United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Institutional Capacity On Forest Tenure In Nepal Status, Gaps And Way Forward FAO As overall institutional capacity shows significant gaps, the capacity of key actors needs strengthening. In particular,programmes and government organizations need to address their capacity gaps more seriously. Government organizations can contribut...
FAO, (2016)
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010: Country Report - Nepal Forestry is an extensive land use system in Nepal. The forest and trees provide a vast array of goods and services to human beings. Forest and tree resources provide the basic commodities such as fuel wood, timber and fodder to the people and serve a...
FAO, (2010)
Breaking New Ground Leasehold Forestry in Nepal (February 2004) Forest areas in Nepal decreased at a rate of 1.7 percent every year between the end of the 1970s and the mid 1990s. Land degradation leads to soil erosion spelling disaster for poor rural households who are forced to spend more time collecting fodder...
IFAD, (2004)
National socioeconomic surveys in forestry Forests can provide important provisioning, supporting, regulating and cultural servicesfor households and communities. They are often important sources of food, fodder andconstruction materials, as well as sources of energy and medicines. Generally,...
CPF-FAO, (2016)
Understanding Women's Participation in Forestry in Nepal Nepal is a signatory to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The government has cr...
FAO, (2015)
Challenges and Opportunities for Nepal’s Small and Medium Forest Enterprises (SMFEs) This report is part of a cross-country research initiative that focuses on small and medium forest enterprises (SMFEs) and their potential to contribute to poverty reduction and sustainability. It is based on a scoping study designed to gather backgr...
ANSAB, FC, FAO, (2009)
Forests for Food Security and Livelihood Sustainability: Policy Problems and Opportunities for Small Farmers in Nepal In Nepal, many rural households need access to public forest resources to complement private resources for food and livestock production. However, current forest policies are largely directed at Environmental protection. The first part of this study ...
FAO, (2011)
Understanding Forest Degradation in Nepal In Nepal, forest degradation has had adverse, and overlapping, ecological, environmental and social implications. Ecological outcome have include a reduction in canopy cover,a decline in forest quality,structure and composition,a decrease in produc...
FAO, (2011)
Case Studies on Measuring and Assessing Forest Degradation - Forest Resources Assessment Working Paper 163 Forests provide a wide range of provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting services for human well being collectively known as ecosystem services. The sustainability of forest ecosystems depends on sustained management, efficient utilization a...
FAO, (2009)
Regional Workshop on Pro-poor Leasehold Forestry The earth is covered by 3.8 billion hectare of forests, which is about 30% of the global land area (FAO, 2012). Ten countries with the biggest forest area (Russia, Brazil, Canada, USA, China, Congo, Australia, Indonesia, Sudan and India) occupy 67% o...
GoN, IFAD, FAO, (2014)
State of Forest Genetic Resources Conservation and Management in Nepal Conservation is the management of genetic resources so that they can provide the greatest sustainable yield to benefit the present generations while preserving their potential to meet the needs and aspirations of future generations (IUCN 1980). More ...
GoN, FAO, (2003)
Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study Working Paper Series - Country report - Nepal Nepal is a small, landlocked country situated between China and India, at 80° 04' E to 88° 12'E longitude and 26° 22' N to 30° 27' N latitudes. It has a total area of about 14.7 million hectares and a rectangular shape extending from east to west. Ru...
FAO, HMGN, (1997)
Brief on National Forest Inventory (NFI) The NFI – Brief for a country attempts to provide a bird’s eye view of the National Forest inventories (NFI). However, some countries conduct forest inventories at sub-national and or field management unit level. Therefore, this brief presents brief ...
FAO, (2007)
Climate change guidelines for forest managers The effects of climate change and climate variability on forest ecosystems are evident around the world and further impacts are unavoidable, at least in the short to medium term. Addressing the challenges posed by climate change will require adjustme...
FAO, (2013)
वन ब्यवस्थापकहरुका लागि जलवायु परिवर्तन निर्देशिका जलवायु परिवर्तन तथा जलवायुमा परिवर्तनशिलताको असर वन पारिस्थितिकीय प्रणालीहरुमा परिरहेको कुरा विश्वभरनै प्रमाणित भैसकेकोछ र कम्तिमा पनि छोटो देखि मध्यम समयावधिमा अरु थप असरहरु पर्नेकुरा अवस्यंभावी छ । जलवायु परिवर्तनले ल्याएका चुनौतीलाई सम्बोधन गर्न व...
FAO, (2013)
Agreement Paper (15 October 2007) Keeping in mind the discussions and conclusions reached at the previous meeting between the Government Talks Team and the National Badi Rights Struggle Committee, the following agreements were reached at a meeting that was held today 15 October 2007 ...
UNMIN, (2007)
A Document of the International Fund for Agricultural Development The IFAD Interim Evaluation of the Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project (HLFFDP) is being conducted as a mandatory exercise prior to the consideration of a second phase of the project. The principal objective of the Interim Evalua...
IFAD, (2003)
Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Programme The mission included representatives of IFAD, FAO, the Government of Finland (GoF) and the Government of Nepal (GoN). Its objective was to carry out an assessment of the programme’s performance in terms of the achievement of objectives and results. I...
IFAD, (2014)
Nepal Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Programme- Joint Review Mission Report The mission objective was to carry out a quick assessment of the programme’s performance in terms of the achievement of objectives and results. It also reviewed any issues in relation to the disbursement of the Supplementary financing IFAD had appro...
IFAD, (2012)
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management in Nepal Nepal is a country with high disaster risk, where investments in risk reduction both save lives and protect development goals. It is important to proactively integrate Disaster and Climate Risk Management (D/CRM) into key development sectors to lead ...
UNDP, GoN, (2012)
UNDAF District Profiles: Forestry Summary UN RCHCO has prepared UNDAF District Profiles for 23 districts identified as lowest performing on development in the Nepal Country Analysis 2011. People from these districts are among the vulnerable groups whose status will be monitored to assess the...
UNRCHCO, (2013)
National Capacity Self-Assessment For Global Environment Management - Nepal - Cross-cutting Analysis Report The Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD) is the first global agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and also one of the most broadly subscribed international environmental treaties in the world. A total of 190 pa...
GoN, UNDP, (2008)
High Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas (HVAP)-I Supervision report A Joint Review Mission was conducted with the staff and managers of HVAP including staff from the Ministry of Agriculture Development (MOAD), the Agro-Enterprise Centre (AEC) of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) and...
IFAD, (2013)
BIOGAS TECHNOLOGY: A TRAINING MANUAL FOR EXTENSION The aims of this study were to determine the current status and key issues of the forestry sector, identify driving forces which will impact forest and forestry of Nepal, develop probable scenarios for the future and insight on Nepal’s forest and for...
FAO, (2009)
Nepal Develops its Timber Resources Timber is one of the Nepal's richest resources. Almost 75 percent of the country is forest, yielding wood of the major construction purpose, pulp, matches and fuel. Wood is one of the major exports to India. The Government of Nepal started its refore...
UN/UNIC, (1963)
NEPAL CLIMATE PUBLIC EXPENDITURE AND INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW (CPEIR) Government of Nepal National Planning Commission United Nations Development Programme United Nations Environment Programme Capacity Development for Development The nature of the climate threats facing communities across Nepal is diverse requiring location specific understanding of the problem in order to plan appropriate responses. It is yet to be clear as to what extent a particular economic sector in a gi...
GON, UNDP, UNEP, (2011)
ASIA-PACIFIC FORESTRY SECTOR OUTLOOK STUDY II The aims of this study were to determine the current status and key issues of the forestry sector, identify driving forces which will impact forest and forestry of Nepal, develop probable scenarios for the future and insight on Nepal’s forest and f...
FAO, (2009)
Payments for Forest Environmental Services in Sub-Saharan Africa This publication responds to calls in regional and global forestry forums to strengthen capacity for effectively developing and implementing payment schemes for environmental services in sub-Saharan Africa. In particular, the African Forestry and Wil...
FAO, (2016)