United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Remarks by Richard Bennett Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal Delivered at the launch of OHCHR’s Handbook for Civil Society (in Nepali) 30 November 2009, Pokhara This bulletin includes remarks by Richard Bennett that was delivered at the launch of OHCHR’s Handbook for Civil Society (in Nepali).The handbook is a global publication published by OHCHR Geneva, and the English version was released in Kathmandu in...
UNOHCHR, (2009)
OHCHR ­Nepal Lena Sundh Representative in Nepal of the High Commissioner for Human Rights On the occasion of the 58th International Human Rights Day 10 December 2006 This bulletin includes about the 58th International Human Rights Day and three issues in the transitional period that must be addressed in order to ensure that there will be no human rights abuses in Nepal in the future. OHCHR ­Nepal will give prio...
UNOHCHR, (2006)
UN: Transitional Justice Process must comply with International Law “As Nepal moves forward in its peace process and strengthens its democratic institutions to build a strong and stable future, calls for amnesties or for case withdrawals involving serious crimes would be steps in the wrong direction,” said Robert Pip...
UNOHCHR, (2011)
United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal Press Release – 19 October 2006 High Commissioner Tables Report on Nepal at the General Assembly The positive steps which have been taken and highlights the fact that the peace process offers a hope of continuing improvements in respect for human rights by all parties. #PeaceProcess #SustainablePeace #NepaleseArmy #Respect #Protection #Abuse...
UNOHCHR, (2006)
OHCHR-­Nepal Check against delivery Address by Louise Arbour United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights 20 January 2007 Kathmandu, Nepal Respect for human rights is an essential foundation for peace and democracy in all countries.Human rights must be key components in the negotiations as well as in the implementation stage of a peace process.longstanding human rights issues as part of...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
OHCHR-Nepal calls on CPN-Maoist to fulfill commitments to stop human rights abuses OHCHR-Nepal today delivered to the CPN-Maoist a document setting out its major concerns regarding human rights abuses by the CPN-Maoist since its ceasefire declaration of 26 April 2006. The concerns include issues relating to the rights to life (kill...
UNOHCHR, (2006)
Promoting The Health Of Left-Behind Children Of Asian Labour Migrants: Evidence For Policy And Action Despite the political discourse on migration becoming an important issue in the global development agenda, the mental and physical health implications for left-behind children of migrant workers have received less attention. And the current evide...
IOM, MPI, (2015)
OHCHR-Nepal calls for a fully independent judicial investigation into Belbari killings OHCHR-Nepal deplores the latest killing of seven unarmed civilians by the Royal Nepalese Army (RNA), in Belbari, Morang District, on 25 and 26 April, and calls for action to ensure that no further such killings occur. #VIOLENCEAGAINSTCIVILLIANS #A...
UNOHCHR, (2006)
Statement by Hon'ble Mr. Giriraj Mani Pokharel, Minister of Health and Foreign Affairs at the Program of International Day of Peace and unveiling of the Nepali UN Peacekeepers' Memorial Plaque in the UN House at 10 am on 20th September 2017 This document includes Statement by Hon'ble Mr. Giriraj Mani Pokharel, Minister of Health and Foreign Affairs at the Program of International Day of Peace and unveiling of the Nepali UN Peacekeepers' Memorial Plaque. This year's global theme of the ...
UNIC, (2017)
United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights- Press Release – 21 December 2008 OHCHR-Nepal condemns attack at Himal Media Human rights officers from OHCHR-Nepal followed up the incident in support of investigators from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). The attack is the latest in a series of assaults against the media in Nepal. In Janakpur on 20 October, sev...
UNOHCHR, (2008)
UNHCR REPRESENTION IN NEPAL UNHCR Invites qualified service providers or companies for the supply and delivery of J hook with washer and nut and bolt beldangi refugee camp storage side in Jhapa. #UNHCR #Goods #Equipment #Rights #Information #ChildLabor #Conflict #Abuse ...
UNHCR, (2017)
UNICEF Nepal Country Office Combating Child Labour in Nepal With the support of UNICEF, targeted municipalities are continuously updating and revising the data collection and monitoring forms and procedures in line with the recently adopted case management guidelines. The objective of the contribution is s...
UNICEF, (2016)