United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Economic and Financial Decision Making in Disaster Risk Reduction This report is prepared with technical assistance from UNDP, on behalf of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The findings are intended to support the Government of Nepal and other developing countries, to prepare and implement comprehensive and strategic ...
Tools For The Assessment of School and Hospital Safety for Multi-hazards in South Asia - (Hospital Safety) Toolkit Book 2: Retro Maintenance Major Asian cities are located, by and large, across flood plains or in coastal areas. Over 50% of the urban populations are living in small and medium size cities with less than 500,000 populations that are growing faster and may not be able to cope...
Community Based Landslide Treatment in Nepal Frequent landslides in mid-hill districts have caused damage to productive land at the lower basin and affected human settlements and agriculture activities both upstream and downstream. Extensive areas of productive land were left fallow because of ...
FAO, (2013)
Early Warning in Action Every year, floods and landslides cause 300 deaths in Nepal and economic damages exceeding US $10 million. A lack of focus on investing in disaster risk reduction has put development efforts at risk. Recognising this gap, the Government of Nepal laun...
UN, (2012)