United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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United Nations Children’s Fund Regional Office for South Asia GETTING TO THE ROOTS - Mobilizing community volunteers to combat Vitamin A Deficiency Disorders in Nepal For every child Health, Education, Equality, Protection ADVANCE HUMANITY Behind the endless vistas of its stunning Himalayan snow peaks lay a malady that had slithered around Nepal for centuries until the new millennium dawned. It tormented a number of people even though the symptom, common and ephemeral, was deemed an in...
UNICEF, (2003)
Documenting the process of developing the Nepal Multi-sector Nutrition Plan and identifying its strengths and weaknesses Report of a research project his research report was commissioned by UNICEF in Nepal, which aims to document the process of development of the Multi-sector Nutrition Plan. The study was undertaken in November through December, 2013, using in-depth qualitative research methods fo...
UNICEF, European Union, (2017)
Trends and Determinants of Maternal and Child Nutrition in Nepal Further Analysis of the Nepal Demographic and Health Surveys, 1996-2011 Kathmandu, Nepal August 2013 Nepal has made considerable progress in reducing major micronutrient deficiencies over the past decade and a half; it is one of the few countries in the world that is on track to meet the micronutrients-related goals of the 1990 World Summit for Chil...
GON, UNICEF, (2013)
Help Support Vitamin "A" distribution! Help Save Children's Lives! Vitamin A is essential to keep our body healthy and immune system strong. Vitamin A deficiency in children increases the risk of serious infections and can result in the death. In order to protect children from the il effects arising from vitamin A...
UNICEF, (2007)