Project Information Sheet Catalytic Support on Land Issues
A decade-long conflict in Nepal ended in November 2006 with the signing of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the Maoists and the Government of Nepal. Despite the political and democratic progress since the end of the conflict, Nepal conti... IOM, UNHABITAT, UNDP, (2013)
IOM Nepal Info Sheet – Updated August 2016
Nepal became an International Organization for Migration (IOM) member state in 2006. In 2007, the Government of Nepal (GoN) and the IOM signed a memorandum of understanding to encourage cooperation and the delivery of services to Nepal, which is a co... IOM, (2016)
Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction to Ensure Effective Access of Conflict Affected Persons to Victims Assistance Processes in Nepal
The decade long armed conflict in Nepal left a large number of conflict affected persons (CAPs with severe human security needs. As a response, the Government of Nepal (GoN) introduced the Interim Relief Program (IRP) consisting of both monetary and ... IOM, (2015)
Project infosheet - P2P Support for Building Community Resilience through Recovery and Reconstruction in Nepal
This project is promoting people-to-people (P2P) approach, where the citizens of Thailand are helping the citizens of Nepal to reduce risk and build resilience of the vulnerable communities in the eight worse earthquake hit districts. The P2P approac... International Organization for Migration (IOM) Nepal, (2018)
UN Newsletter - Vol. 77 (July-Oct 2019)
UN Newsletter Vol 77 from issue July to October 2019 shows overall works,mobilization and interaction with government and different organization,locals,communities and agencies with allegiance for different projects and responses.
#UNFPA #UN #UNNep... UNIC, (2019)
Labour Migration for Employment - A Status Report for Nepal 2013/2014
Over the past decade, Nepal has experienced a surge in out-migration for foreign employment to various destination countries. As more and more Nepali citizens aspire and depart for foreign jobs, regulators and stakeholders face new challenges in mana... ILO, IOM, GoN, (2014)
Celebrating UN Day 2010
UN agency staffs demonstrating about IOM by installing an exhibition booth in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010
#UN #UNNepal #IOMStaffs #Event #Program #ExhibitionBooth #UNDay #UNHouse #2010 #October #UNIC... UNIC, (2010)
International Organization for Migration, Nepal Mission Overview - January 2019
Established in 1951, IOM is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. With 172 member states, a further 8 states holding observer status... IOM, (2019)
Technical Support to Government of Nepal to Implement Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act
Nepal is one of the most disaster-prone countries in South Asia and frequently experiences geologic and climate change-induced hazards. Floods, droughts, earthquakes and landslides are some of the natural calamities that have resulted in the loss of ... IOM, (2018)
Nepal Migration Profile 2019
This Migration Profile, which is a living document owned by the Government of Nepal, was prepared through the government-led, inter-Ministerial Technical Working Group (TWG), in consultation with a broad range of stakeholders and with technical suppo... IOM, (2019)
International Organization for Migration Nepal Mission Overview - January 2018
Established in 1951, IOM is the leading inter-governmental organization field of migration and works closely with governmental,intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. With 169 member states,a further 8 states holding observer status and 393 ... IOM, (2018)
Changunarayan Municipality
Kung Fu Nuns demonstrate karate skills at an IOM-organized community awareness event on disaster risk reduction and preparedness at Changunarayan municipality.
#UN #UNNepal #UNWorks #IOM #Karateskills #Dissasterriskreduction #Changunarayan #SDG
#K... IOM, (2019)
Communication skill and stress management at work
A participant at a ‘Communication skill and stress management at work’ training organized for those who need to communicate directly to the target communities in implementation of a project that aims to support economic reintegration of returnee migr... IOM, (2018)
Community Awareness Event
Youth of Dhading district participates in a community awareness event on protection and use of open spaces in the event of a disaster, organized in September 2019 in collaboration with local authorities. During 2019, awareness raising events were org... IOM, (2019)
Developing Policy Towards Agricultural Sector
IOM promotes policy dialogues to support the Govt. of Nepal in mainstreaming both economic and social benefits of migration into national development policy and hence contribute on its efforts towards achieving the development targets set by the Agen... IOM, (2016)
Developing Policy towards Agricultural Sector
IOM promotes policy dialogues to support the Govt. of Nepal in mainstreaming both economic and social benefits of migration into national development policy and hence contribute on its efforts towards achieving the development targets set by the Agen... IOM, (2016)
Developing Policy Towards Agricultural Sector
IOM promotes policy dialogues to support the Govt. of Nepal in mainstreaming both economic and social benefits of migration into national development policy and hence contribute on its efforts towards achieving the development targets set by the Agen... IOM, (2016)
Development Towards The Agricultural Sector
IOM promotes policy dialogues to support the Govt. of Nepal in mainstreaming both economic and social benefits of migration into national development policy and hence contribute on its efforts towards achieving the development targets set by the Agen... IOM, (2016)
IOM Contributions
A woman from Terai Flood 2017-affected area receives non-food items from IOM.
#UN #UNNepal #TeraiFlood #Compensation #IOM #SDG #UNWorks #Nonfooditems #Flood2017... iom, (2017)
Migration Health Center
An IOM medical practitioner shares a light moment with a migrant child vising IOM migration health center. IOM Nepal provides support to the Government of Nepal and Nepali migrants both in terms of access to high-quality health services and promote e... IOM, (2018)
Nepal Earthquake-2015
A women of Dolakha - one Nepal Earthquake 2015-hit districts – returning home after the day’s work under IOM’s Cash-for-Work programme with support from DFID.
#UN #UNNepal #UnWorks #Earthquake2015 #IOM #SDG #DolakhaDistrict #DFID... IOM, (2014)
Nepal Earthquake-2015
A women of Dolakha - one Nepal Earthquake 2015-hit districts – returning home after the day’s work under IOM’s Cash-for-Work programme with support from DFID.
#UN #UNNepal #UnWorks #Earthquake2015 #IOM #SDG #DolakhaDistrict #DFID... IOM, (2014)
Safer Migration Prgramme
People in Janakpur attending a programme on safer migration.
#UN #UNNepal #IOM #UNWorks #Janakpur #Safermigration #Programme... IOM, (2017)
School inside Camp in Eastern region
Bhutanese refugee children attending school inside camp in Eastern region. IOM facilitated resettlement process of over 113,000 Bhutanese refugees by the end of December 2019.
#UN #UNNepal #IOM #Butaneserefugee #Easternregion #IOM #SDG #Resettlemen... IOM, (2014)
Women at Work
An elderly woman is seen working at a brick factory in Lalitpur district.
#UN #UNNepal #IOM #WomenWork #SDG #LalitpurDistrict #UNinNepal... IOM, (2013)
Economic Sustainability Programme
A returnee migrant worker at skill development training under IOM’s women empowerment through economic sustainability programme with support from Zonta International.
#UN #UNNepal #IOM #MigrantWorker #SkillDevelopment #Training #WomenEmpowerment #SD... IOM, (2017)
Employment Permit System
Youths queue up to fill up application for employment in Republic of Korea through EPS
#UN #IOM #Youth #Employment #SDG #EmploymentinRepublicofKorea #EPS... IOM, (2013)
Festival of Bibah Panchami
Nepali migrants working in different parts of India return home to celebrate the festival of Bibah Panchami.
#UN #UNNepal #IOM #NepaliMigrants #SDG #Festivals #Celebrations #BibahPanchami #WokinginIndia #ReturningHome... IOM, (2011)
Foreign Ministry Nepal in course of insurance claim
A woman with her son awaits at Consular Section of Foreign Ministry Nepal in course of insurance claim procedure of her husband who died while working in Saudi Arabia
#UN #IOM #UNWorks #ForeignMinistryNepal #InsuranceClaim #Work #HumanRights #SDG #S... IOM, (2012)
Labour Migrant Returning from Qatar
Mr. Nil Kumar Magar from Okhaldhunga district, is a labour migrant returning from Qatar. On average, every day, approximately 800 Nepalis leave the country through formal channels to work abroad. Returning migrants not only bring remittances but also... IOM, (2019)
Nepali Youth Studying Abroad
A Nepali youth before taking his flight to Australia for study. According to an IOM research conducted in 2016 around 84,000 Nepali students were studying abroad at the time of research.
#UN #UNNepal #IOM #SDG #NepaliYouth #StudyingAbroad #NepaliSt... IOM, (2019)
School Level Debate Competition
A school girl speaks at a school-level debate competition on “Women in Foreign Employment: An opportunity or a challenge" organized to raise awareness on safe migration and human trafficking among youths at Dhading district.
#UN #UNNepal #IOM #Schoo... IOM, (2017)
Woman Returnee Migrant
A woman returnee migrant seen at Tribhuwan International Airport.
#UN #UNNepal #IOm #SDG #WomanReturnee #WomanMigrant #TIA ... IOM, (2012)
Financial Literacy Training - IOM
Family members of households with migrant participate in a financial literacy training in Chitwan district organized by IOM.
#IOM #IOMNepal #UN #UNNepal #IOM2014 #SDGs #FinancialLiteracyTraining #Chitwan #GlobalGoals
... IOM, (2014)
Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Simulation Exercise Held in Kathmandu
To provide Nepal’s National Security Forces the firsthand experience while also assessing their knowledge and skills on emergency response and post-emergency camp management for displaced populations, a 3-day national level simulation was held in Kat... IOM, (2018)
अन्तराष्ट्रिय आप्रवासन संगठन नेपाल एक झलक (जनवरी २०१८)
सन् १९५१ मा स्थापना भएको ‘अन्तराष्ट्रिय आप्रवासन संगठन (आइओएम) आप्रवासनको क्षेत्रमा अग्रणी भूममका निर्बाहा गर्ने अन्तराष्ट्रिय संगठन हो र यसले सरकारी, अन्तरसरकारी, तथा गैरसरकारी साझेदारहरुसंग निकट रही कार्य संचालन गर्दछ । एकसय उनन्सत्त्तरी (१६९) सदस्... IOM, (2018)
IOM Continues CGI Sheet Distribution in Landslide-Prone Community in Nepal
Jurey, which is only 10km away from Barhabise town, is an area where a massive landslide killed more than 156 people in August 2014.
Nepal – IOM’s distribution of Corrugated Galvanized Iron (CGI) sheets in Barhabise Village Development Committee (... IOM, (2014)
Nepal Organizes Stakeholder Consultation on Global Migration Compact
A multi-stakeholder consultation was held in Kathmandu today (6 Sept) to provide inputs for a Nepali national position paper on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM.)
The GCM, which was announced at the United Nations i... GoN, IOM, (2017)
The International Organization For Migration Mission In Nepal: FEBRUARY 2016 INFO-SHEET
Nepal became an International Organization for Migration (IOM) member state in 2006. In 2007, the Government of Nepal (GoN) and the IOM signed a memorandum of understanding to encourage cooperation and the delivery of services to Nepal,which is a cou... IOM, (2016)
UN Day 2018
School children interacting with IOM's staff member in the stall, during the UN Day celebration 2018.
#UNDay2018 #SchoolChildren #IOM... UNIC, (2018)
74th UN Day 2019
One of youth participants interacting with Lorena Lando, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Chief of Mission for Nepal during the Speed Mentoring Session. At Speed mentoring, youths got a chance to have one-to-one interaction with the hea... ILO, (2019)
International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict.
The UN General assembly proclaimed 19th June as the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict or in order to raise awareness of the need to put an end to conflict-related sexual violence and to honor the victims and survivo... -UNDP, (2016)
Barriers to Women’s Land and Property Access and Ownership in Nepal
Land ownership is a significant indicator of wealth, power, political and social security in Nepal. Despite this, up to 25 per cent of the country’s population is estimated to be landless. Land reform efforts carried out by the Government of Nepal ha... IOM, (2016)
Legislative Provisions Regulating Women’s Access and Ownership of Land and Property in Nepal
Land is a scarce resource and hence contested. The demands to ensure land rights for everyone have come from all quarters. Yet, this valuable resource continues to be concentrated among the powerful, those with the means to do so, particularly men. I... IOM, (2016)
Microdynamics of Land Conflict and Land Conflict Resolution in Nepal
Distribution of land has remained one of the most contentious issues in Nepalese society as a consequence of a historical feudal land tenure system that concentrated land ownership to the wealthy few and those who were close to the authorities. The i... IOM, (2016)