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Information Centre | Nepal
ANNUALREPORT about 35 results (0.0194 in miliseconds)  
PPPUE Annual Progress Report 2002 The rapid proliferation of urban enclaves across Nepal has sharply increased the demand for basic urban services while simultaneously rendering a negative impact on the urban environment itself. Because municipalities are severely hamstrung due to in...
PPPUE/UNDP, (2002)
PPPUE Annual Progress Report 2003 For PPPUE Nepal, the year 2003 has primarily been about further strengthening, augmenting and extending the foundation upon which public private partnership activity in the area of urban service in based. There have been concerted and broad-based eff...
PPPUE/UNDP, (2003)
UNDP Annual Report 2006 2006 was a year of major transition for the UNDP Programme due to the changed political context. UNDP focused its efforts on reorienting its programme to meet current needs and strengthened its operational capacity to assist with post-conflict recove...
UNDP, (2006)
Rural Urban Partnership Programme Annual Report 2001 - Urban Based Local Development. RUPP is urban based local development Programme implement in twelve municipalities and thirty-one rural market centers. Its goal is to improve the livelihoods of poor and disadvantaged people by creating enabling environment to take advantage of the ...
RUPP/ UNDP, (2001)
Resident Coordinator Annual Report 2017 In 2017, joint Annual Work Plans (AWPs) of result groups were developed. A joint initiative from UN agencies developing and implementing the joint programs on gender equality and women’s rights, human rights, land tenure, environmental sustainability...
UNRCO, (2017)
ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD SURVEY 2014/15 Nepal has shown progress in social-demographic indicators in the past decades but the economic growth has been very slow. Employment and Labour force situation reflects the working capability of a country. Information on the current labour force situ...
-UNDP, (2016)
Annual Report 2018 UNDP The Sustainable Development Goals are approaching their four-year mark of a 15-year Agenda. In this short time, Nepal has laid a strong foundation in order to tackle its national SDG priorities. Since the beginning of the SDGs in 2015, UNDP has been ...
UNDP, (2019)
Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report 2011 As in the past few years,in 2011 the UN Country Team(UNCT) in Nepal has needed to continuously adjust to both the challenges from a longer-than-expected post-conflict transition as well as to the opportunities emerging from important steps forward i...
UN, (2011)
Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report Nepal 2010 As in 2009,2010 brought ongoing challenges in the implementation of Nepal’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). The Constituent Assembly (CA) was unable to meet the deadline of May 2010 for drafting the new constitution. Following a political crisi...
UNDP, (2010)
Annual Report 2005 - Supporting Progress Through Equality This is the first annual report produced by UNDP in Nepal. Following a review of our activities, carried out in close consultation with the Government of Nepal, we decided to further extend our support to communities caught up in the conflict. In Oct...
UNDP, (2005)
Resident Coordinator Annual Report 2018 Resident Coordinator Annual Report 2018 highlights on following result framework: An effective approach is applied to implement the UNDAF and Delivering as One Principles UN and its partners better understand and communicate on key issues/ prioriti...
UN Nepal, (2019)
2014 Annual Results Report: Health Overall, 2014 was a year of marking progress towards meeting global goals for reducing child mortality. Under-5 mortality has declined at a faster rate than at any other time during the past two decades, and among the poor in all regions. The global ...
UNICEF, (2014)
Annual Report 2015–2016 The Annual Report documents UN Women’s work to foster women’s empowerment and gender equality around the world. It highlights some of the organization’s initiatives during the year and provides summary financial statements, a list of new programmes a...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
UN Women Training Centre Annual Report 2015 The UN Women Training Centre 2015 Annual Report highlights the work and the activities carried out by the Training Centre in 2015, a year of great growth and evolution for the Training Centre courses and its eLearning Campus. The Report details resul...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
SYNTHESIS OF RESIDENT COORDINATOR ANNUAL REPORTS 2008 - UN Country Coordination : Contributing to Development Effectiveness (OCT 2009) This synthesis of the annual reports submitted to the Secretary-General by over 130 Resident Coordinators in 2008 provides an overview of the activities of the Resident Coordinator system and the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) in support of ...
UNRCHCO, (2008)
Global Partnership for Development - UNDP Annual Report 2006 UNDP is the UN's global development network,advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge,experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 166 countries,working with them to strengthen their capacitie...
UNDP, (2006)
Country Office Annual Report 2015 For: Nepal, Rosa Nepal faced a year of humanitarian crises in 2015. The earthquakes that struck Nepal on 25 April and 12 May 2015 were devastating, with an estimated total affected population of 2.8 million, out of which 1.1 million (40 per cent) were children. 31 ou...
UNICEF, (2016)
One Wash Annual Report 2015 The year 2015 was marked by two humanitarian crises in Nepal; natural disasters in the form of strong earthquakes and political crises leading to shortage of essential supplies in Nepal. Both humanitarian crises have been on the global news for a lon...
UNICEF, (2016)
Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report 2011 As in the past few years, in 2011 the UN Country Team(UNCT) in Nepal has needed to continuously adjust to both the challenges from a longer-than-expected post-conflict transition as well as to the opportunities emerging from important steps forwa...
UNDP, (2011)
General Assembly Official Records Seventy-second Session Supplement No. 1 Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization The annual report documents UN Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization. The Un Secretary-General’s main initiatives in 2017: - Cabinet-style weekly Executive Committee meetings to enhance decision-making and promote c...
UN, (2017)
Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report Nepal 2010 Considerable progress was made in 2010 in efforts to further improve UN system coherence. Amajor milestone was the establishment of the RC/HC Office on August 1st2010. The RC/HCO provides coordination, planning, advocacy, analysis, information...
UN, (2011)
Annual Report 2009 -- United Nations Development Assessment Framework for Nepal (2008-2012) After a year of substantial progress in 2008, 2009 saw significant challenges in the continued implementation of Nepal’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). There was a marked crisis of confidence between the political parties with the legislative p...
UN, (2009)
ELECTROAL SUPPORT PROJECT- PHASE II, NEPAL UNDP's electroal assistance is geared towards establishing systems, process and policies within the ECN for sustainable capacity building. It is based on the assumption that short-term assistance to the ECN is not adequate to bring about the systemat...
UNDP, (2017)
Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report 2012 - Brief Description of Major Developments As in the previous years, the UN Country Team (UNCT) in Nepal has needed to continue adjusting to the uncertainties and challenges resulting from Nepal’s complex transition process. 2012 witnessed a major setback in Nepal’s political transition when ...
UN, (2012)
UNFPA Annual Report 2018 UNFPA is active in Nepal since 1971, providing support to health secor, enhancing national responses to gender-based violence and implelemting the population and housing census.Today, programmes support the subnational capacity for planning and manag...
UNFPA, (2019)
Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report 2014 Following the Constituent Assembly (CA) elections in November 2013, restoration of the party-based political system and the resumption of the constitution drafting marked Nepali politics in 2014. The second CA was inaugurated in January 2014. The par...
One WASH Annual Report 2016 This is the third One WASH Annual Report produced by WASH Section, UNICEF Nepal. It captures progress, challenges and lessons learnt during 2016 during implementation of WASH Programme. Significant progress was achieved by the UNICEF-assisted WASH Pr...
UNICEF, (2017)
Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report 2015: Brief Description of Major Development or Political and Economic Events that Have Had an Effect on the Work of the UNCT. On April 25 and 12 May two back-to-back major earthquakes struck Nepal causing severe destruction in 31 districts with 14 most affected out of the 75 districts in the country. A total of 8,891 people were confirmed dead, more than 600,000 houses dest...
UNRCO, (2015)
United Nations Development Assistance Framework For Nepal 2013-2017 The first year of the implementation of United Nations Development Assistance Framework(UNDAF)2013–2017 in Nepal was marked by the relatively peaceful conduct of the long anticipated second Constituent Assembly(CA) elections in November. Upon the ann...
UNDAF/UN, (2013)
Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report 2011 As in the past few years, in 2011 the UN Country Team (UNCT) in Nepal has needed to continuously adjust to both the challenges from a longer-than-expected post-conflict transition as well as to the opportunities emerging from important steps forward ...
UN, (2011)
Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report Nepal Political and other actors focused far less on progress and challenges related to longer term development issues such as strengthening the social and economic foundations of the country, expediting the delivery of services, or rehabilitating infrastr...
UN, (2009)
United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Nepal 2008-2012 The Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 2006 makes a very strong commitment to, not only peace,but also development. The preamble puts “democracy,peace, prosperity,progressive social and economic transformation,independence,integrity,sovereignty and pre...
UN, (2012)
Fund for Gender Equality 2015 Annual Report In 2015, UN Women's Fund for Gender Equality (FGE) supported 53 active programmes in 48 countries and reached over 218,000 direct beneficiaries. The Fund's programmes, led by civil society organizations, work to advance women's political and economic...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
Transforming Equality: UN Women in Eastern and Southern Africa The report presents a glimpse into some of the activities and programmes lead by the regional office that have had measurable impacts, and which can be further grown with donor support. UN Women Eastern and Southern Africa hopes that this overview wi...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
UNDP Nepal Annual Report 2020 2020 witnessed an unprecedented global crisis and that affected and shaped a significant part of our work at UNDP in Nepal. COVID-19 hit the country in January and it went on to take a huge toll on the country. From agriculture to hydropower, and edu...
UNDP, (2021)