United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Speech by Sandra Beidas Acting Representative, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal National Conference on Indigenous Women of Nepal, International Day of the World’s Indigenous People 9 August 2007 Ending discrimination and social exclusion of indigenous peoples and other marginalised groups is one of the biggest challenges of the peace process in Nepal. Women belonging to marginalised groups face multiple discrimination and have been excluded ...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
Statement by Ai Kihara-Hunt Acting Chief, Far Western Regional Office, OHCHR-Nepal Delivered at the NHRC Exhibition Day, Dhangadhi, 22 April 2007 OHCHR operates according to an Agreement with the Government of Nepal, which has just been renewed for another two years. Its mandate includes these objectives: • To monitor the observance of human rights throughout the country; • Advise authori...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
Statement by Richard Bennett Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal Delivered at the event Celebrating Diversity,Organized by Blue Diamond Society 12 September 2007, Kathmandu, Nepal Nepal’s Interim Constitution, consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 21 November 2006, sets out a framework for abolishing discrimination and addressing the problems in Nepalese society related to oppressed and neglect...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women This Follow up Report is prepared to provide updated information on the implementation status of the recommendations contained in paragraphs 26 and 36 of the Concluding Observations made by the CEDAW Committee (hereinafter referred to as “the Committ...
UN, (2015)
International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination The Committee expresses concern about the absence in the report of disaggregated data on the population, including by age, sex, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, including caste, and language. The Committee recommends that the State party provide...
UN, (2001)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women The Committee appreciates that the State party submitted its combined fourth and fifth periodic reports. It also appreciates the State party’s written replies to the list of issues and questions raised by the pre-session working group of the Committe...
UN, (2014)
Lena Sundh Representative in Nepal of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Address at the Dalit Welfare Organization Consultation Workshop on Ensuring Dalit Representation in the Upcoming Constituent Assembly 5 January 2007 The 11­ year conflict in Nepal had a terrible impact on the human rights of millions of Nepalese people. Dalits, being among the most vulnerable of Nepal’s people due to the widespread discrimination against them, often found themselves caught in the...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
OHCHR-­Nepal Check against delivery Address by Louise Arbour United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights 20 January 2007 Kathmandu, Nepal Respect for human rights is an essential foundation for peace and democracy in all countries.Human rights must be key components in the negotiations as well as in the implementation stage of a peace process.longstanding human rights issues as part of...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
International HIV/AIDS Workplace Education Programme SHARE Strategic HIV/AIDS Responses by Enterprises Nepal is considered a low prevalence country. Prevention efforts have focused on sub- populations who are more vulnerable than the general population, including migrant workers. Nepal has faced continuous political strife, including armed conflict in...
ILO, (2007)
Women are still Discriminated against in all Countries, says UN Human Rights Chief. GENEVA (OHCHR) – Laws that discriminate against women are still to be found on the statute books of virtually every country in the world, and repeated promises by states to revise or repeal them are not being honoured, the UN High Commissioner for Hu...
OHCHR, (2008)
Memorandum of Understandung Between the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empoerment of Women and the Non Resident Nepali Association (NRNA), Nepal This Memorandum on Understanding (MOU)is entered into by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN women), and the Non Resident Nepali Association (hereinafter "NRNA"). UN women and NRNA are hereinafter jointly re...
The Dalits of Nepal and a New Constitution - A Resource on the Situation of Dalits in Nepal, their Demands and the Implications for a new Constitution The origin of this document is explained in the Preface. It contains a number of documents(Collection) on the situation of the Dalits of Nepal, exploring the discrimination and oppression they suffer in their daily lives, in almost all spheres of lif...
UNDP, (2008)
Harmful Practices in Nepal: Report on Community Perception Harmful practices can be defined as persistent behaviours that discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, age, caste/ethnicity, language, religion, amongst others. They leave women and people from excluded groups at risk of violence, poorer physical a...
UN, (2020)
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Concluding Observations on the Combined Seventeenth to Twenty-third Periodic Reports of Nepal The Committee welcomes the submission of the seventeenth to twenty-third periodic reports of the State party, while regretting the delay of over eight years in their submission. The Committee expresses its appreciation for the open and constructive d...
uUN, (2018)
BEING LGBT IN ASIA: NEPAL COUNTRY REPORT This report reviews the legal and social environment for LGBT1 people and organizations in Nepal alongside the discussions and findings from the Nepal National LGBTI2 Community Dialogue held in Kathmandu in AprilIt provides an overview of LGBT rights...
UNDP, UNICEF, (2014)
Equity in School Water and Sanitation Overcoming Exclusion and Discrimination in South Asia This report presents a study on water, sanitation and education in Nepal conducted by CERID for UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia. In 2008 UNICEF ROSA commissioned a desk study into water and sanitation related exclusion at school in South Asia (...
GoN, UNICEF, (2009)
Community Test and Treat Competence Through Public-Private Partnerships in Nepal HIV testing and counselling are the gateway to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. In Asia and the Pacific, including in Nepal, where treatment coverage levels across the region are below global averages, earlier diagnoses and treatment is c...
GoN, WHO, UNAIDS, (2014)
HARMFUL PRACTICES IN NEPAL: REPORT ON COMMUNITY PERCEPTIONS Harmful practices can be defined as persistent behaviours that discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, age, caste/ethnicity, language, religion, amongst others. They leave women and people from excluded groups at risk of violence, poorer physical a...
UNFPA, (2020)
LITERATURE REVIEW ON HARMFUL PRACTICES IN NEPAL Every year, people across Nepal are subjected to violence, poor health outcomes, and death as a result of harmful practices. These practices stem from deeply embedded patriarchal norms and unequal power relations and are a significant barrier to the ...
UNFPA, (2020)
Women's Empowerment and Spousal Violence in Relation to Health Outcomes in Nepal - Further Analysis of the 2011 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey Empowering women and addressing gender-based discrimination are key elements of the development agenda of the Nepal government and integral to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Spousal violence is one of forms of gender-based violenc...
High Commissioner’s Strategic Management Plan 2010-2011 The mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is to work for the promotion and protection of all human rights for all people; to help empower people to realize their rights and to assist those responsible ...
UNOHCHR, (2011)
Speak Up Stop Discrimination The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2007, guarantees equality of women and men before the law and prohibits discrimination based on sex. Despite this, women in Nepal continue to face various restrictions in relation to their right to acquire, retain a...
UNOHCHR, (2011)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Gender mainstreaming, inclusion and equality have been a priority in national development plans of Nepal. Policy and legal reforms, leadership development, social rehabilitation of women affected by the conflict, legal aid,gender awareness and advoca...
UN, (2011)
Report of the 2nd Regional Consultation on caste-based discrimination, Kathmandu, Nepal Caste-based discrimination and untouchability remain a widespread practice affecting an estimated 260 million individuals around the world considered to belong to “lower castes”. The caste system is the very negation of the principles of equality and...
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination Summary record of the meeting of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the Effective Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action and follow-up to the request by the latter inviting the Committee to consider assessing the curr...
UN, (2004)
Promoting Women’s Human Rights Compliant Justice Delivery CEDAW is one of only two international human rights treaties that has been ratified by all countries in Southeast Asia, attesting to its importance in the region. The judiciary is an important mechanism for ensuring CEDAW implementation: however, int...
UNWOMEN, (2015)
INTER AGENCY COMMON FEEDBACK PROJECT - Reconstruction and Protection (October 2017) In September 2017 the Inter-Agency Common feedback Project (CFP) collected feedback from 2100 respondents, randomly selected from earthquake affected communities across the 14 priority affected districts on reconstruction and protection issues. The p...
CFP-UNRCO, (2017)