United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
INTERSEX about 2 results (0.0102 in miliseconds)  
GENDER EQUALITY & SOCIAL INCLUSION Nepal Flood Response 2017 31 August 2017 GUIDELINE FOR IDENTIFYING AND PRIORITISING VULNERABLE AND MARGINALISED POPULATIONS FOR HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE, RECOVERY, PREPAREDNESS AND DISASTER RISK REDUCTION In the aftermath of the devastating floods in Nepal, affected populations across diversities are in need of shelter, food, water, sanitation, health, nutrition, and livelihoods restoration. In addition, they may be at further exposed to discriminati...
UNWOMEN, (2017)
BREAKING NEW GROUND: A municipal review of HIV and rights programmes and services for men who have sex with men and transgender people in KATHMANDU, NEPAL "I came across a situation during a district training that changed me... A participant’s brother was [a] transgender [person] who was not able to disclose this and was forced to marry. When the participant shared the story of her brother I felt de...
GON, BDS, UNDP, (2017)