United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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74th UN Day 2019 Formal Interns of UN Information Center participating in different organization's stalls and supporting UN Day 2019. #UNDAY #2019 #Interns #UNIC #Participation #Positive #Hearmetoo #Empowerment #Information #Involvement ...
UNIC, (2019)
Monitoring and Evaluation UN Peace Fund for Nepal Strategies and Lessons Learned The UN Peace Fund for Nepal (UNPFN) established monitoring and evaluation systems both at the project and Strategic Outcome levels. The objectives of the M&E system were to: Ensure evidence-based, well-coordinated programme implementation; Ensure tim...
UN, (2017)
MR.T.N. DHUNGEL, INFORMATION ASSISTANT OF THE UN INFORMATION CENTRE READS THE MESSAGE OF HIS MAJESTY THE KING MAHENDRA BIR BIKRAM SHAH DEV OF NEPAL. Mr. T.N. Dhungel, information assistant of the UN information centre reads the message of His Majesty the king Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev of Nepal. #UN #UNIC #Photo #T.N.Dhungel #InformationAssistant...
13 February is World Radio Day: UNESCO Media Advisory UNESCO invites all radio stations in Nepal to observe World Radio Day on 13 February 2012. The World Radio Day was established in 2011 to celebrate radio broadcast and its unique power to reach people in the remotest areas. It is an occasion to encou...
UNESCO, (2012)
International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination The Committee expresses concern about the absence in the report of disaggregated data on the population, including by age, sex, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, including caste, and language. The Committee recommends that the State party provide...
UN, (2001)
United Nations Nepal Information Platform Web Site Re-development Strategy Report. As the United Nation’s efforts in Nepal transition from a humanitarian focus to one of development and peace building, the need for communication and cooperation among UN agencies has never been greater. Too many agencies unnecessarily duplicate comm...
UN, (2008)
Message from Mr Ian Martin Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in NepaL For World Press Freedom Day To the Federation of Nepalese Journalists 3 May 2006 - Himalaya Hotel, Kathmandu The fast pace of events in Nepal in the first four months of this year have highlighted the role of the media here in keeping citizens informed and in promoting public debate about important issues. In the context of the mass demonstrations in April,...
UNOHCHR, (2006)
Information & Communication Needs Assessment A key component for the CFP was to conduct an Information and Communication Needs Assessment that builds on the insights gained from the inter-agency CWC key informant assessment completed in July 2015. The aim of this assessment was to gain insight ...
CFP-UNRCO, (2016)
Small Area Estimation of Poverty, Caloric Intake and Malnutrition in Nepal This report presents the results of small area estimation techniques to improve sample survey estimates of poverty, caloric intake and malnutrition for Nepal. This is the first time that statistical techniques have been used to estimate indicators of...
GoN, WFP, WB, (2006)
Admission of Nepal to Membership of the World Health Organization WHA6.5 Admission of Nepal to Membership of the World Health Organization The Sixth World Health Assembly ADMITS Nepal as a Member of the World Health Organization, subject to the deposit of a formal instrument with the Secretary-General of the United...
WHO, (1953)
मानवआधिकार तथा संबिधानको निर्वाचन राज्यसंग आफ्ना आम जनताको मानवआधिकारको प्रवर्धन तथा संरछ्यन गर्ने दायित्व रहेको हुन्छ र माथि सुचिकृत आधिकारहरुमा निर्वाचनक क्रममा बिशेष जोड दिईएको हुन्छ | आम जनताको सुरछ्या गर्न, कानुन तथा व्यवस्था कायम गर्न र मानिसहरुको लोकतान्त्रिक अधिकारको सम्...
UN, UNHR, (2008)
UNHCR REPRESENTION IN NEPAL UNHCR Invites qualified service providers or companies for the supply and delivery of J hook with washer and nut and bolt beldangi refugee camp storage side in Jhapa. #UNHCR #Goods #Equipment #Rights #Information #ChildLabor #Conflict #Abuse ...
UNHCR, (2017)
Compiled Field Reports from Dhanusha, Siraha, Saptari, Dang, Banke, Bardiya, Kailali and Kanchanpur Districts of Nepal The World Day against Child Labour (WDACL) is observed worldwide on 12 June and serves as a catalyst for the growing worldwide movement against child labour. The International Labour Organization (ILO) launched the first World Day against Child Labou...
ILO, (2009)
NATIONAL SERVICES POLICY REVIEW A vast body of analytical and empirical research undertaken by UNCTAD and others clearly demonstrates that a thriving services sector is vital for all countries [1]. High rates of investment and economic growth associated with services can contribut...
UN, (2011)
74th UN Day A UN Staff showing the process of the voting system in artificial voting process model called Mock Polling for the voting education. A mock election is an election organized for educational or trans formative purposes. Often used in the creation of ...
-UNDP, (2019)
Rural Urban Partnership Programme On the basis of the 10 the Five Year Plan to develop trade as one of the pillars of the economy growth, RUPP jointly with High Level Commission for Information Technology ( HLCIT)and Agro Enterprise Center (AEC/FNCCI) initiated “Nepali e-Haat Bazaar”...
RUPP/UNDP, (2005)