UN Staff Influenza Pandemic: Update # 14 (6th July, 2009)
1. Surveillance has been intensified. Tracing of the passengers and close contact of the confirmed cases was carried out and no suspected case was found except the index’s sibling
and cousin.
2. Public and private hospitals, including ... WHO, (2009)
Nepal Multiple Indicator Surveillance
Nepal Multiple Indicator Surveillance (NMIS) is being conducted to collect community based information for the monitoring the National Programme of Action for the Children and Development for the 1990s set in line with the World Summit for Children, ... UNICEF-HMG-NPCS, (1998)
(Wrong File) Food Security Information for Decision Making : Price Monitoring and Analysis Country Brief
Nepal’s total population was 28.58 million in 2008 and its annual growth rate was estimated to be 1%. More than half of the population lives with less than 1$ per day and the prevalence of under nutrition was estimated at 15%.
#FoodSecurity #Decis... FAO, (2010)