Child Protection Network (Community-based Child Care Center) Nepal
Location: Beldangi-I and Sanischare camps
Time and Duration: Beldangi-I: 2009 – present Sanischare camp: Since 2012
Population Groups: Refugees and asylumseekers
Actors: UNHCR, Bhutanese Refugee Women’s Forum (BRWF), Lutheran World federa... UNHCR, (2012)
Child Protection Network (Early Childhood Development Center) Nepal
Location: Sanischare camp
Time and Duration: January 2012 – Present
Population Groups: Refugees, asylum seekers, and host communities
Actors: UNHCR, Early Childhood Development Committee (EDCD), Seto Gurans, Lutheran World Federation (LWF)
... UNHCR, (2012)
Submission by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees For the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' Compilation Report Universal Periodic Review: Nepal
Nepal is not a State party to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees or its 1967 Protocol (hereinafter jointly referred to as the 1951 Convention). Nepal is also not a State party to the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of State... UNHCR, (2015)
UNHCR Country Operations Plan 2002 - Nepal
UNHCR's major role in Nepal is to seek durable solutions for approximately 98,900 Bhutanese refugees. Pending a durable solution, UNHCR continues to provide for their care and maintenance in eastern Nepal. The influx of Bhutanese refugees into Nepal ... UNHCR, (2001)
UNHCR Country Operations Plan 2003 - Nepal
UNHCR, at the request of His Majesty's Government of Nepal (HMG-N), has been playing an active advisory, co-ordination and monitoring role in protection activities and the provision of assistance to Bhutanese refugees since 1993. Law and order at the... UNHCR, (2002)
UNHCR Country Operations Plan 2004 - Nepal
Nepal is not a signatory to the 1951 Convention or the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees. No national legislation relating to asylum-seekers and refugees exists. At the request of the Government of Nepal, UNHCR has been playing an acti... UNHCR, (2003)
UNHCR Country Operations Plan 2005 - Nepal
Nepal is not a signatory to the 1951 Convention or the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees. No specific and/or applicable national legislation relating to asylum-seekers or refugees exists. At the request of His Majesty's Government of N... UNHCR, (2004)
UNHCR Country Operations Plan 2006 - Nepal
His Majesty’s Government of Nepal (HMG-N) has neither acceded to the 1951 Convention / 1967 Protocol nor adopted national refugee legislation. Refugee rights are governed by the Aliens Act and administrative directives that are caseload-specific and ... UNHCR, (2005)
UNHCR Global Report 2006, Nepal
At the beginning of 2006, pro-democracy political parties and the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoists (CPN-M) intensified their confrontation with the King and army. Mass arrests, severe restrictions on freedom of movement, country-wide strikes and prot... UNHCR, (2007)
UNHCR Global Report 2008, Nepal
Group resettlement for refugees living in camps started in March. Some 8,000 of the 60,000 people who expressed an interest in resettlement departed for third countries in 2008.
In September, the Government of Nepal and UNHCR completed the registra... UNHCR, (2009)
UNHCR Global Report 2009, Nepal
2009 was a key year in terms of resolving one of Asia’s most protracted refugee situations. Just one year after the start of large-scale resettlement for refugees from Bhutan, more than 25,500 refugees departed for third countries to start new lives.... UNHCR, (2010)
UNHCR Global Report 2010, Nepal
In 2010, UNHCR’s Nepal operation ran the largest resettlement programme in the world, sending some 14,800 refugees, originally from Bhutan, to third countries. Since the large-scale operation began at the end of 2007, more than 40,000 refugees have b... UNHCR, (2011)
UNHCR Global Report 2011, Nepal
UNHCR’s resettlement programme for refugees in Nepal was the largest such programme globally. In 2011, it helped some 18,100 refugees, originally from Bhutan, to depart for new homes in eight countries. Some 58,500 people have been resettled since th... UNHCR, (2012)
Waves of life: the role of radio in Bhutanese refugee camps in Nepal
“Radios are powerful objects. They transmit information to societies, nurture communities and, as in the case of the Rwandan genocide, even destroy them (Kellow and Steeves 1998, 107). Though in the Western world radio is often perceived as an outdat... UNHCR, (2013)