United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
JOURNALIST about 62 results (0.0076 in miliseconds)  
UNCTAD Report Launch 2017 Journalist and photo journalist are taking pictures and videos in the event report launch of United Nations Conference on Trade And Development(UNCTAD) in Hotel Himalayan. #UNCTAD #HotelHimalayan #November #2017 #UNIC #Photo #ReportLaunch #journal...
UNIC, (2017)
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Report Launch 2016 UN Staff and Journalist are attending the event of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Report Launch 2016 in Hotel Himalaya. #Journalist #UNStaff #UNIC #2016 #Photo #ReportLaunch #UNCATD...
UNIC, (2016)
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Report Launch 2016 UN Staff and Journalist are attending the event of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Report Launch 2016 in Hotel Himalaya. #UNStaff #Journalist #UNIC #2016 #Photo #ReportLaunch #UNCATD...
UNIC, (2016)
Remarks by Frederick Rawski, Head of OHCHR Eastern Regional Office at Human Rights and Peace Rally, Biratnagar 10 October 2007 This bulletin includes the remarks by Frederick Rawski, the head of the Eastern Regional Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights regarding the Jana Andolan and support for the peaceful protest movement and the work of human ri...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2012 Dr. Basudeb Guha Khasnobis, Economic Specialist UNDP, giving speech in event launching of Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2012. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, Dr. Yuba Raj Khatiwada, Governor Nepal Rastra Ba...
UNIC, (2012)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Right Hon'ble Prime Minister, addressing the event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, Ms. Maragareta Wahlst...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 UN Staff, UN Guests and Journalist are attending event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. #UNStaff #UNGuests #Journalist #Event #UNIC #2009 #Photo #DisasterReduction ...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 UN Staff, UN Guests and Journalist are attending event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. #UNStaff #UNGuests #Journalist #Event #UNIC #2009 #Photo #DisasterReduction ...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 UN Staff, UN Guests and Journalist are attending event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. #UNStaff #UNGuests #Journalist #Event #UNIC #2009 #Photo #DisasterReduction ...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 UN Staff, UN Guests and Journalist are standing for give respect to national anthem in event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. #UNStaff #UNGuests #Journalist #Event #UNIC #2009 #Phot...
UNIC, (2009)
Office on Drugs and Crime 2016 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Officer Of United Nations Information Centre, addressing the event of the report launching of Office on Drugs and Crime 2016 in the UN house. #RamBabuShah #UNIC #2016 #ReportLaunch #Journalist #UNStaff...
UNIC, (2016)
Office on Drugs and Crime 2016 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Officer Of United Nations Information Centre, addressing the event of the report launching of Office on Drugs and Crime 2016 in the UN house. #RamBabuShah #UNIC #2016 #ReportLaunch #Journalist #UNStaff...
UNIC, (2016)
Office on Drugs and Crime 2016 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Officer Of United Nations Information Centre, addressing the event of the report launching of Office on Drugs and Crime 2016 in the UN house. #RamBabuShah #UNIC #2016 #ReportLaunch #Journalist #UNStaff...
UNIC, (2016)
Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment for Nepal 2010 Journalist are attending Launching Report Programme in Event of Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment for Nepal 2010 in National Planning Commission, Singha Durbar Agust 24 2011. #Journalist #UNStaff #ReportLaunch #UNIC #2011 #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment for Nepal 2010 UN Staff and Journalist are attending Launching Report Programme in Event of Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment for Nepal 2010 in National Planning Commission, Singha Durbar Agust 24 2011. #Journalist #UNStaff #ReportLaunch #UNIC #2011...
UNIC, (2011)
Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment for Nepal 2010 UN Staff and Journalist are attending Launching Report Programme in Event of Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment for Nepal 2010 in National Planning Commission, Singha Durbar Agust 24 2011. #Journalist #UNStaff #ReportLaunch #UNIC #2011...
UNIC, (2011)
Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment for Nepal 2010 UN Staff and Journalist are attending Launching Report Programme in Event of Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment for Nepal 2010 in National Planning Commission, Singha Durbar Agust 24 2011. #Journalist #UNStaff #ReportLaunch #UNIC #2011...
UNIC, (2011)
Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment for Nepal 2010 UN Staff and Journalist are attending Launching Report Programme in Event of Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment for Nepal 2010 in National Planning Commission, Singha Durbar Agust 24 2011. #Journalist #UNStaff #ReportLaunch #UNIC #2011...
UNIC, (2011)
Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment for Nepal 2010 UN Staff and Journalist are attending Launching Report Programme in Event of Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment for Nepal 2010 in National Planning Commission, Singha Durbar Agust 24 2011. #Journalist #UNStaff #ReportLaunch #UNIC #2011...
UNIC, (2011)
Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment for Nepal 2010 UN Staff and Journalist are attending Launching Report Programme in Event of Millennium Development Goals Needs Assessment for Nepal 2010 in National Planning Commission, Singha Durbar Agust 24 2011. #Journalist #UNStaff #ReportLaunch #UNIC #2011...
UNIC, (2011)
Nepal Peace and Development Strategy Report Launch 2010 - 2015 Journalist and Photo Journalist clicking pictures and videos in Report Launch in the event of Nepal Peace and Development Strategy Report Launch 2010 - 2015. #Journalist #PhotoJournalist #ReportLaunch #UNIC #2011 #Photo...
UNIC, (2011)
Nepal Peace and Development Strategy Report Launch 2010 - 2015 Journalist and Photo Journalist clicking pictures and videos in Report Launch in the event of Nepal Peace and Development Strategy Report Launch 2010 - 2015. #Journalist #PhotoJournalist #ReportLaunch #UNIC #2011 #Photo...
UNIC, (2011)
Nepal Peace And Development Strategy Report Launch 2010 - 2015 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, addressing the Report Launch in the event of Nepal Peace and Development Strategy Report Launch 2010 - 2015. Mr. HE Thomas Gass, Ambassador of Switzerland Ms. Sarah Sanyahumbi, Head of Office DFI...
UNIC, (2011)
Nepal Peace and Development Strategy Report Launch 2010 - 2015 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, addressing the Report Launch in the event of Nepal Peace and Development Strategy Report Launch 2010 - 2015. Mr. HE Thomas Gass, Ambassador of Switzerland Ms. Sarah Sanyahumbi, Head of Office DFI...
UNIC, (2011)
Nepal Peace and Development Strategy Report Launch 2010 - 2015 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, addressing the Report Launch in the event of Nepal Peace and Development Strategy Report Launch 2010 - 2015. Mr. HE Thomas Gass, Ambassador of Switzerland Ms. Sarah Sanyahumbi, Head of Office DFI...
UNIC, (2011)
Nepal Peace And Development Strategy Report Launch 2010 - 2015 Ms. Sarah Sanyahumbi, Head of Office DFID Nepal, giving speech in Report Launch in the event of Nepal Peace and Development Strategy Report Launch 2010 - 2015. #SarahSanyahumbi #ReportLaunch #UNIC #2011 #Photo #Journalist ...
UNIC, (2011)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), attending event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC #OliverLermet #RamBabuShah #Pho...
UNIC, (2009)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), attending event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC Mr. Shankar Koirala, Joint Secret...
UNIC, (2009)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), attending event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC Mr. Shankar Koirala, Joint Secret...
UNIC, (2009)
The New Dynamics of Conflict in Nepal 2009 Journalist and UN staff are attending the Book Launching ceremony in event of The New Dynamics of Conflict in Nepal 2009 organised by Centre for economic and technical studies (CETS) Dhobighat, Lalitpur. #Journalist #UNStaff #2009 #UNIC #BookLaunc...
UNIC, (2009)
The New Dynamics of Conflict in Nepal 2009 Mr. Robert Piper, United Nations Resident Coordinator, addressing Book Launching ceremony in event of The New Dynamics of Conflict in Nepal 2009 organised by Centre for economic and technical studies (CETS) Dhobighat, Lalitpur. #RobertPiper #Journ...
UNIC, (2009)
The New Dynamics of Conflict in Nepal 2009 Mr. Robert Piper, United Nations Resident Coordinator, addressing Book Launching ceremony in event of The New Dynamics of Conflict in Nepal 2009 organised by Centre for economic and technical studies (CETS) Dhobighat, Lalitpur. #RobertPiper #UNIC ...
UNIC, (2009)
Media and the Nepali public - Survey Assessments of Media Capacity, Credibility and Literacy Nepal’s media landscape, both in terms of the number of media outlets and media practitioners, has altered enormously in recent years. Citizens’ access to media is also expanding at a breathtaking pace. Print outlets and electronic media channels bot...
Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2009 Journalist and photo journalist are doing there work in report launch event of Economic and social Survey of Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) organized by United Nations Information Centre and Policy Research and Analysis. #Journalist #PhotoJournalist...
UNIC, (2009)
International Narcotics Control Board Of Annual Report Launch 2008 Journalist and photo Journalist are attending event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008. #Photo #ReportLaunch #UNIC #2008 #Journalist #PhotoJournalist...
UNIC, (2008)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Dr. Shankar Sharma, Hon'ble the Nepalese Ambassador to the United states, addressing event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Nationa...
UNIC, (2009)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Dr. Shankar Sharma, Hon'ble the Nepalese Ambassador to the United states, addressing event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Nationa...
UNIC, (2009)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Dr. Shankar Sharma, Hon'ble the Nepalese Ambassador to the United states, addressing event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Nationa...
UNIC, (2009)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Dr. Shankar Sharma, Hon'ble the Nepalese Ambassador to the United states, delivering presentation in the event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. #Sha...
UNIC, (2009)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Dr. Shankar Sharma, Hon'ble the Nepalese Ambassador to the United states, delivering presentation in the event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. Mr. Ra...
UNIC, (2009)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Dr. Shankar Sharma, Hon'ble the Nepalese Ambassador to the United states, delivering speech in the event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. Mr. Ram Babu...
UNIC, (2009)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Journalist and UN Staff are attending the event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of United Nations Information Cen...
UNIC, (2009)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Journalist and UN staff are attending the Event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009, In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. #Journalist #PhotoJournalist # UNStaff #UNIC #Photo #2009 #UNCTAD...
UNIC, (2009)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of United Nations Information Centre (UNIC), attanding event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. #RamBabuShah #Repo...
UNIC, (2009)
MDG Campaign Inauguration 2009 Journalist and UN staff are attending the inauguration event of MDG Campaign Inauguration in UN House. #Journalist #PhotoJournalist # UNStaff #UNIC #Photo #2009...
UNIC, (2009)
Global human Development Report 2009 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident coordinator for Nepal, addressing event of Global human Development Report 2009. Dr. Yuba Raj katiwada, Hon'ble Vice-Chairman, NPC Mr. Sarat Chandra Dash, Chief of mission, IOM #RobertPiper #YubaRaj #SaratDash #Repo...
UNIC, (2009)
Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2009 Journalist and photo journalist are doing there work in report launch event of Economic and social Survey of Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) organized by United Nations Information Centre and Policy Research and Analysis. #Journalist #PhotoJournalist...
UNIC, (2009)
Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2009 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, addressing report launch event of Economic and social Survey of Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) organized by United Nations Information Centre and Policy Research and Analysis. Mr. Jyoti Prasad Lohan...
UNIC, (2009)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), attending event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008. Mr. SSP Hemant Malla, NDCLEU Mr. Ganesh Rai, Under Secretary home Ministy MR...
UNIC, (2008)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), giving speech in event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008. Mr. SSP Hemant Malla, NDCLEU #OliverLermet #HemantMalla #Photo #Repo...
UNIC, (2008)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), giving speech in event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008. Mr. SSP Hemant Malla, NDCLEU Mr. Ganesh Rai, Under Secretary home Mini...
UNIC, (2008)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), giving speech in event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008. Mr. SSP Hemant Malla, NDCLEU Mr. Ganesh Rai, Under Secretary home Mini...
UNIC, (2008)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Representative Officer of UNIC, giving speech in United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), attending event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008. Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator Mr...
UNIC, (2008)
South Asia Launch of the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2009 Journalist, Photo Journalist and United Nations staff are attending the event of South Asia Launch of the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons. #UNStaff #Journalist #PhotoJournalist #UNIC #2009 #Photo...
UNIC, (2009)
South Asia Launch of the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2009 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident and Humanitarian coordinator for Nepal, addressing event of South Asia Launch of the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons. Mr. Olivier Lermet, Nepal Programme Coordinator UNODC ROSA Mr. Hassan Shifua, Director of SA...
UNIC, (2009)
Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2008 Journalist and UN staff are attending report launch event of Economic and social Survey of Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) organized by United Nations Information Centre and Policy Research and Analysis. #Journalist #PhotoJournalist # UNStaff #UNIC #...
UNIC, (2008)
Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2008 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, addressing report launch event of Economic and social Survey of Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) organized by United Nations Information Centre and Policy Research and Analysis. Mr. Jyoti Prasad Lohan...
UNIC, (2008)
Female Journalist Everest Expedition UNICEF Representative of Nepal Tomoo Hozumi extending Best Wishes to the First Women Journalists Everest Expedition- 2018 (FWJEE18) Team Members on 16th April 2018 #TomooHozumi #UNICEF #UNICEFRepresentive #UN #SDGBags #SDGGoals #Journalists #Rojit...
unic, (2018)
Female Journalist Everest Expedition UNICEF Representative of Nepal Tomoo Hozumi handing over SDG Bag to the Journalist of Mega Television Kalpana Maharjan as a Best Wishes for Successful MT. Everest Climbing and to Promote SDG Goals through out the World on 16th April 2018 #TomooHoz...
unic, (2018)
Female Journalist Everest Expedition UNICEF Representative of Nepal Tomoo Hozumi handing over SDG Bag to the Journalist of Nepal Television Rojita Bajracharya as a Best Wishes for Successful Mt. Everest Climbing and to Promote SDG Goals Through out the World on 16th April 2018 #Tomoo...
unic, (2018)
Female Journalist Everest Expedition UNICEF Representative of Nepal Tomoo Hozumi handing over SDG Bag to the Journalist of News 24 Television Priya Laxmi Karki as a Best Wishes For Successful Mt. Everest Climbing and to Promote SDG Goals Through out the World on 16th April 2018 #Tomo...
unic, (2018)
Female Journalist Everest Expedition UNICEF Representative of Nepal Tomoo Hozumi,First Women Journalists Everest Expedition- 2018 (FWJEE18) Team Members Lakpa Sherpa, Mt. Everest Guide, National Information Officer Ram Babu Shah taking a photo in UN House on 16th April 2018 #TomooHoz...
unic, (2018)