Developing Policy Towards Agricultural Sector
IOM promotes policy dialogues to support the Govt. of Nepal in mainstreaming both economic and social benefits of migration into national development policy and hence contribute on its efforts towards achieving the development targets set by the Agen... IOM, (2016)
Developing Policy towards Agricultural Sector
IOM promotes policy dialogues to support the Govt. of Nepal in mainstreaming both economic and social benefits of migration into national development policy and hence contribute on its efforts towards achieving the development targets set by the Agen... IOM, (2016)
Developing Policy Towards Agricultural Sector
IOM promotes policy dialogues to support the Govt. of Nepal in mainstreaming both economic and social benefits of migration into national development policy and hence contribute on its efforts towards achieving the development targets set by the Agen... IOM, (2016)
Development Towards The Agricultural Sector
IOM promotes policy dialogues to support the Govt. of Nepal in mainstreaming both economic and social benefits of migration into national development policy and hence contribute on its efforts towards achieving the development targets set by the Agen... IOM, (2016)
महिलाको आवाज सुन्नुपर्छ
भेलारी जुलियान्द/एलाईना बी टेप्लिज/मास्फ़ विन्ते शम्स/ रिन्से तेरिंक/ डब्लु स्वर्णलता पारेरा/ इन्ग्रिड डाल- मद्सेन
वैशाख ८, २०७४
नपाली राजनीतिमा महिलाले यथोचित स्थान पौडी गरेका छन्।उनीहरु मतदाता र उम्मेदवारक रुपमा दर्ज भएका छन्, राजनीतिक पद प्राप्तिका लागि अग्रसर छन् एबम दूरदराजदेखि राजधानीसम्मका नागरिक कर्तब्य निर्वाह गर्दैछन्। समतापूर्ण राजनीतिक स्वरको आधारभूमि खादा गर्दै ... UN, (2017)
The Norwegian support to the Resident Coordinator’s Office aims at strengthening the core coordination functions within the UN system in Nepal to support the Government of Nepal in the fulfillment of its national development prioriti... UN, (2017)
UNDP Nepal Annual Report 2020
2020 witnessed an unprecedented global crisis and that affected and shaped a significant part of our work at UNDP in Nepal. COVID-19 hit the country in January and it went on to take a huge toll on the country. From agriculture to hydropower, and edu... UNDP, (2021)
UNDP Nepal's Guiding Principles on Youth Mainstreaming and Participation
UNDP Nepal's Guiding Principles on Youth Mainstreaming and Participation is guided by UNDP Nepal's National Youth Strategy 2018-2022 and UN Framework for Responding to the Socio-Economic Impacts of COVID-19 in Nepal.
This document helps to lead th... UNDP, (2021)