A Rapid Scan Organizations Working on Women and Peace in Nepal
It has been important for UNIFEM to undertake this scan for a number of reasons.This is underlined by the fact that each reason is as vital as the other. Increased conflict and insurgency, accompanied by a lack of women in decision-making positions i... UNIFEM/UNWOMEN, (2006)
(Duplicate Document; Wrong Topic) A Rapid Scan Organizations Working on Women and Peace in Nepal
It has been important for UNIFEM to undertake this scan for a number of reasons.This is underlined by the fact that each reason is as vital as the other. Increased conflict and insurgency accompanied by a lack of women in decision-making positions in... UNIFEM, (2006)
South Asia
UNODC helps countries and its people to reduce illegal drugs and crime throughout the world and to address justice and human security. It helps Member States with technical assistance, legal advice and research within the framework of the United Nati... UNODC, (2011)
South Asia Newsletter
UNODC helps countries and its people to reduce illegal drugs and crime through out the world and to address justice and human security. It helps Member States with technical assistance, legal advice and research within the framework of the United Nat... UNODC, (2010)
South Asia Newsletter
UNODC helps countries and its people to reduce illegal drugs and crime throughout the world and to address justice and human security. It helps Member States with technical assistance, legal advice and research within the framework of the United Nati... UNODC, (2010)
South Asia Newsletter
UNODC IN SOUTH ASIA: UNODC helps countries and its people to reduce illegal drugs and crime through out the world and to address justice and human security. It helps Member States with technical assistance, legal advice and research within the framew... UNODC, (2010)
South Asia Newsletter
UNODC helps countries and its people to reduce illegal drugs and crime through out the world and address justice and human security issues. It helps Member States with technical assistance, legal advice and research within the framework of the United... UNODC, (2010)
South Asia Newsletter
UNODC helps countries and its people to reduce illegal drugs and crime throughout the world and to address justice and human security. It helps Member States with technical assistance, legal advice and research within the framework of the United Nati... UNODC, (2010)
Address by Ian Martin, Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal, National Conference on “Human Security and Landmines: Problems and Challenges”
As the people of Nepal take stock of their achievements in the peace process over the past year, a major highlight must be the removal of thousands of kilograms of explosives and thousands of socket bombs and pressure cooker bombs from the community,... UNMIN, (2007)
Human Development Report 2013: The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World
The Report argues that the striking transformation of a large number of developing countries into dynamic major economies with growing political influence is having a significant impact on human development progress.The Report notes that, over the la... UNDP, (2013)
Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report 2013 - Brief Description of Major Developments
As in previous years, the prolonged transition to peace meant that the UN Country Team (UNCT) in Nepal continued to face similar challenges in their development and humanitarian assistance. In 2013 Nepal’s political parties were primarily engaged in ... UN, (2013)