United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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FAO in the Humanitarian Appeals 2015 Mid-Year Update Most recently, Nepal’s devastating earthquakes severely impacted farming families. The deepening food security and nutrition crisis in South Sudan is raising serious concerns and the number of severely food insecure people is expected to escalate fro...
FAO, (2015)
First Advance Estimate of 2015/16 Wheat Production in Nepal Using the CCAFS Regional Agricultural Forecasting Toolbox (CRAFT) The significant drop in production is attributed to an estimated five percent decrease in wheat grown area nationwide as compared to the 2014/15 season. Wheat grown area decreased because of two main reasons: a severe shortage of fuel for irrigation...
GoN, WFP, (2016)
Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme: Supervision Report A mission from the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) visited Nepal from the March 17 to April 2nd, 2015 to undertake the supervision of the Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (KUBK) or the Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme (...
IFAD, (2015)
Save And Grow Farming Systems Fact Sheet 2 Traditionally rice has been cultivated in most of Asia as follows: fields are first flooded then ploughed to create soft muddy soil often overlying a dense, compacted layer that restricts downward loss of water. Rice seedlings 20 to 60 days old are t...
FAO, (2015)
Farmer's Hand Book on Pig Production Farmer's Hand Book on Pig Production For the small holders at village level. Native breeds of pig can be found throughout the country. They are a small body size compared to other exotic and crosses pig types. There name varies from region to region,...
GoN, EC, FAO, (2009)