnmetNeedForFamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealthServices #FemaleCommunityHealthVolunteer #FCHVs...
UNFPA, (2019)
SRHR Activist- UNFPA Ashna Pandit a Peer Educator during session at Paroha MP(Basantpatti) at Rautahat #ICPD #ICPD25 #ReproductiveRights, #FamilyPlanning #UnfinishedBusiness #UnmetNeedForFamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealthServices #FemaleCommunityHealthVolunteer #FCHVs ...
A Nepali SRHR advocate born with HIV Mala Neupane of Nepal has been an HIV positive since birth. She advocates for integration of HIV services with sexual and reproductive health and also promotes comprehensive sexuality education in whatever manner she can. In this video, she talks abo...
UNFPA, (2019)
Adolescent pregnancy Many girls are waiting to claim their power and fulfil their potential. Let’s help them exercise their rights and realize their aspirations. Let’s invest in their health, education, skills and leadership. This video on adolescent pregnancy and the im...
UNFPA, (2019)
What do we march for? Voices from Nepal telling what they march for the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, where 179 governments, including Nepal, adopted a landmark...
UNFPA, (2019)
Tathali health post A baby receives a fractional dose of inactivated polio vaccine , or "IPV" as part of Nepal's routine immunization program. Tathali health post, Bhaktapur, Nepal. August 2019. #UN #WHO #SDG's #17SDG #GoodHealthAndWellBeing #Goal3 #LeaveNoOneBehind...
WHO, Searo, (2019)
16 Days Of Activism 2019 A student filling the survey form during a session on GBV at Genuine School, Bhaktapur on occasion of 16 Days of Activism. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the...
UNIC, (2019)