Kathmandu Office
Intangible Cultural Heritage Network Meeting in South Asia: Exchanging
countries' experiences on the implementation of the 2003 Convention at
national level, 16-17 August 2017, Lalitpur, Nepal
This press release includes a sub-regional network meeting on Intangible Cultural Heritage in South Asia held on 16-17 August 2017 at the Hotel Himalaya in Lalitpur, Nepal organized jointly by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and
Civil Aviation, UNE... UNESCO, (2017)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 45 September 2010
"In the Know" is the 45th issue of September2010 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Gender-responsive policing in post conflict countries; Voter registration starts; Nepal launches its third Millennium Development ... UNDP, (2010)
Ginger Production and Processing Technology Dissemination in Dang, Nawalparasi and Parbat Districts
Micro-Enterprise Development Programme (MEDEP) is implemented by His Majesty's Government, Nepal (HMG/N), Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies (MOICS), with technical and financial supports of the United Nations Deve... MEDEP/UNDP, (2003)
Opening Remarks
By Ms. Kyung-wha Kang
United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights
Roundtable on Strategies for addressing discriminatory citizenship
provisions against women in the forthcoming Constitution
Kathmandu - April 19, 2011
This bulletin involves about Roundtable on Strategies for addressing discriminatory citizenship provisions against women in the forthcoming Constitution.Ms.Kyung-wha Kang applauds the National Women’s Commission for its year-long campaign “End Gender... UNOHCHR, (2011)
Documenting the process
of developing the Nepal
Multi-sector Nutrition Plan
and identifying its strengths
and weaknesses
Report of a research project
his research report was commissioned by UNICEF in Nepal, which aims to document the process of development of the Multi-sector Nutrition Plan. The study was undertaken in November through December, 2013, using in-depth qualitative research methods fo... UNICEF, European Union, (2017)
संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय मानवअधिकार उच्चायुक्त क्युंग ह्वा कांगले वैशाख ५ देखि ७ गते सम्म नेपाल भ्रमण गर्ने
२०६८, वैशाख २
संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय मानवअधिकार उपउच्चायुक्त क्युंग-ह्वा कंग तीन दिने औपचारिक भ्रमणका लागि वैशाख ५ गते नेपाल आइपुग्नुहुनेछ।उहाले सरकार, राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार संस्था तथा नागरिक समाज संगठनका प्रतिनिधिहरुसंग भेटघाट गर्नुहुनेछ।
कांगले व्यवस्थापिका-संसद्क... UNOHCHR, (2011)
NHRC/ONRT and OHCHR Training in Dhulikel , Nepal
December 20-23, 2006
Presentation by Lena Sundh
The crime of human trafficking is a serious global challenge facing human rights today.Trafficking represents the denial of all those human rights which make for a life of dignity, including the right to mobility, freedom from violence and abuse, se... UNOHCHR, (2006)
Assignment Report on Health Laboratory Services, Nepal
Reference: Dr Henderson R.J. (1971). Assignment Report on Health Laboratory Services, Nepal (WHO Project: SEARO 0159), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ In consultation with the national authority, (1) to collect relevant data concerning the organiz... WHO, (1971)
United Nations CEDAW/C/1999/II/3/Add.1
Convention on the Elimination of All Distr.: General
Forms of Discrimination 13 May 1999
against Women
Original: English
On behalf of the Committee, the Secretariat invited the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO), on 29 April 1999, to submit to the Committee by 15 May 1999 a report on information provided by States to FAO on the implementatio... UN, FAO, (1999)
Urban Community Health Volunteers
Reference: Chaulagai Chet Nath, (1993). Urban Community Health Volunteers, Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ This work was supported financially by the International Nepal Fellowship, formerly the Shinning Community Health Project. The author... WHO, (1993)
Nepal’s Every Newborn Action Plan
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Health
The intrinsic link between the survival and health of newborns, stillbirths and the survival, health and nutrition of all women of reproductive age, including before, during, between and after pregnancy is clear.
The Nepal's Every Newborn Action Pla... GoN, UNICEF, WHO, (2016)
SANI NEWS A Quaterly e-bulletin of Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Programme Nepal
July-December 2013
Vol.2 Issue 3
Bhaktapur declared first ODF district in Kathmandu Valley
President Ram Baran Yadav declared Bhaktapur as the first Open Defecation
Free (ODF) district in Kathmandu Valley and the 10th in the country during the
public opening of the Fifth South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN-V)
held in Kathmandu... GSF/UNHABITAT, (2013)
Building Resilience to Landslides
through Support for Community-Based
Rehabilitation and Mitigation Actions
and the Establishment of Early Warning
Systems in Nepal (OSRO/NEP/602/USA)
The project was implemented to strengthen the capacity for emergency preparedness through a Community Based
Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) approach and to increase the resilience of livelihoods through the prevention
of landslide disasters and es... GON, FAO, USAID, (2018)
मानवअधिकारको अनुगमनका लागि सूचकाङ्कहरूसम्बन्धी दक्षऺण एसियाकै
पहिलो प्रयोगकर्ता पुस्तिकाको काठमाडौमा बिमोचन
२०६८ असोज ३
राष्ट्रिय महावाधिकार आयोग र नेपालस्थित संयुक्त रास्त्रसंघिया मानवाधिकार उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय (उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय- नेपाल) ले मिलेर आर्थिक, सामाजिक, तथा सांस्कृतिक अधिकारहरुका सुचकाङकसम्बन्धी कार्यसमूहसंग सम्बद्ध नागरिक समाजका सदस्यहरुसंगको सहकार्य... GON, UNOHCHR, (2011)
The President to inaugurate a 100 Day Campaign of the NDC and OHCHR to “END CASTE
15 September, 2011
The President of Nepal, Rt. Honourable Dr Ram Baran Yadav will inaugurate a
100 Day campaign entitled “I commit to end caste discrimination and untouchability” at a ceremony at his office in Shital Niwas, Kathmandu on 16 September. Jointly initiated... GON, UNOHCHR, (2011)
South Asia’s first guide on indicators for monitoring human
rights released in Kathmandu
20 September, 2011
The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and the United Nations Human Rights Office in Nepal (OHCHR-Nepal), in collaboration with civil society members of the Working Group on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Indicators, have together develope... GON, UNOHCHR, (2011)
मानवअधिकारको अनुगमनका लागि सूचकाङ्कहरूसम्बन्धी दक्षऺण एसियाकै
पहिलो प्रयोगकर्ता पुस्तिकाको काठमाडौमा बिमोचन
२०६८ असोज ३
राष्ट्रिय महावाधिकार आयोग र नेपालस्थित संयुक्त रास्त्रसंघिया मानवाधिकार उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय (उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय- नेपाल) ले मिलेर आर्थिक, सामाजिक, तथा सांस्कृतिक अधिकारहरुका सुचकाङकसम्बन्धी कार्यसमूहसंग सम्बद्ध नागरिक समाजका सदस्यहरुसंगको सहकार्य... GON, UNOHCHR, (2011)
राष्ट्रपतिले "जातीय विभेद तथा छुवाछुत अन्त्य गर्न " राष्ट्रिय दलित आयोग र उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालयद्वारा आयोजना हुने १०० दिने अभियानको उदघाटन गर्ने २०६८ भदौ २९ गते
नेपालका राष्ट्रपति सम्माननीय डा. रामवरण यादवले भदौ ३० गते काठमाडौको शीतल निवासस्थित उहाको कार्यालयमा आयोजना हुने समारोहमा "जातीय विभेद तथा छुवाछुत अन्त्य गर्न म प्रतिबध्द छु " शीर्सकको १०० दिने अभियानको उदघाटन गर्नुहुनेछ। रास्ट्रीय दलित आयोग (आयोग) ... GON, UNOHCHR, (2011)
संयुक्त प्रेस वक्तवयमा
नेपालमा हलिया प्रथा अन्त्य गर - राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार आयोग, राष्ट्रिय दलित आयोग, राष्ट्रिय महिला आयोग र संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघ
भदौ २०, २०६८
"नेपाल सरकार र राष्ट्रिय हलिया मुक्ति समाज महासंघ बीच वि. सं. २०६५ भदौमा भएको सम्झौताले हलियाहरु मुक्त भएको औपचारिक रुपमा घोषणा गरे तापनि मूर्त परिणाम हासिल हुन अझै बाकी छ। मस्यौदा हलिया निषेध विधेयक पारित भएको छैन र सरकारले सम्झौताअनुरुप उच्चस्तरीय ... GON, ILO, UNOHCHR, (2011)
FINAL REPORT: UNFPA Nepal Emergency Response Evaluation
A Joint Initiative of UNFPA and the Columbia University
School for International and Public Affairs
Columbia University
New York, NY
May 2009
Nepal is simultaneously a developing country, a country in transition, and a country in humanitarian crisis. The fact that Nepal is vulnerable to natural disasters only further compounds the country’s challenge for social, economic, and political dev... UNFPA, (2009)
"No More Suffering"
Child Sexual Abuse in Nepal: Children's Perspectives
Child sexual abuse (CSA) has been recognized dorsed by all South Asian countries also stressed the as a social malaise, prevalent within critical need for research and awareness raising on the and outside the homes and among all socio- issue of child... UNICEF, CWIN, (2005)
जेनेभामा व्यक्त गरिएको मानवअधिकारप्रति प्रतिबद्धताको उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालयद्वारा स्वागत तथा त्यसको कार्यान्वयनका निम्ति निरन्तर प्रयासहरु गर्न सरकारलाई प्रोत्साहन
काठमाडौ- २०६७ माघ २४
नेपालस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय मानवअधिकार उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय (उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय-नेपाल) विश्वव्यापी आवधिक समीक्षा (यूपीआर)मा सहभागी बनेका सबै पत्रहरुलाई उनीहरुले यो महत्वपूर्ण समीक्षाप्रति देखाएको प्रतिबद्धताको प्रशंसा गर्दी जेनेभास्थित सबै सर... UNOHCHR, (2011)
National Review
Sustainable Development Goals
Government of Nepal
National Planning Commission
Singhdurbar, Kathmandu
In 2015, Nepal joined other members of the United Nations in adopting the global
sustainable development (SDGs) goals that follow the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) as the international development targets. This report gives the preliminary fi... GON, (2017)
After-Action Review of
Nepal Earthquake Response:
Final Report
Crisis Response Unit
United Nations Development Programme
24 November 2016
Abhijit Bhattacharjee
On 25 April 2015, a devastating earthquake hit Nepal causing severe destruction of lives and property in 14 of the country’s 75 districts. This was followed by another severe earthquake on 12 May which further worsened the humanitarian situation.The ... UNDP, (2016)
Government of Nepal
National Planning Commission
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Capacity Development for Development
Effectiveness Facility for Asia Pacific
Financing climate change development needs, which are increasingly demanding more
financial resources, is as much a challenge as developing both short- as well as long-term programmes for effective climate adaptation and mitigation. Several issues f... GON, UNDP, UNEP, (2011)
Government of Nepal
National Planning Commission
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Capacity Development for Development
The nature of the climate threats facing communities across Nepal is diverse requiring location specific understanding of the problem in order to plan appropriate responses. It is yet to be clear as to what extent a particular economic sector in a gi... GON, UNDP, UNEP, (2011)