Remarks by Richard Bennett
Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal
Delivered at the launch of OHCHR’s Handbook for Civil Society (in Nepali)
30 November 2009, Pokhara
This bulletin includes remarks by Richard Bennett that was delivered at the launch of OHCHR’s Handbook for Civil Society (in Nepali).The handbook is a global publication published by OHCHR Geneva, and the English version was
released in Kathmandu in... UNOHCHR, (2009)
A 10-Year Literacy/NFE Policy and Programme Framework
Education is a key to development and an asset towards peace and social justice. It has a fundamental role to play in reducing poverty,exclusion, ignorance and conflict. Nepal is committed to Education for all, and its progress in primary education o... UNESCO, (2000)
NEPAL COMMUNITY FEEDBACK REPORT - Issue: Protection (June 2017)
In April 2017 the Inter-Agency Common Feedback Project (CFP) completed 2100 Community
Perception Surveys at the household level with community members randomly selected from throughout the 14 priority earthquake affected districts on protection rela... CFP-UNRCO, (2017)