United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
BHUTAN about 5 results (0.0062 in miliseconds)  
Nepal - UNHCR Mid Year Progress Report 2001 The initial objectives of this project is as follows: 1. Facilitate bilateral discussions between the Governments of Nepal and Bhutan to seek durable solutions for Bhutanese refugees. 2. Provide protection and assistance to Bhutanese refugees until...
UNHCR, (2001)
NEW ISSUES IN REFUGEE RESEARCH (Research paper No.258) Waves of Life: The role of Radio in Bhutanese Refugee Camps in Nepal (July 2013) Radios are powerful objects. They transmit information to societies, nurture communities and, as in the case of the Rwandan genocide, even destroy them (Kellow and Steeves 1998,107). Though in the Western world radio is often perceived as an outdated...
UNHCR, (2013)
South Asia Newsletter - UNODC in South Asia UNODC helps countries and its people to reduce illegal drugs and crime throughout the world and to address justice and human security. It helps Member States with technical assistance, legal advice and research within the framework of the United Nati...
UNODC, (2011)
Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation, Nepal - Food Assistance to Refugees from Bhutan in Nepal As a consequence of revised citizenship laws enacted by the Government of Bhutan in the 1980s, Bhutanese asylum seekers fled to Nepal in the early 1990s. The Bhutanese refugees are the decedents of Nepalese people that migrated to Bhutan between th...
WFP, (2009)
Australian Ambassador Glenn White visits Bhutanese Refugee Camp. As the large-scale resettlement programme for Bhutanese refugees draws to a close, the Australian Ambassador to Nepal, H.E. Glenn White, visited Beldangi refugee camp in Jhapa District on Thursday. During the trip, Mr White met with Bhutanese refugee...