United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
CENSUS about 3 results (0.0032 in miliseconds)  
Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics - Nepal – Agriculture Census Agriculture plays an important role in meeting the basic needs of the majority of people in developing countries and Nepal is no exception. Agriculture sector has more than one third contribution to total Gross Domestic Production (GDP) of Nepal. Cen...
FAO, (2012)
Leaving No One Behind (TA3.07) SAE Method Training Workshop: Combining Data Sources to Generate Small Area Estimates for Family Planning The purpose of developing a Small Area Estimation (SAE) method is to better identify the areas where the need for family planning support are the greatest, in order to geographically target investment to enhance family planning. UNFPA aims to streng...
UNFPA, (2017)
Small Area Estimation of Poverty, Caloric Intake and Malnutrition in Nepal This report presents the results of small area estimation techniques to improve sample survey estimates of poverty, caloric intake and malnutrition for Nepal. This is the first time that statistical techniques have been used to estimate indicators of...
GoN, CBS, WB, WFP, (2006)