Nutritional Impact of the Child Grant - An Evidence from Karnali Zone, Nepal
Nepal has achieved significant progress in poverty reduction since 2004, the nutritional status of children remains as a major concern (World Bank 2014). According to the Nepal Demographic and Health Survey in 2011 (NDHS), 29 per cent of children und... UNICEF, (2014)
संयुक्त प्रेस विज्ञप्ति
आइतबार, १७ असोज २०६७
आर्थिक, सामाजिक तथा संस्कृतिक अधिकार अनुगमनक लागि कर्णालीक नागरिक समाजले संजाल गठन गर्ने
राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार आयोग जुम्ला उपक्षेत्रीय कार्यालय तथा संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय मानवअधिकार उच्चायुक्तको नेपालगन्ज कार्यालय (ओएचसीएचआर ) द्वारा आयोजित आर्थिक, सामाजिक तथा संस्कृतिक अधिकार अनगमन सम्बन्धी कार्यशालामा सहभागी कर्णाली तथा मध्य पश्चिमान्चल क... UNOHCHR, NHRC, (2010)
Karnali Drought Response Standard Project Report 2016 - World Food Programme in Nepal, State of (NP)
Geography plays a critical role in determining the degree of food insecurity in Nepal.Nepal was ranked as ‘serious' on the 2015 Global Hunger Index. The remote and mountainous Mugu and Jumla districts of Karnali are particularly vulnerable, with lim... WFP, (2016)
EU-UNFPA GBV project in Province 2 and Karnali In the COVID-19 Context in Nepal
The Delegation of the European Union to Nepal and UNFPA, in coordination with the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizen and relevant provincial and local authorities, launched a two-year project to tackle gender-based violence (GBV) in Provi... UNFPA, EU, (2020)
Harmful practices can be defined as persistent behaviours that discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, age, caste/ethnicity, language, religion, amongst others. They leave women and people from excluded groups at risk of violence, poorer physical a... UNFPA, (2020)
Every year, people across Nepal are subjected to violence, poor health outcomes, and death as a result of harmful practices. These practices stem from deeply embedded patriarchal norms and unequal power relations and are a significant barrier to the ... UNFPA, (2020)