United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Community Perception Report- Sindhuli: Round 5 (November 2015) This Community Perception Survey is conducted in Sindhuli,round 5 which have 100 of survey questionnaires. The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be consid...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
Community Perception Report- Sindhupalchowk: Round 5 (November 2015) This Community Perception Survey is conducted in Sindhupalchowk,round 5 which have 100 of survey questionnaires. The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be ...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाइ सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- ओखलढुंगा: राउण्ड ५ (नोवेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । ओखलढुंगा जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षण...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाइ सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- रसुवा: राउण्ड ५ (नोवेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । रसुवा जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षणहरु...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाइ सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- रामेछाप​: राउण्ड ५ (नोवेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । रामेछाप​ जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षण...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाइ सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- सिन्धुपाल्चोक​: राउण्ड ५ (नोवेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । सिन्धुपाल्चोक जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्व...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाइ सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- सिन्धुली: राउण्ड ५ (नोवेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । सिन्धुली जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षण...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
#33 UN Essay 2015: My United Nations- A Vision For The Future United Nation is an intergovernmental organization to promote international co-operation. The journey of UN started from 24 October 1945 with 51 member states as its founder Nation, now there are 193 member states, the legitimacy of UN. In present ti...
UNIC, (2015)
Inter-Agency Common Feedback Project Community Perception Report Reconstruction, Food Security & Livelyhood And Protection The Inter-Agency Common Feedback Project, referred to as the Common Feedback Project (CFP), is an innovative community engagement project, initiated during the response to the Nepal Earthquake 2015. Enabling a strategic connection with humanitarian r...
UNRCO, (2018)
Community Perception Report- Okhaldhunga: Round 5 (November 2015) This Community Perception Survey is conducted in Okhaldhunga,round 5 which have 100 of survey questionnaires. The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be con...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
Community Perception Report- Ramechhap: Round 5 (November 2015) This Community Perception Survey is conducted in Ramechhap,round 5 which have 100 of survey questionnaires. The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be consi...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
Community Perception Report- Rasuwa: Round 5 (November 2015) This Community Perception Survey is conducted in Rasuwa, round 5 which have 100 of survey questionnaires. The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be conside...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाइ सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- नुवाकोट: राउण्ड ५ (नोवेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । नुवाकोट जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षणह...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाइ सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- मकवानपुर​: राउण्ड ५ (नोवेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । मकवानपुर जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षण...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
Technical Cooperation Programme - Strengthening Capacities for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness and Climate Risk Management in the Agricultural Sector Agriculture remains Nepal’s principal economic activity, employing 66 percent of the population. Natural disasters such as floods, landslides, snow avalanches, glacial lake outburst floods, hailstorms, thunderstorms, cold waves, hot waves, drought an...
GON-FAO, (2012)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 4 (as of 21 August 2017) This report is produced by Office of the Resident Coordinator Nepal in collaboration with humanitarian partners and includes the preparedness and aid provided for the relief of the flood victims.As reported on 18th August, the Government of Nepal ha...
CFP-UNRCO, (2017)
समुदायको बुझाइ सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- काभ्रेपलान्चोक​: राउण्ड ५ (नोवेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । काभ्रेपलान्चोक जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाइ सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- ललितपुर​: राउण्ड ५ (नोवेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । ललितपुर​ जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षण...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
Nepal Earthquake 2015-Key Findings And Maps This report describes the impact of the 2015 earthquake throughout Central and Western Nepal (excluding the three districts of Kathmandu Valley) and provides an analysis to guide initial relief efforts. The report also provides maps and brief themati...
WFP, EU, NFSMS, (2015)
Nepal: WFP Delivers Food To Remote Villages In Gorkha District Nepal: WFP Delivers Food To Remote Villages In Gorkha District WFP teams are on the ground in Nepal responding to the needs of those affected by the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake. Marco Frattini and Zoie Jones report on one of the first food ...
WFP, (2015)
Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Programme (CDRMP) UNPD 2015 This document is published by UNDP on Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Programme (CDRMP), started in 2011, is being implemented by UNDP in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) as focal ministry and other ministries and the lin...
-UNDP, (2015)
UN Newsletter - Vol. 77 (July-Oct 2019) UN Newsletter Vol 77 from issue July to October 2019 shows overall works,mobilization and interaction with government and different organization,locals,communities and agencies with allegiance for different projects and responses. #UNFPA #UN #UNNep...
UNIC, (2019)
Regional Earthquake Recovery Dialogue for Building Back Better Organized by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, SAARC Disaster Management Centre and National Planning Commission, Government of Nepal The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) along with SAARC Disaster Management Centre (SDMC) and the National Planning Commission (NPC), Government of Nepal organised a regional recovery dialogue for building ...
Economic and Financial Decision Making in Disaster Risk Reduction This report is prepared with technical assistance from UNDP, on behalf of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The findings are intended to support the Government of Nepal and other developing countries, to prepare and implement comprehensive and strategic ...
Community Perception Survey Report- Makwanpur: Round 6 (December 2015) This Community Perception Survey Report is conducted in Makwanpur,round 6 which have 100 of survey questionnaires.The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
Community Perception Survey Report- Okhaldhunga: Round 6 (December 2015) This Community Perception Survey Report is conducted in Okhaldhunga,round 6 which have 100 of survey questionnaires.The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should ...
UNCHRCO, (2015)
Community Perception Survey Report- Ramechhap: Round 6 (December 2015) This Community Perception Survey Report is conducted in Ramechhap,round 6 which have 100 of survey questionnaires.The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
Community Perception Survey Report- Rasuwa: Round 6 (December 2015) This Community Perception Survey Report is conducted in Rasuwa,round 6 which have 100 of survey questionnaires.The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be co...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
Community Perception Survey Report- Sindhuli: Round 6 (December 2015) This Community Perception Survey Report is conducted in Sindhuli,round 6 which have 100 of survey questionnaires.The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be ...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
Community Perception Survey Report- Sindhupalchok: Round 6 (December 2015) This Community Perception Survey Report is conducted in Sindhuli,round 6 which have 100 of survey questionnaires.The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be ...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
Community Perception Survey Report-Nuwakot: Round 6 (December 2015) This Community Perception Survey Report is conducted in Nuwakot,round 6 which have 100 of survey questionnaires.The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be c...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- ओखलढुंगा: राउन्ड ६(डिसेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । ओखलढुंगा जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षण...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- नुवाकोट: राउन्ड ६(डिसेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । नुवाकोट जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षणह...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- रसुवा: राउन्ड ६(डिसेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । रसुवा जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षणहरु...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- रामेछाप: राउन्ड ६(डिसेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । रामेछाप जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षणह...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- सिन्धुपाल्चोक​: राउन्ड ६(डिसेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । सिन्धुपाल्चोक​ जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- सिन्धुली: राउन्ड ६(डिसेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । सिन्धुली जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षण...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
Disaster recovery for the disabled My house is built with wire frame technology, which is earthquake resistant. I feel safe there,” says Khil Bahadur of Sindhupalchowk. Video Quality: 720p HD Audio Quality: High Video Location: Sindhupalchowk Duration of Video: 2m #UNDP #UND...
UNDP, (2019)
Nepal NEPAL MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY 2014 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 FINAL REPORT December, 2015 The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), National Planning Commission Secretariat of the Government of Nepal, would like to acknowledge the technical and financial support it has received from UNICEF Nepal since 2009 to implement the Nepal Multiple In...
Nepal Monsoon Weekly Update (as of 21 July 2018) This year monsoon has started since of June. As per Ministry of Home Affairs, continuous rainfall throughout the country since 01 July 2018 has impacted life, livelihood and infrastructure in few places. This map shows the status of death, missing, i...
UN, (2018)
Community Perception Survey Report- Bhaktapur: Round 6 (December 2015) This Community Perception Survey Report is conducted in Bhaktapur,round 6 which have 100 of survey questionnaires.The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
Community Perception Survey Report- Dhading: Round 6 (December 2015) This Community Perception Survey Report is conducted in Dhading,round 6 which have 100 of survey questionnaires.The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be c...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
Community Perception Survey Report- Dolakha: Round 6 (December 2015) This Community Perception Survey Report is conducted in Dolakha,round 6 which have 100 of survey questionnaires.The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be c...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
Community Perception Survey Report- Gorkha: Round 6 (December 2015) This Community Perception Survey Report is conducted in Dolakha,round 6 which have 100 of survey questionnaires.The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be c...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
Community Perception Survey Report- Kathmandu: Round 6 (December 2015) This Community Perception Survey Report is conducted in kathmandu,round 6 which have 100 of survey questionnaires.The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
Community Perception Survey Report- Kavrepalanchok: Round 6 (December 2015) This Community Perception Survey Report is conducted in kavrepalanchok,round 6 which have 100 of survey questionnaires.The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report shou...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
Community Perception Survey Report- Lalitpur: Round 6 (December 2015) This Community Perception Survey Report is conducted in Lalitpur,round 6 which have 100 of survey questionnaires.The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be ...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- काठ्माडौँ: राउन्ड ६(डिसेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । काठ्माडौँ जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्ष...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- काभ्रेपलान्चोक: राउन्ड ६(डिसेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । काभ्रेपलान्चोक जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- गोरखा: राउन्ड ६(डिसेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । गोरखा जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षणहरु...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- दोलखा: राउन्ड ६(डिसेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । दोलखा जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षणहरु...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- धादिंग: राउन्ड ६(डिसेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । ललितपुर​ जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षण...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- मकवानपुर​: राउन्ड ६(डिसेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । मकवानपुर जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षण...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन- ललितपुर: राउन्ड ६(डिसेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । ललितपुर जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षणह...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाई सम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन​- भक्तपुर: राउण्ड ६ (डिसेम्बर, २०१५) यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिबेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन् भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिईनु पर्दछ । भक्तपुर जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षणह...
UNRCHCO, (2015)
EMPLOYMENT-FOCUSED DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT AND RECONSTRUCTION IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF RECENT DISASTERS IN INDIA, JAPAN, NEPAL, AND THE PHILIPPINES Over the past several years, large-scale natural disasters including earthquakes, typhoons, floods, and landslides have hit the Asia and Pacific region, leaving in their wake devastation not only in terms of extensive human casualties and massive pro...
ILO, (2016)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 1 (as of 14 August 2017) The National Emergency Operations Centre has reported that 66 people are known to have died, 35 people remain missing and 35 have been injured.The full extent of the disaster is not yet known. Many affected areas remain inaccessible dueto damaged roa...
UNRC, (2017)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Bhim Bahadur Rawal, Hon'ble Minister for Home Affairs, giving speech in the event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. #Bhimrawal #Event #UNIC #2009 #Photo #Speech #DisasterReductio...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Right Hon'ble Prime Minister, addressing the event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, Ms. Maragareta Wahlst...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Right Hon'ble Prime Minister, addressing the event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, Ms. Maragareta Wahlst...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Right Hon'ble Prime Minister, addressing the event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, Ms. Maragareta Wahlst...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Right Hon'ble Prime Minister, addressing the event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, Ms. Maragareta Wahlst...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Right Hon'ble Prime Minister, addressing the event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. Ms. Maragareta Wahlstrom, Disaster Risk Reduction UNISDR, Mr. Bhim Bahadur...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Right Hon'ble Prime Minister, addressing the meeting of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, Ms. Maragareta Wahl...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Right Hon'ble Prime Minister, addressing the meeting of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, Ms. Maragareta Wahl...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Right Hon'ble Prime Minister, addressing the meeting of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. Ms. Maragareta Wahlstrom, Disaster Risk Reduction UNISDR, #MadhavKumar...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Right Hon'ble Prime Minister, checking hand with Ms. Maragareta Wahlstrom, Disaster Risk Reduction UNISDR, in the event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. Mr. Ro...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Right Hon'ble Prime Minister, doing the lighting a lamp ceremony in the event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. #MadhavKumar #Event #UNIC #2009 #Photo #Disast...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Right Hon'ble Prime Minister, giving speech in the event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. #MadhavKumar #Event #UNIC #2009 #Photo #Speech #DisasterReduction ...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Right Hon'ble Prime Minister, giving speech in the event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, Ms. Maragareta ...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Right Hon'ble Prime Minister, standing for sing and give respect to national anthem in the event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, giving speech in the event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. #RobertPiper #Event #UNIC #2009 #Photo #Speech #DisasterReduction ...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 Ms. Maragareta Wahlstrom, Disaster Risk Reduction UNISDR, giving speech in the event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. #MaragaretaWahlstrom #Event #UNIC #2009 #Photo #Speech #Disaste...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 UN Staff, UN Guests and Journalist are attending event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. #UNStaff #UNGuests #Journalist #Event #UNIC #2009 #Photo #DisasterReduction ...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 UN Staff, UN Guests and Journalist are attending event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. #UNStaff #UNGuests #Journalist #Event #UNIC #2009 #Photo #DisasterReduction ...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 UN Staff, UN Guests and Journalist are attending event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. #UNStaff #UNGuests #Journalist #Event #UNIC #2009 #Photo #DisasterReduction ...
UNIC, (2009)
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 UN Staff, UN Guests and Journalist are standing for give respect to national anthem in event of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2009 organized by The Nepal Risk Reduction consortium. #UNStaff #UNGuests #Journalist #Event #UNIC #2009 #Phot...
UNIC, (2009)
Nepal Earthquake, Health Cluster Bulletin #2, 04 – 10 May 2015 · A third health sub-cluster - on Injury Rehabilitation has been established. · Disease surveillance in all highly affected districts has been enhanced. · No communicable disease outbreaks have been reported. · 26 hospitals (3 completely and 23 parti...
WHO, Health Cluster, (2015)
OCHA Nepal Situation Report 5 Floods and Landslides Meanwhile in Bardiya district, some disaster affected population carried out protests complaining that relief assistance was not reaching them. Loss of crops certainly is an issue that may need further careful assessment, to determine the mid-term fo...
UNOCHA, (2006)
विपद् जोखिम न्यूनीकरण राष्ट्रिय रणनीतिक कार्ययोजना २०१८ – २०३० विपद् जोखिम न्यूनीकरण तथा व्यवस्थापन ऐन २०७४ को व्यवस्था मुताबिक विपद् जोखिम न्यूनीकरण तथा व्यवस्थापन राष्ट्रिय परिषदको मिति २०७५र०३र०४ को निर्णयानुसार विपद् जोखिम न्यूनीकरण राष्ट्रिय रणनीतिक कार्ययोजना २०१८(२०३० प्रकाशन गरिएको हो । विपद् व्यवस्थापनक...
GON Minister of Home Affairs, (2018)
UNDP IN NEPAL Annual Report 2012 A lot happened in 2012. The term of the Constituent Assembly expired without producing the much anticipated constitution, putting on hold substantive discussions on contentious constitutional issues like federalism. The peace process became further c...
UNDP, (2012)
UNDP in Nepal: Results From 2011 This UNDP Nepal Annual Report 2011 highlights some of the organisation’s significant results across are Program areas: Peace building, Recovery and Reintegration; Transitional Democratic Governance; Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Livelihoods; Energ...
UNDP, (2011)
Himalayan Earthquake 2015 In the aftermath of the earthquake that has struck the Kathmandu Valley, our thoughts are with the people of Nepal and neighbouring countries. The reports of the devastation are still coming in and the numbers of people killed, injured and affected b...
UN, (2015)
Nepal: Disaster Management Reference Handbook Nepal is one of the most disaster prone countries in the world. It is affected by many different types of natural disasters each year, such as flooding, drought, landslides, wildfires, windstorms, hailstorms, thunderstorms, global lake outburst flood...
WHO, (2015)
OPEN MIC NEPAL अंक ३३ फाल्गुन १७, २०७२ ओपन माईक नेपाल बुलेटिनको तेतिसौ अंकमा स्वागत छ।'ओपन माईक' भूकम्प प्रभावित जिल्लामा चलेका हल्लाहरु तथा अन्योलपूर्ण सवाललाई एक ठाउँमा ल्याई त्यसभित्रको यथार्थ पत्ता लगाएर मानवीय सहयोगका काम गरिरहेका संघसंस्थाहरु, संचार माद्यम र स्थानीय समुदायलाई सहि सू...
UN, (2016)
Nepal Monsoon Weekly Update (as of 19 August 2018) This year monsoon has started since last week of June. As per Ministry of Home Affairs, continuous rainfall throughout the country since 01 July 2018 has impacted life, livelihood and infrastructure in few places. #UN #Disaster #Flood #Update #201...
UN, (2018)
Community Perception Report- Dhading: Round 5 (November 2015) This Community Perception Survey is conducted in Dhading,round 5 which have 100 of survey questionnaires. The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be consid...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
Community Perception Report- Kathmandu: Round 5 (November 2015) This Community Perception Survey is conducted in Kathmandu,round 5 which have 100 of survey questionnaires. The findings in this report are not necessarily representative of all communities in the district. The findings in this report should be consi...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
Economic and Financial Decision Making in Disaster Risk Reduction From an economic perspective, the country is particularly sensitive to major, periodic drought events, reflecting the country’s heavy dependence on rain fed agriculture. Meanwhile, floods and landslides are more insidious annual events, resulting i...
UNDP, (2010)
UNDP Nepal Community Based Disaster Management Practices, 2006-2008 Nepal is one of the countries in the world most vulnerable to natural disasters, including earthquakes. Increasing climate change impacts on fragile geo-physical settings, recurrent and new patterns of natural hazards like floods and landslides and d...
UNDP, (2008)
WFP Nepal Country Brief The Country Programme (CP) supports the Government of Nepal in enhancing the food and nutrition security of vulnerable communities and increasing resilience to disasters.The CP covers four areas: 1. Livelihoods creation provides seasonal employment ...
WFP, (2016)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 1 Beginning on 11 August 2017, Nepal experienced its worst rains in 15 years, resulting in large-scale impacts on lives,livelihoods and infrastructure across 27 of Nepal’s 75 districts.The Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) authorities estimate that hundr...
UNRCHO (UNRCO), (2017)
Participatory Workshop on Urbanisation and Community Based Disaster Management Nepal, comprising two thirds of the Himalayas, is a multi-lingual, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country with ancient history. Fascinating towns and villages exist in the mountains, hills and the Terai, and people live with the nature, developing t...
समुदायको बुझाइ सर्वेक्षण – ओखाल्धुंगा : राउण्ड ३ (सेप्टेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ । ओखाल्धुंगा जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाइ सर्वेक्षण – नुवाकोट : राउण्ड ३ (सेप्टेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ । नुवाकोट जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षण...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाइ सर्वेक्षण – रसुवा : राउण्ड ३ (सेप्टेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ । रसुवा जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षणहर...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाइ सर्वेक्षण – रामेछाप : राउण्ड ३ (सेप्टेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ । रामेछाप जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्षण...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाइ सर्वेक्षण – सिन्धुपाल्चोक : राउण्ड ३ (सेप्टेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ । सिन्धुपाल्चोक जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
समुदायको बुझाइ सर्वेक्षण – सिन्धुली: राउण्ड ३ (सेप्टेम्बर २०१५) यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुले जिल्लाका सबै समुदायहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छन् भन्ने छैन । यो प्रतिवेदनका उपलब्धीहरुलाई समुदायले प्रतिकार्यका प्रयासहरुलाई कसरी बुझेका छन भन्ने सम्बन्धमा संकेतका रुपमा लिइनु पर्दछ । सिन्धुली जिल्लामा जम्मा १०० वटा सर्वेक्ष...
CFP-UNRCO, (2015)
Community Awareness Event Youth of Dhading district participates in a community awareness event on protection and use of open spaces in the event of a disaster, organized in September 2019 in collaboration with local authorities. During 2019, awareness raising events were org...
IOM, (2019)