United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Celebrating UN Day 2010 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren addressing UN day in UN house on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #NationalInformationOfficer #RamBabuShah #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMission #KareenLandgren #PrimeMinist...
unic, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren in conversation with Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sujata Koirala in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal #Kareen...
unic, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren, Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sujata Koirala, Honorable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal and Resident Coordinator Robert Piper communicating in UN house during UN day...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal, Kareen Landgren Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Sujata Koirala, Honorable Prime Minister, Madav Kumar Nepal and Resident Coordinator, Robert Piper interacting in UN House During UN Da...
unic, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Head of UN Agencies greeting the Honorable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #UNAgencies #HonorablePrimeMinister #MadavKumarNepal #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #KareenLandgren #UNDay #UNHouse #Gr...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Hororable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal being welcomed by Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #HonorablePrimeMinister #MadavKumarNepal #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #K...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper addressing UN day in UN house on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #NationalInformationOfficer #RamBabuShah #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #KareenLandgren #PrimeMinister #MadavKumarNepal...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper, Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren and Other UN Head of agencies clicking a photo in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMis...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebration of UN Day - 2009 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren greeting a former Chief of Army Staff of the Nepali Army Chata Man Singh Gurung during UN day in UN house on 23th October 2009 #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #KareenLandgren #Chat...
unic, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Deputy Prime Ministe Sujata Koirala being welcomed by Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #DeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #HeadofUNMIN #Kareen Landgren #Greeting #Welcoming...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren, Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala and Resident Coordinator Robert Piper attending UN day program in UN house on 23th October 2009 #HeadoftheUNMIN #Kareen Landgren #DeputyPrimeMinister...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal, Kareen Landgren addressing UN Day Program in UN house on 23th October 2009 #LeftHeadoftheUNMIN #Kareen Landgren #LeftResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #LeftDeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #Event #...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala addressing UN day in UN house on 23th October 2009 #DeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #LeftHeadoftheUNMIN #KareenLandgren #LeftResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #Event #UNDay #UNHouse #2009 #Octob...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator, Robert Piper addressing UN day in UN house on 23th October 2009 #ResidentCoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #LeftHeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #Kareen Landgren #Event #UNDay #UNHouse #2009 #October #UNIC...
unic, (2009)
UN Security General Ban Ki Moon in Nepal 2008 Mr. Ban Ki Moon, United Nations Security General, doing conversation with staff of United Nations. Mr. Robert piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal Mr. IAN Martin, special Representative of the UN Ms. Kareen Landgren, #Bankimoon #Robertpipe...
UNIC, (2008)
UN Security General Ban Ki Moon in Nepal 2008 Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, United Nations Security General, doing conversation with staff of United Nations. Mr. Robert piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal Mr. IAN Martin, special Representative of the UN Ms. Kareen Landgren, #Bankimoon #Robertpipe...
UNIC, (2008)
UN Security General Ban Ki Moon in Nepal 2008 Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, United Nations Security General, doing conversation with staff of United Nations. Mr. Robert piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal Mr. IAN Martin, special Representative of the UN Ms. Kareen Landgren, #Bankimoon #Robertpipe...
UNIC, (2008)
UN Security General Ban Ki-Moon in Nepal 2008 Mr. Ban Ki Moon, United Nations Security General, doing conversation with staff of United Nations. Mr. Robert piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal Mr. IAN Martin, special Representative of the UN Ms. Kareen Landgren, #Bankimoon #Robertpipe...
UNIC, (2008)