United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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PSA: Pregnancy Danger Signs (गर्भावस्थामा देखा पर्ने खतराका लक्षणहरु) - Youtube Abstraction: बेस्सरी टाउको दुख्नु, आँखा तिर्मिराएर धमिलो देख्नु, हात मुख सुन्निनु, अह्ररो भई काँप छुट्नु वा मुर्छा पर्नु, कडासंग तल्लो पेट दुख्नु र योनीवाट अलिकति पनि रगत बग्नु, गर्भावस्थामा देखा पर्ने ज्यानै जानसक्ने खतराका ६ लक्षणहरु हुन । Dur...
UNFPA,Nepal, (2016)
FIBRE BAG ENTREPRISE: Better Livelihoods, Better Environment - Sindhuli - Youtube Abstraction: Every Saturday, Januka Thapa and her friends go to local market in Sindhuli to sell the fiber bags they make as part of their micro enterprise. The bags, which quickly drew everybody's attention, has become an environment-friendly altern...
UNDP,Nepal, (2016)
Integrating climate finance in planning & budgeting: Nepal's experience - Youtube Abstraction: In view of its high vulnerability to climate change and weather-related disasters, how has Nepal been prioritizing response by integrating climate change finance into its national plans and budget? This video illustrates the country's jo...
UNDP,Nepal, (2018)
Athletes #RUN4SDGs at the 11th Kathmandu Marathon - Youtube Abstraction: The 11th Kathmandu Marathon brought together a diverse group of athletes to #Run4SDGs. The event was held in partnership with UNDP, among other UN agencies, in recognition of the role of sport in promoting many of the cornerstones of the...
UNDP, Nepal, (2017)
In Ramechhap, back to fishing again - Youtube Abstraction: Purna Bahadur Majhi of Khimti DC, Ramechhap returned his hometown after spending few difficult years as a migrant worker abroad. When he returned his village, he was determined to start something of his own. But his friends and relatives...
UNDP,Nepal, (2016)
PSA: 16 Days of Activism against GBV - Youtube Abstraction: This video was produced by the Strengthening the Rule of Law and Human Rights Protection System in Nepal Programme (RoLHR)/UNDP and the National Women Commission and was broadcast on Nepal Television in commemoration of the 16 Days of Ac...
UNDP, Nepal, (2016)
Run for women's empowerment- Youtube Abstraction: 8th Kathmandu Marathon 20th Sept. 2014 Run for women's empowerment Kathmandu, Nepal. Duration: 0.00 - 3.00 min Location: Kathmandu Time and Topic Scene 0.24 sec: Sarmila Timilsina (Participant) says this is the first time I have e...
UNDP, Nepal, (2014)
What is UNDP in Nepal? Celebrating our 50th Birthday! - Youtube Abstraction: A Golden Anniversary: UNDP Nepal joins the world to celebrate our 50th birthday. On our 50th Birthday, we asked people in Nepal what is UNDP for them? And they answered. Here is what they said. Duration: 0.00 - 1.13 min Location: N/A...
UNDP, Nepal, (2016)
Ensuring reproductive health services -Youtube Abstraction:The District Health Offices and UNFPA are mobilizing Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs) to ensure that reproductive health services reach the women and girls affected by the earthquake. In this video, FCHV Apsara Nepali sheds li...
UNFPA,Nepal, (2015)
Obstetric Fistula in Nepal -Youtube Abstraction: UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is working with the Government of Nepal to end and prevent obstetric fistula, support surgeries and provide capacity building to health institutions and service providers. One of the most seriou...
UNFPA,Nepal, (2014)
Dignity First -Youtube Abstraction:When a woman is alone in a relief camp and has lost her family to the earthquake, supplies alone can't see her through the night. #DignityFirst Advocating the needs of earthquake-displaced women and girls is the centerpiece of the UNFP...
UNFPA,Nepal, (2015)
Midwifery in Nepal -Youtube Abstraction: In this video, midwifery students talk about why did they decide to become midwives. Together with those who are among Nepal's new batch of midwifery students their teachers feature in this video. The official start of the Bachelor in ...
UNFPA,Nepal, (2017)
Nepal earthquake one year on: Women emerge stronger -Youtube Abstraction:After the devastating earthquake struck Nepal on 25 April 2015, violence against women increased. UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, in coordination with the Government of Nepal worked with local partners to help protect and empow...
UNFPA,Nepal, (2016)
Putting dignity first II -Youtube Abstraction: One of UNFPA Nepal's holistic approaches to reach the unreached pregnant women, lactating mothers and women of reproductive age, affected by the devastating earthquake on April 25, and help them regain their dignity is the Dignity First ...
UNFPA,Nepal, (2015)
Putting dignity first III -Youtube Abstraction:One of UNFPA Nepal's holistic approaches to reach the unreached pregnant women, lactating mothers and women of reproductive age, affected by the devastating earthquake on April 25, and help them regain their dignity is the Dignity First c...
UNFPA,Nepal, (2015)
Putting dignity first -Youtube Abstraction:One of UNFPA Nepal's holistic approaches to reach the unreached pregnant women, lactating mothers and women of reproductive age, affected by the devastating earthquake on April 25, and help them regain their dignity is the Dignity First c...
UNFPA,Nepal, (2015)
Restoring the dignity of women and girls -Youtube Abstraction:After the earthquake struck Nepal on April 25, UNFPA has been responding to the disaster in the most-affected districts by: - improving access and use of comprehensive reproductive health services, - distributing dignity kits to women...
UNFPA,Nepal, (2015)
Family Planning in Humanitarian Settings -Youtube Abstraction:Reproductive health services, including family planning, are crucial for women and girls in humanitarian crises like the Nepal earthquake. This video features voices of a woman from Sindhuli district of Nepal affected by the devastating e...
UNFPA,Nepal, (2016)
New lives for Nepal's earthquake survivors - Youtube Abstraction : When the huge quake hit in April 2015, Ishwori Dangol lost her seven-year-old son. Heavily pregnant, in increasing pain and afraid she would miscarry, Dangol didn’t know where to turn for help. UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund,...
UNFPA,Nepal, (2016)
Take a stand against gender-based violence - Youtube Abstraction: November 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Ending violence against women and girls is matter of human rights and ge...
UNFPA,Nepal, (2016)
Early Marriage Web Series Promo - Youtube Abstraction: The video is the promo of YouTube web series on early marriage produced on the occasion of International Day of the Girl Child (October 11, 2017) to highlight the issues concerning gender inequality facing young girls in Nepal. Durati...
UNFPA, Nepal, (2017)
Early Marriage in Nepal web series second episode [YouTube] URL:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB8ftkmgsSc&t=329s Duration :0:00 - 7.57 Rating :[U] Video quality:360p Timeline: 0.5 sec :Rakesh and Payal run away from the home. 0.55 sec : Payal is afraid of her parents. 1.17 sec :Rakesh says...
UNFPA, (2017)
Manisha Koirala's message to adolescents & young people - Youtube Abstraction: In this video, UNFPA Nepal Goodwill Ambassador Manisha Koirala talks on how one can attain a "fulfilled life" and shares her remarkable triumph over adversity. This video was shot during the First National Conference on Adolescent Health...
UNFPA, Nepal, (2016)
Yoga for earthquake survivors at Female-Friendly Space : Youtube Abstraction: A Female-Friendly Space (FFS) is a place that provides safety and security for women and girls in humanitarian settings. After the devastating 2015 earthquake in Nepal, UNFPA set up 14 FFS in the districts most affected by the disaster. ...
UNFPA, Nepal, (2016)
विपदको अवस्थामा प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य सेवा - Youtube Abstraction: प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य सेवाका लागि न्युनतम प्रारम्भिक सेवा सामग्री नेपालमा २०७२ साल वैशाख १२ गते शनिबार गएको विनाशकारी भूकम्प र गत वर्ष आएको बाढी जस्तै प्रत्येक मानविय विपद घटे लगत्तै प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी आवश्यकतालाई सम्बोधन गर्न चाहिने अ...
UNFPA, Nepal, (2018)
MISP for Reproductive Health in Crisis Situations in Nepal -Youtube Abstraction: The Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) is a series of crucial actions required to respond to reproductive health needs at the onset of every humanitarian crisis. The MISP is not just kits of equipment and supplies; it is a set of act...
UNFPA, (2018)
Bio Gas Plant with Loan Facility - Nepal Animation : Youtube Abstraction: The upfront cost of the renewable energy technology like biogas plant is one of the major barriers for the low-income households to install the plant. Credit facility makes it easier for such households to install the system and pay the ...
UNCDF, (2018)
Solar Home System with Loan Facility - Nepal Animation : Youtube Abstraction: The upfront cost of the renewable energy technology like solar home system is one of the major barriers for the low-income households to install the system. Credit facility makes it easier for such households to install the system and pa...
UNFPA, (2018)
Improved Cookstoves with Loan Facility - Nepal Animation : Youtube Abstraction: The upfront cost of the renewable energy technology like improved cookstove is one of the major barriers for the low-income households to install the system. Credit facility makes it easier for such households to install the system and p...
UNCDF, (2018)