Energy and Poverty in Nepal -- Challenges and the Way Forward
This report sets out to examine the ways and means for providing
affordable, accessible and reliable energy services towards achieving the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and poverty reduction in Nepal.
The underlying premise of this study is ... UNDP, (2007)
Nepal: Labour Migration Should be a Choice
[Source URL]-
[Abstract]- Every year, thousands of young women from Nepal leave their country to work abroad. But many who make the decision don't have the basic skills needed for their new jobs over... ILO, (2017)
Livestock-Based Micro-Enterprise and Its Effectiveness on Poverty Reduction
The livestock sector is an important component of the Nepalese economy in terms
of income, employment and equity. Livestock-based micro-enterprise is of high
importance in rural economy that provides food, employment and income generating opportu... MEDEP/UNDP, (2013)