United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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A Seminar of United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries 2011 Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP addressing on a seminar on "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role of Nepal as LDCs Chair" held at Radisson Hotel on 6th May, 2011. #ShokoNoda #UNDP #Seminar #CountryDirector #...
UNIC, (2011)
Conference on the Least Developed Countries 2011 held at Radisson Hotel Hon'ble Paramananda Jha, Vice Present of Nepal along with Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, Asso. Prof. Dambar Bir Thapa, Radhesh Pant, Co-President at the Seminar on the "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role o...
UNIC, (2011)
Shoko Noda Addressing on the Conference on the Least Developed Countries 2011 Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP addressing on a seminar on "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role of Nepal as LDCs Chair" held at Radisson Hotel on 6th May, 2011. #ParamanandaJha #VicePresident #ShokoNoda #UND...
UNIC, (2011)
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia UNAIDS Country Director, Ruben F del Prado, Executive Director of Blue Diamond Society, Manisha Dhakal, and The Laramie Project, Bruno Deceukelier in Press Release Of International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia in UN House #UNAI...
UNIC, (2017)