United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
AGRICULTURE about 51 results (0.0051 in miliseconds)  
Arsenic Threat and Irrigation Management in Nepal - Preliminary Findings from the Narayani Irrigation Command Area Nepal requires the management of medium to large irrigation systems to be modernized. Low water use efficiency, low level of collection of irrigation service fees, deteriorating stage of basic infrastructure of many agency managed irrigation systems,...
FAO, (2004)
Fact Sheet April 2016 Government of Nepal (GoN) is implementing Agriculture and Food Security Project (AFSP) in 19 mid-hill and mountain districts of the Mid-western and Far-western development regions of Nepal, funded jointly by Global Agriculture and Food Security Progr...
FAO, (2016)
Guidelines for Institutional Arrangements, Training, Irrigation and Agriculture Production Improvements Under On-Farm Water Management Programme Agriculture plays a dominant role in the Nepalese economy and constitutes a major portion of the gross domestic product (GDP). During the eighties, Nepal was recognised as a net exporter of food grains. However, the country has been increasingly impo...
FAO, (2005)
Nepal’s Ginger Farmers to be the Winners in Plans to Expand International Trade In a major milestone for the project, a ginger washing and processing plant is expected to open in the next few months in Jhapa district, in eastern Nepal. The plant will add value to ginger exported from Nepal, particularly in the target districts o...
FAO, (2015)
Nepal Agricultural Policy and Strategies for Poverty Alleviation and Food Security Nepal is one of the world’s least developed nations, with low per capital income(US$249), and generally low social-economic indicators. Infant mortality, at 64 per 1000 live Birth is the highest such figure in South Asia.Indicators of life expectanc...
UNDP/ FAO, (2003)
IOE Independent Office of Evaluation 2003-2013: Accountability and Learning for Better Rural Livelihoods (Number 24, May 2013) In 2012, the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD undertook the second country programme evaluation (CPE) in Nepal, assessing the IFAD-Nepal partnership over the period 1999-2012. During this period IFAD’s activities focused on: (i) rural poverty...
IFAD, (2013)
Agriculture Digital Linkage Study What drives the Nepalese economy?’- A question that prompts a thousand answers. With its unparalleledgeographic landscape, the agricultural sector in Nepal presents an equal number of challenges and opportunities for farmers. Agriculture is the prima...
UNCDF , MM4P, (2017)
Ecosystem based adaptation - A case from Panchase [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y3049tDiU4 [Abstract] - In 2014 (2070) heavy rainfall during the monsoon season resulted in a massive landslide in Saunepani. The landslide caused massive destruction to the farm of local resident Bir...
UNDP, (2018)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 8 (as of 13 September 2017) The UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund has allocated US$4.8 million to flood response efforts in Nepal. To-date, over 1 million flood affected people have benefited from humanitarian assistance from 9 Clusters. Preparations for next week’s election...
UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 9 (as of 20 September 2017) Elections in Province 2 have contributed to a major slow down in relief activities. Combined humanitarian Clusters face a shortfall of US$32 million for flood response activities. This is the last Sit Rep that the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office(UN...
UNRCO, (2017)
A Training Manual for Agricultural Officers and Planners The increasing incidents of climate change-related natural disasters in Nepal has severely affected the agriculture sector. The need for understanding and capacity-building among government officials in reducing climate vulnerability has never been g...
UNDP, (2020)
Roadmap for Adaption Planning in Nepal’s Agriculture Secotrs Nepal’s agriculture sector, which contributes majorly to the country’s GDP, is extremely climate vulnerable. Therefore, with an aim to reduce the country’s susceptibility to climate change, the Government of Nepal is formulating its National Adaptati...
UNDP, (2020)
NEPAL COMMUNITYFEEDBACK REPORT Issue: Food Security and Livelihoods Across 14 districts, 81 percent of respondents stated that their family’s daily food needs are being met. This is a signi cant improvement over the last round of the Food Security and Livelihood survey (July 2016), in which only 54 percent of respon...
UN, (2017)
Forced Labour of Adults and Children in the Agriculture Sector of Nepal This report on “Forced Labour of Adults and Children in the Agricultural Sector in Nepal” presents the results of a survey carried out by a team of experts affiliated to the Central Department of Population Studies (CDPS), Tribhuvan University, Kathm...
ILO, (2013)
First Advance Estimate of 2015/16 Wheat Production in Nepal Using the CCAFS Regional Agricultural Forecasting Toolbox (CRAFT) The significant drop in production is attributed to an estimated five percent decrease in wheat grown area nationwide as compared to the 2014/15 season. Wheat grown area decreased because of two main reasons: a severe shortage of fuel for irrigation...
GoN, WFP, (2016)
Promoting Agriculture, Health, and Alternative Livelihoods (PAHAL) Nepal has made substantial strides toward reducing its overall poverty rate. However, many people, especially those living in the Middle Hill and Mountain regions,continue to struggle with food insecurity and poor nutrition. In the remote and rugged ...
UN, (2016)
National socioeconomic surveys in forestry Forests can provide important provisioning, supporting, regulating and cultural servicesfor households and communities. They are often important sources of food, fodder andconstruction materials, as well as sources of energy and medicines. Generally,...
CPF-FAO, (2016)
United Nations CEDAW/C/1999/II/3/Add.1 Convention on the Elimination of All Distr.: General Forms of Discrimination 13 May 1999 against Women Original: English On behalf of the Committee, the Secretariat invited the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), on 29 April 1999, to submit to the Committee by 15 May 1999 a report on information provided by States to FAO on the implementatio...
UN, FAO, (1999)
Managing Risks and Designing Products for Agricultural Microfinance Globally, 1.2 billion people are extremely poor (surviving on less than USD a day), and three quarters live in rural areas. Poverty is predominantly a rural phenomenon. Extremely poor people spend more than half of their income to obtain (or produce)...
CGAP, IFAD, (2006)
Slope Agriculture Land Technology (SALT) in the Mid-hills of Nepal The Argha Khanchi District, located in the mid hill region in Nepal is an area characterized by natural slopes and ridges, prone to landslides and slope instability due to intensive cultivation and cropping without any terrace and bunds. This situati...
FAO, (2013)
After the Earth Moved, Nepalese Planted Seeds Kathmandu, Nepal – After two major earthquakes and hundreds of aftershocks rocked Nepal in 2015, many remote farming communities were left completely devastated. In a country where four out of five people depend on agriculture for their livelihoods, ...
FAO, (2016)
Save And Grow Farming Systems Fact Sheet 2 Traditionally rice has been cultivated in most of Asia as follows: fields are first flooded then ploughed to create soft muddy soil often overlying a dense, compacted layer that restricts downward loss of water. Rice seedlings 20 to 60 days old are t...
FAO, (2015)
IFAD to Support Loan and Grant to Enhance Sustainable Agricultural Growth in Nepal The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will extend a loan and grant of US$39 million to the Government of Nepal to finance the Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme (Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram in Nepali) with the goal o...
IFAD, (2012)
Managing climate risks and adapting to climate change in the agriculture sector in Nepal The agriculture sector plays a critical role in the Nepalese economy, contributing more than 33 percent to Nepal’s gross domestic product and engaging more than 65 percent of its population. The sector is highly exposed and vulnerable to extreme clim...
GoN, UNDP, FAO, (2014)
Organization Quarterly Progress Updates Gorkha October 2016- December 2016 District Development Committee Gorkha Prepared by UNDP Gorkha Recovery and Reconstruction Coordination Forum After the April 25,015 earthquake, ECO-Nepal has been implementing humanitarian actions and interventions in various VDCs of Gorkha in assistance/partnership of Dan Church Aid (DCA). Nepal Earthquake Recovery, Reconstruction and Resilience (3R) proje...
GoN, UNDP, (2016)
Organization Quarterly Progress Updates Gorkha October 2016- December 2016 District Development Committee Gorkha Prepared by UNDP Gorkha Recovery and Reconstruction Coordination Forum After the April 25,015 earthquake, ECO-Nepal has been implementing humanitarian actions and interventions in various VDCs of Gorkha in assistance/partnership of Dan Church Aid (DCA). Nepal Earthquake Recovery, Reconstruction and Resilience (3R) proje...
GoN, UNDP, (2016)
Impact of Climate Change Finance in Agriculture on the Poor The impacts of climate change have manifested in multiple ways in the agriculture sector in Nepal, from crop losses due to severe floods, extended droughts, emergence of diseases and proliferation of pests. Public finance to support climate related p...
GON-UNDP, (2018)
Development Towards The Agricultural Sector IOM promotes policy dialogues to support the Govt. of Nepal in mainstreaming both economic and social benefits of migration into national development policy and hence contribute on its efforts towards achieving the development targets set by the Agen...
IOM, (2016)
Support to Financial inclusion in Nepal - 2014 - 2018- Through the "Access to finance" (A2F) Agriculture is the largest economic sector in Nepal contributing to more then one third of GDP (32%-36%) and employment and livelihood opportunities to more than two third of its population (765). Given that many Nepalese depend on agriculture for th...
SDG Localization through Integration of Climate Change in Agricultural Planning and Budgeting at the National and Sub-national Levels Agriculture contributes to about one third of Nepal’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs about two-thirds of the population directly or indirectly. Agriculture being highly vulnerable to climate change, experiences far-reaching impacts with im...
UNDP, (2018)
SDG Localization through Integration of Climate Change in Agricultural Planning and Budgeting at the National and Sub-national Levels Agriculture contributes to about one third of Nepal’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs about two-thirds of the population directly or indirectly. Agriculture being highly vulnerable to climate change, experiences far-reaching impacts with im...
UNDP, (2018)
Feasibility Study of Agriculture Products Export Production Villages (EPVs) in Selected Rural Districts in Nepal As one of the main elements of its technical co-operation with Nepal, UNDP and the HMG Nepal designed a Poverty Reduction Programme in 1997 aimed at strengthening planning and implementation of the poverty reduction programmes during the Ninth Plan p...
MEDEP/UNDP, (2003)
Improved Pit Storage Method for Ginger Rhizomes in Nepal farmers in the Mahintada village, in the Surkhet District cultivate ginger as a major income generating cash crop to be used as food or medicine. Ginger rhizomes selected for seed purposes are stored in pits to be used in the next season. It has been...
FAO, (2013)
Tunnel Farming for Off-Season Vegetable Cultivation in Nepal Nepal ranks among the most vulnerable countries to extreme climate events. In general, rural areas where the population heavily depends on agriculture are the most vulnerable. High temperature during summer months and foggy weather combined with prol...
FAO, (2013)
Zero/Minimum Tillage in Rice-Wheat System in Nepal Growing of rice and wheat in sequence in Nepal is common, it constitutes the major cropping system in the terai region of Nepal. The average yields of rice rarely exceed 3 t ha-1 and wheat yields invariably remain within 1?2 t ha-1. These yields are ...
FAO, (2013)
Nepal Labour Market Update The main labour market challenges in Nepal stem from the slow pace of economic development: almost three-quarters of workers continue to earn a living in the agricultural sector. Thus, the vast majority of workers are informally employed. Due to the ...
ILO, (2014)
Poverty, Livestock and Household Typologies in Nepal - PPLPI Working Paper No. 13 Even through the world has witnessed tremendous growth and significant improvement in living standard and overall welfare, poverty still remains dramatically present in today's society. In Nepal characteristics of poor are far too apparent, it is one...
FAO, (2004)
Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics - Nepal – Agriculture Census Agriculture plays an important role in meeting the basic needs of the majority of people in developing countries and Nepal is no exception. Agriculture sector has more than one third contribution to total Gross Domestic Production (GDP) of Nepal. Cen...
FAO, (2012)
Technical Cooperation Programme: Strengthening Capacities for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness and Climate Risk Management in the Agricultural Sector Agriculture remains Nepal’s principal economic activity, employing 66 percent of the population. Natural disasters such as floods,landslides,snow avalanches, glacial lake outburst floods, hailstorms, thunderstorms, cold waves, hot waves, drought and...
FAO, (2012)
Investigating the Structure, Magnitude and Trends of Capital Formation in and for Agriculture: Country Case Study of Nepal Nepal with per capita income of US$ 400 is among the poorest countries. Two-thirds of the labour force engages in agriculture that contributes 32 percent in the gross domestic product (GDP). Nearly 31 percent of the population lives below the nationa...
PARTC, FAO, (2010)
Decent Work- The quarterly newsletter from the ILO Country Office for Nepal President of Nepal addresses ILO’s International Labour Conference’s World of Work Summit. Skilling migrants: A triple win for government, migrant workers, and employers. ILO launches a new initiative to promote inclusive growth in the agricultural...
ILO, (2017)
A Document of the International Fund for Agricultural Development The IFAD Interim Evaluation of the Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project (HLFFDP) is being conducted as a mandatory exercise prior to the consideration of a second phase of the project. The principal objective of the Interim Evalua...
IFAD, (2003)
High Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas Nepal (HVAP)-Supervision Report An IFAD joint review mission was conducted jointly with the staff and managers of HVAP including staff from the Ministry of Agriculture Development (MOAD), the ago-enterprise centre (ACE) of the federation of Nepalese chambers of commerce and industr...
IFAD, (2012)
Proposed Loan and Grant to the Government of Nepal for the High-Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas To reduce poverty and social disharmony in hill and mountain areas, experience has shown that the issue of economic isolation needs to be addressed. Poverty persists in these areas because of poor infrastructure and access to services and markets. Th...
IFAD, (2009)
UNDAF District Profiles: Forestry Summary UN RCHCO has prepared UNDAF District Profiles for 23 districts identified as lowest performing on development in the Nepal Country Analysis 2011. People from these districts are among the vulnerable groups whose status will be monitored to assess the...
UNRCHCO, (2013)
UNDAF District Profiles: Water, Hygiene and Sanitation This District profile showing the data about access to safe drinking water, hygiene and sanitation in different district on Nepal. #WaterResources #Development #NaturalResources #Inclusion #Employment #Agriculture #Education #FoodSecurity #Hygiene...
UNRCHCO, (2013)
BOOSTING FOOD SECURITY THROUGH DEVELOPMENT OF CLIMATE-RESILIENT AGRICULTURE IN NEPAL The Government of Nepal prioritized a package of Green Climate Fund (GCF) initiatives to address both immediate and longer-term climate change risks posed to critical ecosystems and the most vulnerable communities in the country. As part of this p...
FAO/ UN Environment, (2019)
Country gender assessment of agriculture and the rural sector in Nepal The "Country Gender Assessment for agriculture and rural sector in Nepal" has been designed to inform the FAO’s gender-sensitive country-level planning and programming to the national and international stakeholders. The primary target audience of the...
FAO, (2019)
Nepal: Floods 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 6 (as of 30 August 2017) The majority of people temporarily displaced by the flooding have returned to their communities but in some instances they remain displaced from their homes and are living in makeshift shelters or with host families. According to the Ministry of Home...
UNRCO, (2017)
Guidebook for Online Facilitators Sharing experiences from climate change and agriculture communities of practice This guidebook synthesizes lessons learned from the FAO Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture programme’s work with online communities of practice. It aims to help others searching for effective ways to organize and facilitate online communitie...
FAO, (2016)
Mainstreaming Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity into Agricultural Production and Management in East Africa This Technical Guidance Document addresses the need for mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem services into agriculture, at the national level. More specifically, it is aimed to assist countries in developing and implementing their National Biodiv...
FAO, (2016)