United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Documenting the process of developing the Nepal Multi-sector Nutrition Plan and identifying its strengths and weaknesses Report of a research project his research report was commissioned by UNICEF in Nepal, which aims to document the process of development of the Multi-sector Nutrition Plan. The study was undertaken in November through December, 2013, using in-depth qualitative research methods fo...
UNICEF, European Union, (2017)
Nepal Migration Profile 2019 This Migration Profile, which is a living document owned by the Government of Nepal, was prepared through the government-led, inter-Ministerial Technical Working Group (TWG), in consultation with a broad range of stakeholders and with technical suppo...
IOM, (2019)
संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय मानवअधिकार उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय, नेपाल प्रेस विज्ञप्ति-२०६४ असोज ४ उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय- नेपालका प्रमुखद्वारा मानवअधिकारका प्राथमिकताहरुबारे संक्षिप्त जानकारी मनावअधिकारसम्बन्धि उच्चायुक्तका नेपालस्थित प्रतिनिधि रिचर्ड बेनेटले आगामी महिनाहरुमा उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय-नेपालका प्राथमिकताहरुको रेखांकन गर्न शुक्रबार काठमाडौमा एउटा पत्रकार सम्मेलन आयोजना गर्नुभयो। "नेपलको शान्ति प्रक्रियाका लागि यी आउदा अत्यन्त...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
A Human Rights-Based Approach To Health A human rights-based approach (HRBA) aims to support better and more sustainable development outcomes by analyzing and addressing the inequalities, discriminatory practices (de jure ad de facto) and unjust power relations which are often at the heart...
WHO, UNHR, (1970)
Statement by Hon. Dr. Min Bahadur Shrestha, Vice-Chairman of the National Planning Commission of Nepal and the Head of Nepali Delegation to the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) under the auspices of the UN- ECOSOC (New York, 18 July 2017) This bulletin includes statement by Hon. Dr. Min Bahadur Shrestha, Vice-Chairman of the National Planning Commission of Nepal and the Head of Nepali Delegation to the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) under the auspices of the UN-ECOSOC on 18 July ...
GON, UN, (2017)
74th UN Day 2019 UNDP staffs striking a pose on the occasion of 74th UN Day. #UNDay #74 #2019 #SGDs #Sustainable #Photoshoot #Staffs #UNDP #Group #GlobalGoal #Entertainment #CapacityBuilding,#Empowerment, #ProgrammeOwnership ...
-UNDP, (2019)
WFP Nepal Country Brief The Country Programme (CP) supports the Government of Nepal in enhancing the food and nutrition security of vulnerable communities and increasing resilience to disasters. The CP covers four areas: Livelihood creation provides seasonal employment and...
WFP, (2017)
FAO Nepal News Bulletin Bi-Monthly (March 2015) This Bi-monthly issue on March 2015 are as follows: 1. Experts emphasize on strengthening forest tenure for sustaining livelihoods. 2. Code for minimizing adverse effects of pesticide in environment and human health. 3. FAO extends policy assista...
FAO, (2015)
DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGES OF NEPAL: Trends and Policy Implications Government of Nepal National Planning Commission KATHMANDU, NEPAL MARCH 2017 This timely report about Nepal’s changing demography reveals the unique position of the country vis-à-vis its demographic transition. As the population rapidly ages, there will be a higher number of elderly people for each working-age person to suppo...
GON, UNICEF, (2017)