United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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74th UN Day 2019 International Labour Organization (ILO) Nepal's staffs at their stall during UN Day 2019 #UNDay #UNDay2019 #ILO #UNDay74 #DecentWork #SocialJustice...
ILO, (2019)
Workers’ Guide to Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience Recommendation (No. 205) Since its creation in 1919, the ILO has operated on the principle that universal and lasting peace cannot be established or maintained if it is not based on social justice. Every working woman and man can freely claim this aspiration, along with thei...
ILO, (2019)
Work in Freedom program in Nepal- Project Phase 2 The Work in Freedom is an integrated programme to support mobility by choice among women and girls from source countries (India, Bangladesh and Nepal) to decent jobs with safety and dignity of workers in destination countries (India, Lebanon, Jordan,...
ILO, (2019)
Country leaflet-Background and overview of ILO activities in Nepal. The Nepal Country Leaflet outlines the ILO’s main achievements in the country and gives details of the ILO's current activities to promote decent work. It offers a brief history of the ILO's relationship with Nepal, up-to-date labour market indicator...
ILO, (2019)
SDGs in Nepal Goal 8: Info-graphics Where do Nepal’s seven provinces stand in terms of each of the Sustainable Development Goals? This series of infographics developed by United Nations Nepal in partnership with Nepal in Data and published in the Republica national daily, illustrates h...
UNDP, (2018)
Nepal Decent Work Country Programme 2018-2022 Nepal is passing through a major period of transition. The newly established federal structure provides opportunities and challenges, in both political and economic terms. Nepal has also announced its commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Dev...
ILO, (2018)
74th UN Day 2019 A stall of Zenep Technologies which is support by the GEF/SGP/UNDP. It is the Small ground Program which manufactures various 3D design and equipments. It follows the SDG 8 which is Decent Work and Economic Growth. #UNDay #74 #2019 #SGDs #Sustainab...
-UNDP, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 International Organization for Migration (IOM) Chief of Mission for Nepal Lorena Lando visiting ILO Nepal's Stall during UN day 2019 event at Rastriya Sabha Griha. ILO stall featured their latest publications along with some giveaway goodies such as ...
ILO, (2019)
74th UN DAY ILO presenting the Photo stand showcasing the activities and group of organization. #UNDay #UNDay74 #ILO #DecentWork #SocialJustice #PhotoBooth #LabourStandards ...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 Publications and other goodies for distribution and display at ILO Nepal's stall during UN Day 2019 event. UN Nepal celebrated 74th birthday of UN with an interactive event with the public which featured stalls, speed mentoring and a panel discussion...
ILO, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 Visitors at International Labour Organization (ILO) Nepal's stall during UN Day 2019 at Rastriya Sabha Griha. ILO stall featured their latest publications along with some giveaway goodies such as colour pencils, ID card holder, etc. #UNDay #UNDay20...
ILO, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 Visitors engaged at International Labour Organization (ILO) Nepal's stall during UN Day 2019 #UNDay #UNDay2019 #ILO #UNDay74 #DecentWork #SocialJustice ...
ILO, (2019)