United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
HEALTHCARE about 69 results (0.0098 in miliseconds)  
Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu, Bagmati Province A plane arrives at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, with Nepal's first consignment of COVID-19 vaccine doses via COVAX. #COVID19...
WHO Nepal/ A. Maharjan, (2021)
Essential Reproductive Health Care to be Delivered to Conflict-Affected Populations It is recognized that reproductive health plays a critical role in the comprehensive development process. It will, however, take a long time to address these concerns nation-wide. “The project will address immediate reproductive health needs of women...
UNFPA, (2007)
Joint Statement Of The External Development Partners In Health Regarding Critical And Growing Shortages Of Essential Medical Supplies In Nepal We the undersigned express our deepest concern at critical and growing shortages of essential and life-saving medicines and supplies at health care facilities across Nepal, as well as ongoing fuel supply issues that are severely impeding service deli...
Evaluation of Academic Detailing Programme on Childhood Diarrhoea Management by Primary Healthcare Providers in Banke District of Nepal Academic detailing, an educational interventionism, in which a trained healthcare professional visits clinicians in their offices to provide evidence-based information, has been used as a major tool to improve rational use of medicines since i...
WHO/UNICEF, (2013)
Mishri Mahat from Mahat Gaun Of Lalitpur District During The COVID-19 Pandemic A local woman from Mahat Gaun Of Lalitpur District named Mishri Mahat looking at the camera and smiling during the COVID-19 pandemic. #COVID19...
WHO Nepal/A.Maharjan, (2020)
Community Partnerships Broaden Access to Maternal and Neonatal Health Care In Nepal, mountainous terrain, difficult weather conditions and the scarcity of roads are an obstacle for rural families in need of maternal or neonatal care. In regions where a single foot path winding its way through the mountains is all that conn...
UNICEF, (2003)
Success Factors for Women’s and Children’s Health Nepal has made significant progress in improving the health of women and children and is on track in 2013 to achieve Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 (to reduce child mortality) and 5A (to reduce maternal mortality). This review provided an oppo...
WHO, (2015)
Basic Health and its Sub-sectors in Far Western and Mid Western Region (4 July 2011) This map shows basic health and its sub sectors in Far western and Mid Western Region. It shows basic health sector coverage, infectious disease control service, health care service and health infrastructure. #PUBLICHEALTH #HEALTH #HEALTHCARE #DI...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
2016 Health SDG Profile: Nepal WHO A new summary measure of health service coverage, a composite service coverage index, is currently under development:16 indicators are derived from four main areas of work are reproductive, maternal,newborn and child health, infectious diseases,nonco...
WHO, (2016)
Nepal Political Economy Analysis Briefing Note : Factors That Shape The Prioritization And Allocation Of Resources For Reproductive, Maternal And Newbron Health Nepal has made some dramatic and rapid progress in Reproductive Maternal Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH), despite being a low income country with high levels of poverty, difficult geography, and conflict. The Total Fertility Rate fell from 4.6 birth...
UNICEF, (2015)
Humanitarian Crisis After the Nepal Earthquakes 2015: Initial Public Health Risk Assessment and Interventions, May 2015 The purpose of this public health risk assessment is to provide all health sector partners, including professionals of local and national authorities, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), donor agencies and United Nations agencies currently working ...
WHO, (2015)
Assignment Report on The Training Programme for Auxiliary Health Workers in Nepal: The Role of The Auxiliary Health Workers' Training School, Kathmandu (WHO Project: Nepal 0021) Reference: Dr. Dowling, M.A.C. (1970). Assignment Report on The Training Programme for Auxiliary Health Workers in Nepal: The Role of The Auxiliary Health Workers' Training School, Kathmandu (WHO Project: Nepal 0021), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iri...
WHO, (1970)
Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Medical Spending and Health Outcome in Nepal: Problems with Technology or its Distribution? Reference: Pokhrel, Subhash; Sauerborn, Rainer (2003). Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Medical Spending and Health Outcome in Nepal: Problems with Technology or its Distribution?, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Notwithstanding the g...
WHO, (2003)
Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Cost-effectiveness of Cataract Surgery in a Public Health Eye Care Programme in Nepal Reference: Marseille, E. (1999). Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Cost-effectiveness of Cataract Surgery in a Public Health Eye Care Programme in Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Programme planners and policy-makers are turning ...
WHO, (1996)
World Health Forum Vol. 16 - Community Financing for Essential Drugs in Nepal Reference: Chaulagai, Chet Nath. (1995). World Health Forum Vol. 16- Community Financing for Essential Drugs in Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The Government of Nepal is committed to providing basic health services for all its citizens t...
WHO, (1995)
World Health Forum Vol. 8 - Primary Health Care in Hospitals Reference: Dickinson, J. G. (1987). Primary Health Care in Hospitals, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ A recent article in World Health Forum forcefully expressed the need for hospitals to be involved in primary health care and gave interesting e...
WHO, (1987)
Nepal Earthquake, Health Cluster Bulletin #1, 25 April to 3 May 2015 More than 1000 doctors, nurses and paramedics deployed to provide medical care in support of existing health system. Critical shortage of supplies reported by hospitals across the country. Approximately 14 000 injured as a result of the quake. Injuri...
WHO, Health Cluster, (2015)
Health Related Quality Of Life Of Women Suffering From Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Before And 9 To 11 Months After Surgical Interventions The current study on health related quality of life of women suffering from Pelvic Organ Prolapse before and 9 to 11 months after surgical intervention was conducted at two points in time. In 2011, a Baseline study was conducted which analysed inform...
UNFPA, (2013)
Nepal Earthquake, Health Cluster Bulletin #2, 04 – 10 May 2015 · A third health sub-cluster - on Injury Rehabilitation has been established. · Disease surveillance in all highly affected districts has been enhanced. · No communicable disease outbreaks have been reported. · 26 hospitals (3 completely and 23 parti...
WHO, Health Cluster, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake, Health Cluster Bulletin #3, 11 -17 May 2015 Not all geographical areas, especially Village District Committees in northern areas, have been covered by health services.Addressing health workers’ emerging needs for shelter, food and psychosocial support remains an important priority. Ongoing eff...
WHO, Health Cluster, (2015)
POSITIVE PROTECTION TRAINING MANUAL – PARTICIPANT’S HANDBOOK Tremendous effort has been made by Nepal’s government, civil society organizations and development partners to combat HIV through the National HIV/AIDS Strategy 2011–2016. This strategy guided the national response to HIV/AIDS by embracing principles...
UNDP, (2016)
Training of Health Manpower in Nepal - Assignment Report (WHO Project: NEP HMD 001) Reference: Dr. Begbie, G. H. (1975). Assignment Report - Training of Health Manpower in Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The terms of reference of the assignment were: (1) to advice the Dean of the Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University...
WHO, (1975)
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Health Care Facilities: Status in Low- And Middle-Income Countries And Way Forward Adequate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are essential components of providing basic health services. The provision of WASH in health care facilities serves to prevent infections and spread of disease, protect staff and patients, and uphold the ...
WHO, UNICEF, (2015)
Further Analysis Of 2011 Nepal Demographic And Health Survey On Tobacco Data The National Health Policy 1991 of the Ministry of Health and Population of the Government of Nepal aims to extend the primary health care system to the rural population so that they benefit from modern medical facilities and trained health care prov...
GON, (2013)
Addressing Outstanding Humanitarian Needs in Nepal: A Shared Effort And Responsibility (19 August 2015) Marking the World Humanitarian Day, aid community in Nepal saluted contributions made by good‐willed individuals and communities themselves to saving lives and alleviating the suffering in the aftermath of the back-to-­back earthquakes.The response l...
UN, (2015)
Assignment Report on Strengthening of Health Services, Nepal Reference: Dr Coates W.H., (1971). Assignment Report on Strengthening of Health Services, Nepal(WHO Project: NEPAL 0003), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Assistance to the WHO project Nepal 0003, " Training of Health Assistants", commenced in Jun...
WHO, (1971)
Strengthening of Health Services in Nepal - Assignment Report, WHO Project: NEP SHS 001 (Nepal 0021) Reference: Tewari, T. R. (1975). Strengthening of Health Services in Nepal - Assignment Report, WHO Project: NEP SHS 001 (Nepal 0021), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ While the Health Planning Unit in the Ministry of Health has become operational,...
WHO, (1975)
Obstetric Fistula Every day, almost 800 women die from pregnancy complications. For every woman who dies, 20 or more are injured or disabled. One of the most serious injuries of childbearing is obstetric fistula, a hole in the birth canal, caused by prolonged, obstruc...
UNFPA, (2011)
Statement on The International Day to End Obstetric Fistula by Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, United Nations Under-Secretary-General an Executive Director Of UNFPA, The United Nations Population Fund The theme of this year International Day to End Obstetric Fistula Tracking Fistula Transforming Lives,reflects an important step forward in eradicating this preventable condition,which affects an estimated two million women and girls To treat fistula...
UNFPA, (2014)
Assignment Report on Medical Education (Anaesthesiology) in Nepal Reference: Dr Burtles R. (1974). Assignment Report on Medical Education (Anaesthesiology) in Nepal, Nepal (WHO Project: NEPAL 0021), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The writer is happy to acknowledge the great help afforded him by Dr B.R. Baidya, ...
WHO, (1974)
Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Modelling the Effectiveness of Financing Policies to Address Underutilization of Children’s Health Services in Nepal Reference: Pokhrel, Subhash; Hidayat, Budi; Flessa, Steffen; Sauerborn, Rainer (2002). Bulletin of the World Health Organization - Modelling the Effectiveness of Financing Policies to Address Underutilization of Children’s Health Services in Nepal, W...
WHO, (2005)
Self-Medication and its Impact on Essential Drugs Schemes in Nepal : A Socio-Cultural Research Project Reference: Kafle Kumud K., Gartoulla Ritu P., (1993). Self-Medication and its Impact on Essential Drugs Schemes in Nepal : A Social-Cultural Research Project, Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The overall objectives of the study were to gathe...
WHO, (1993)
Urban Community Health Volunteers Reference: Chaulagai Chet Nath, (1993). Urban Community Health Volunteers, Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ This work was supported financially by the International Nepal Fellowship, formerly the Shinning Community Health Project. The author...
WHO, (1993)
Emergency health action in Nepal- WHO Emergency and Humanitarian Action (EHA) Newsletter - Issue XI, April 2007 Transition and complexity are key terms that could be used to describe the current public health scenario in the country. Despite new conflict patterns along ethno-caste lines, Nepal appears to be moving towards a post-conflict scenario. Policy maker...
WHO, (2007)
Expanding Health-Care Access in the United States This paper focuses on the ways in which women in the United States are impacted by the 2010 passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (usually referred to as ACA or ‘Obamacare’). The ACA’s three main goals of expanding access, increas...
UNWOMEN, (2015)
Addressing the Attitudes of Service Providers: Increasing Access to Professional Midwifery Care in Nepal Increasing access to professional care during labour and delivery is the central strategy in Nepal’s commitment to reducing its maternal mortality ratio. This paper outlines a number of complementary interventions used by the Nepal Safer Motherhood P...
UNICEF, (2008)
Health Cluster Coordination Meeting - WHO/UN House: 5 May 2015 Source: http://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/nepal/document/150505-health-cluster-meeting-minutes Assessment of the health care needs and treatment of the injured is on-going in the affected districts. Response coordination, includi...
HC/UN, WHO, (2015)
Health Cluster Coordination Meeting - WHO/UN House: 7 May 2015 Source: http://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/nepal/document/150507-health-cluster-meeting-minutes Assessment of the health care needs and treatment of the injured is on going in the affected districts. Disease surveillance system is...
HC/UN, WHO, (2015)
Cost-effectiveness of cataract surgery in a public health eye care programme in Nepal Reference: Marseille E. (1996). Cost-effectiveness of cataract surgery in a public health eye care programme in Nepal, WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ Programme planners and policy-makers are turning increasingly to cost-effectiveness assessments ...
WHO, (1996)
WHO Supports Nepal to Set up First Sub-National Hub at Gorkha, to Extend Health-Care Reach After the Earthquake In a major step to boost the health-care assistance to earthquake survivors who have been unreachable since last week’s disaster, the World Health Organization in coordination with the Nepalese government and other humanitarian partners has establish...
WHO, (2015)
Health Care for Women Subjected to Intimate Partner Violence or Sexual Violence Why is violence against women different? A woman who has been subjected to violence may have some different needs from most other health-care patients. In particular: 1. She may have various emotional needs that require attention. 2. She may be fri...
Protecting the rights of key HIV- affected women and girls in health care settings: A legal scan Regional report There is emerging recognition that there are instances where health care institutions are sites of discrimination, violence, and abuse towards individuals who come seeking health care services, with health care providers withholding care or performin...
WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health Special issue: Universal Health Coverage In The South-East Asia Region This special issue of the WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health brings together technical discussions, original research and country experiences in addressing some of the key challenges to universal health coverage (UHC).These papers have been...
WHO, (2014)
A local lady preparing to make momos by taking a safety measures wearing mask at Khokana, Kathmandu during the COVID-19 pandemic. The need for Survival. This picture represents how women is working hard in the middle of the pandemic to feed people. ...
WHO Nepal / A. Maharjan, (2020)
An old man wearing a face mask waits for the customer at his local shop at outskirts of Kathmandu, Khokana during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 virus has its impacts in many ways in people's life. At the time of the pandemic, the older man should take safety measures and live inside the house instead he is waiting for the customer to fulfill his survival. ...
WHO Nepal/ A. Maharjan, (2020)
Nepal Health Sector Programme - implimentation plan II (NHSP - IP) 2010-15 Nepal has experienced two decades of steady improvement in health outcomes and impact.Progress accelerated and was accompanied by significant improvements in equality of access during the first NHSP (2004-10). Nepal met or exceeded nearly all of th...
NHSP/UNFPA, (2010)
Health : Nepal Earthquake Cluster Brief ( August 2015 ) A total of 446 public health facilities were completely destroyed while an additional 765 health facilities or administrative structures were partially damaged by the 25 April earthquake and the subsequent aftershocks. More than three months into the...
UNOCHA, (2015)
Making a Difference WHO in South-East Asia Region The World Health Organization strives to be more responsive to the fast changing public health arena in the South-East Asia Region. When I took charge as Regional Director in February 2014, it was at a critical time in the evolution of WHO. The parad...
WHO, (2015)
Promotion Of Research On Health Sector Reforms (3 April 1996) The term "Health Sector Reform" has been frequently used in health development literature, including health policy research, and also in the main context of dialogues with donor agencies. Recent experience in both developed and developing countries h...
WHO, (1996)
Gender-Based Violence Sub-Cluster in the Aftermath of the Nepal Earthquake The earthquake humanitarian response to mitigate GBV risks, especially violence against women and girls, and to provide safe and comprehensive services for those affected by GBV. #NaturalDisasters #Earthquakes #DisasterProneAreas #HealthCare ...
UNFPA, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake, Health Cluster Bulletin #5, 28 May - 3 June 2015 Five weeks into the emergency response following 25 April and 12 May earthquakes, the health cluster response is transitioning towards revitalization of primary health care services in the affected districts in early recovery and rehabilitation frame...
WHO, Health Cluster, (2015)
Youth and Mental Health In 2011, the World Health Organization supported the World Mental Health Survey, which found that many mental disorders have their onset in childhood or adolescence, in fact half of lifetime mental disorders appear by age 14. However, diagnosis and...
UNFPA, (2014)
A Case Study on the Insurance Scheme of the Public Health Concern Trust (PHECT) Nepal Established as a non-governmental organization in 1991, the Public Health Concern Trust (phect-NEPAL) is a non-profit making entity. It is registered at the Kathmandu District Administration Office and affiliated with the Social Welfare Council/Nepal...
ILO, (2003)
Health : Nepal Earthquake Cluster Brief ( July 2015 ) Almost 3 months after the 25 April earthquake, public health needs in the affected districts continue to be addressed. Of the more than 1,000 health facilities that had been damaged, the Health Ministry with the support of health cluster partners hav...
UNOCHA, (2015)
खाद्यान्न सुरक्षा तथा जीविकोपार्जन सम्बन्धी समुदायको बुझाइको प्रतिबेदन – सिन्धुपल्चोव्क मे २०१६ यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ । सिन्धुपल्चोव्क जिल्लामा जम्मा १५० वटा सर्व...
CFP/UNRCO, (2016)
खाद्यान्न सुरक्षा तथा जीविकोपार्जन सम्बन्धी समुदायको बुझाइको प्रतिबेदन – सिन्धुली मे २०१६ यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ । सिन्धुली जिल्लामा जम्मा १५० वटा सर्वेक्षण...
CFP/UNRCO, (2016)
संरक्षण सम्बन्धी समुदायको बुझाइको प्रतिवेदन – सिन्धुपल्चोव्क अगस्ट २०१६ यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ । सिन्धुपल्चोव्क जिल्लामा जम्मा १५० वटा सर...
CFP/UNRCO, (2016)
संरक्षण सम्बन्धी समुदायको बुझाइको प्रतिवेदन – सिन्धुली अगस्ट २०१६ यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ । सिन्धुली जिल्लामा जम्मा १५० वटा सर्वेक्...
CFP/UNRCO, (2016)
Press Release- Despite progress, much work remains on human rights and access to health for LGBTI people in Nepal Much work remains to be done to end the stigma and discrimination faced by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community in Nepali society, despite some remarkable progress on human rights, access to health and legal equalit...
BDS,UNDP, (2014)
Management of Obstetric Fistula for Health Care Providers – On-the-Job Training Obstetric fistula is a devastating child birth injury that has been severely neglected, despite the traumatizing impact it has on the lives of affected women and girls. This publication is intended for learners, facilitators and supervisors to be com...
UNFPA, (2014)
Maternal Mortality Maternal mortality is one of the leading causes of death for women of reproductive age in Nepal. Reasons for this include inadequate health care, lack of family planning, long distances to medical facilities, and early marriage, which leads young gir...
UNFPA, (2016)
Accelerating Universal Access to Reproductive Health To achieve its long-term goal of reducing fertility and under-5 mortality, Nepal specifies family planning as a priority element of an Essential Health Care Service in its Health Sector Strategy (2004), Nepal Health Sector Programme–Implementation Pl...
WHO Nepal Earthquake - Situation Report #14, 11 May 2015 26 hospitals (3 completely and 23 partially) are damaged and more than 900 primary health care centers and health posts have been rendered nonfunctional. A total of 46 National Medical Teams and 99 Foreign Medical Teams are working in the affected di...
WHO, (2015)
WHO Nepal Earthquake Health Update - Situation Report No. 4: 29 April 2015 The figures from the National Emergency Operations Centre as of 29 April 2015 indicate that 5027 people have been killed and 10 235 have been injured following the earthquake of 25 April 2015. The Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) has identi...
WHO, (2015)
Nepal: Diarrhoea Outbreak in Jajarkot District - Location of Health Camps (20 July, 2009) This map shows the diarrhoea outbreak in Jajarkot district and Location of Health Camps. The location of health camps RIMI shown on this map doesn't Kaigaun accurately represent the actual ground location inside the VDC. #HEALTH #HEALTHCARE #HEALT...
UNOCHA, (2009)
South East Asia Region South-East ASIA Advisory Commitee On Health Research Twenty-Second Session Members of the SEA/ACHR and the programme Directors at the Regional Office were requested to suggest topics that could be considered for technical discussion at the forthcoming twenty-third session of SEA/ACHR IN 1997. Suggestions have been received ...
WHO, (1996)
Inter-Agency Common Feedback Report: (August 2015) Engagement with and accountability to affected people are critical. Affected people need to be kept informed about available services and aid while ensuring issues of gender quality and diversity of communities is addressed. Without access to reliabl...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
Improving the teaching of Public Health at under graduate level in Medical Schools - Suggested Guidelines A regional meeting on “Teaching of public health in medical schools” was organized by the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia (WHO-SEARO) on 8-10 December 2009 in Bangkok, Thailand for stakeholders in different institutions and organizations to s...
WHO, (2010)
HEALTH IN THE SDGs ERA Sustainable Development Goals ensures healthy life for all at all ages.It achieve the universal health coverage including financial risk protection,access to quality essential health care service,medicine and vaccines for all. MDGs unfinished and exp...
WHO, (2016)