United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
2014 about 162 results (0.0065 in miliseconds)  
Brochure on Green Homes Promoting Sustainable Housing in Nepal UN-Habitat is addressing urban climate change agenda through Cities and Climate Change Initiatives (CCCI). Collaborating with European Union under SWITCH Asia call for Sustainable Consumption and Production, UN-Habitat and partners are promoting sust...
Global Sanitation Fund Programme in Nepal : Annual Report 2014 The Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) is a multi-donor trust fund established by the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) to help large numbers of poor people to attain safe sanitation services and adopt good hygienic practices. Accor...
Sustainable Development In Action: Special Report On Voluntary Commitments And Partnerships For Sustainable Development (July 2014) Partnerships and voluntary commitments for sustainable development are multi-stakeholder initiatives voluntarily undertaken by Governments, intergovernmental organizations, major groups and others stakeholders to contribute to the implementation of i...
UN, (2014)
Impact Assessment of National Integrated Pest Management (NIPM) Program in Nepal The Integrated Pest Management program was initiated with the prime objective of training of trainers and conducting farmer field schools which later on extended to be a preliminary process for sustainable management of agricultural and ecological r...
NDRI, FAO, (2014)
GIEWS Country Brief-Nepal Harvesting of the 2014 main season rice crop was completed by mid-December. FAO estimates this year’s rice production at 4.6 million tonnes, down 9 percent from last year’s bumper level but close to the average of the past five years. The decrease is...
FAO, GIEWS, (2014)
Mapping Progress on Women's Right in Nepal Over the past two decades, legal reforms have transformed the landscape for gender equality in Nepal, ensuring greater economic security for women, increased legal protection from violence, improved safeguarding of their sexual and reproductive right...
UNWOMEN, (2014)
Labour Migration for Employment - A Status Report for Nepal 2013/2014 Over the past decade, Nepal has experienced a surge in out-migration for foreign employment to various destination countries. As more and more Nepali citizens aspire and depart for foreign jobs, regulators and stakeholders face new challenges in mana...
ILO, IOM, GoN, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 Ms. Rachana Rasaily, Rc Office, Celebrating the event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. #RachanaRasaily #VoilenceAgainstWomen #UNStaff #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 Ms. Rachana Rasaily, Rc Office, Celebrating the event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. #RachanaRasaily #VoilenceAgainstWomen #UNStaff #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 Ms. Amrita Rai, UNDP, Celebrating the event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. #AmritaRai #VoilenceAgainstWomen #UNStaff #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 Ms. Kalawati Chand, Rc Office, Celebrating the event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. #KalawatiChand #VoilenceAgainstWomen #UNStaff #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 Ms. Sarita Pandey, Physician of UN Clinic, Celebrating the event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. #SaritaPandey #VoilenceAgainstWomen #UNStaff #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 UN Women Staff Showing hand painting, Celebrating the event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. #UNWomenStaff #VoilenceAgainstWomen #UNStaff #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 UN Women Staff, Celebrating the event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. #UNWomenStaff #VoilenceAgainstWomen #UNStaff #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 UN Women Staff, Celebrating the event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. #UNWomenStaff #VoilenceAgainstWomen #UNStaff #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 UN Women Staff, Celebrating the event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. #UNWomenStaff #VoilenceAgainstWomen #UNStaff #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 Unites Nations Trainee, Celebrating the event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. #UNTrainee #VoilenceAgainstWomen #UNStaff #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
Cooperatives And The Sustainable Development Goals: A Contribution To The Post-2015 Development Debate The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have successfully drawn the world’s attention to the significance of ending extreme poverty and exclusion. But, time is running out on meeting all the targets by the end of 2015. To maintain the ...
ILO, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 Mr. Tomoo Hozumi, chief of UNICEF, Celebrating the event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. #TomooHozumi #VoilenceAgainstWomen #UNStaff #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 Poster gives messages for End Violence Against Women in event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. #Poster #Messages #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 Poster gives messages for End Violence Against Women in event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. #Poster #Messages #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 UN Staff are Celebrating the event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. Rupa Joshi, UNDP #VoilenceAgainstWomen #UNStaff #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 UN Staff are Celebrating the event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. Rupa Joshi, UNDP #VoilenceAgainstWomen #UNStaff #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 UNIC Interns are celebrating the event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. Ms. Komal Kuwar #VoilenceAgainstWomen #UNStaff #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 Vidhu Kayestha, FAO, Celebrating the event of 16 Day's Activities of Violence Against Women 2014 in UN House. #VidhuKayestha #VoilenceAgainstWomen #UNStaff #Event #Colours #UNIC #2014 #photo...
UNIC, (2014)
Nepal Masculinities Gender- Based Voilence The study is a joint effort by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Men Engage Alliance in Nepal. It seeks to provide a broader evidence base from which actors can design well informed multi-sectoral GBV programming, including prev...
UNDP, (2014)
Painting Exhibition- Masculinities, Gender Identities and the Role of Men in Prevention and Elimination of Gender Based Violence The exhibition features 30 exclusive paintings drawn by senior artists on the theme of preventing gender violence during a live painting event on November 28, 2013 organized by UNDP and NAFA to mark the “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence”.T...
UNDP, (2014)
Regional Workshop On “Strengthening Capacity to Respond to Disease” 26 –28 May 2014, Kathmandu, The Federal Democratic Republic Of Nepal The regional workshop on ‘Strengthening capacity to respond to disease emergencies’ was jointly organized by the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Crisis Man...
FAO, (2014)
ICT4D Training in Naglebhare Principles and Teachers from different School's of Naglebhare, attending ICT4D Training in Naglebhare. Mr. Rajendra Man Banepali, UNIC #School #training #ICT4D #UNIC #2014 #Photo...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Motivational Speaker of the Nepal Saunak Bhatta addressing at Jawalakhel,Lalitpur during UN Day on 30th October 2014 #SaunakBhatta #UNDay #UNIC #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
UN Day 2014 National Information Officer, Ram Babu Shah and UNESCO Representative, Christian Manhart Posing for the Photo During UN Day Celebration at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur #RamBabuShah #ChristianManhart #UNDay #Jawalakhel #UNIC #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Resident Coordinator Jamie McGoldRick, UNDP Deputy Country Director Sophie Kemkhadze, and Resident Coordinator Office Stine Heiselberg interacting during UN Day at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur on 30th October 2014 #ResidentCoordinator #RC #JamieMcGoldRick...
UNIC, (2014)
UN Day 2014 School Student face painting UN Logo during UN Day at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur on 30th October 2014 #Student #Painting #UN #UNLogo #UNIC #Photo #2014...
UNIC, (2014)
UN Day 2014 School students observing UN Day program at Jawalakhel Lalitpur on 30th October 2014 #Students #Observing #UNIC #Photo #2014 #October ...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 UN Day Visitors Clicking a Photo with Cut Out Display of Secretary General, Ban Ki- Moon During UN Day at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur #CutOutDisplay #UNDay #BanKiMoon #UNIC #Photo #2014 #Lalitpur...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Visitors and UN Staffs Enjoying Live Music at Jawalakhel lalitpur during UN Day on 30th October 2014 #UNDay #UNIC #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Jamie McGoldrick at an Event Campaign for Climate Change Hon'ble. Jamie McGoldrick, Resident Coordinator of UN Nepal, on event Campaign for Climate Change held at Pulchowk, Lalitpur. #RC #JamieMcGoldrick #ClimateJustice #2014 #Photo...
UNIC, (2014)
Jamie McGoldrick Greets at the Campaign for Climate Change Hon'ble. Jamie McGoldrick, Resident Coordinator of UN Nepal, greets and appreciates at the Campaign for Climate Change. #RC #JamieMcGoldrick #ClimateJustice #2014 #Photo...
UNIC, (2014)
Jamie McGoldrick Listens to the Voices for Climate Justice Hon'ble. Jamie McGoldrick, Resident Coordinator of UN Nepal, listening to the voices in Campaign for Climate Change at Pulchowk, Lalitpur. #RC #JamieMcGoldrick #ClimateJustice #2014 #Photo...
UNIC, (2014)
Secretary General Meets Prime Minister of Nepal on September 2014 Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (right) meets with Sushil Koirala, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal on 27th September, 2014. #BanKiMoon #SecretaryGeneral #SushilKoirala #PrimeMinister #2014 #Photo #UN...
UN, (2014)
Roster of Gender Specialist in Nepal 1 Common Country Assessment; Data and Statistics; Economic Empowerment; Education; Environment; Evaluations; Gender mainstreaming; Gender Responsive Budgeting(GRB); Health, Sexuality and HIV/AIDs; Human Rights and Law; Media; Migration; National Develo...
UNWOMEN, (2014)
Trade, Gender and the post -2015 Development Agenda Women in experience as economic agents in the context of 2015 development agenda. If women are economically empowered they can benefit from the opportunities arising from expanded trade.Trade and trade policies have a different impact on men and wome...
UN, (2014)
First National Population Conference 2014 The First National Population Conference starts in Kathmandu on Thursday June 5,2014 with the theme Communicating Population for Development Planning. The Ministry of Health and Population; Central Department of Population Studies TU; Population Asso...
UN DAY 2014 Dramatist Performing in UN day at Jawalakhel Ground on 30th October 2014 #UN #Peacekeeping #UNDay #Jawalakhel #Performance #October #2014 #UNIC...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Dramatist Performing in UN Day at Jawalakhel Ground on 30th October 2014 #UN #UNDay #Jawalakhel #Perfomance #October #2014 #UNIC...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Dramatist Performing in UN Day at Jawalakhel Ground on 30th October 2014 #UN #UNPeaceKeeping #UNDay #Jawalakhel #Perfomance #October #2014...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Dramatist Performing Peacekeeping in UN Day at Jawalakhel Ground on 30th October 2014 #UN #Peacekeeping #UNDay #Jawalakhel #Performance #October #2014 #UNIC...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Peacekeeping Dramatist Performing in UN Day at Jawalakhel Ground on 30th October 2014 #UN #Peacekeeping #UNDay #Jawalakhel #Performance #October #2014 #UNIC...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Students Collecting a Distributed Book and Publications From UN Agencies Booth in UN Day at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur on 30th October 2014 #UN #UNDay #Jawalakhel #October #2014 #UNIC #October ...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 UN Day visitors visiting and strolling around UN agencies booth in UN day at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur on 30th October 2014 #UN #UNDay #Jawalakhel #October #2014 #UNIC #October ...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 UN Staff of FAO Mala Lakhe clicking a picture with poster of Secretary General Ban ki-Moon in UN day at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur on 30th October 2014 #UN #UNDay #Jawalakhel #October #2014 #UNIC #October ...
UNIC, (2014)
Electoral Atlas Nepal The Electoral Atlas is a collection of updated district-wise electoral maps, information and Constituent Assembly (CA) Election 2008 and 2013 result and is prepared based on the data received from the District Election Office (DEO) and ECN secretaria...
ESP/UNDP, (2014)
Christiana Figueres Addressing on the 8th International Conference on Community Based Adaptation at Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plaza Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) delivering her words on 8th International Conference on Community Based AdaptaioN at Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plaza. #ChristianaFiguere...
UNIC, (2014)
Christiana Figueres at Biocomp Nepal Listens About Their Work Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) listens about the Biocomp Nepal from their representatives. #ChristianaFigueres #Photo #2014 #UNFCCC #Compost #BiocompNepal ...
UNIC, (2014)
Christiana Figueres Talking about the Community Based Adaptation Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) interacting in the 8th International Conference on Community Based Adaptation. #ChristianaFigueres #Conference #Photo #2014 #Commun...
UNIC, (2014)
Christiana Figueres Visits a Social Event at Khokana, Lalitpur Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) visits the Nepali Social Event at Lalitpur. #ChristianaFigueres #Photo #2014 #UNFCCC #Culture #Ceremony #Rituals ...
UNIC, (2014)
Christiana Figueres Watches the Job Performed at Biocomp Nepal Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) observes the employees meanwhile she listens from Biocomp Nepal representative at Khokana, Nepal. #ChristianaFigueres #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Employees of Biocomp Nepal Performing their Work at Khokana, Latitpur Employees in Biocomp Nepal, Khokana, Latipur doing their job. #BiocompNepal #Working #Photo #UNFCCC #2014...
UNIC, (2014)
International Conference on Community Based Adaptation at Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plaza Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) along with Hon. Prakash Man Singh, Mr. Leela Mani Poudyal and other personalities at 8th International Conference on Community Based...
UNIC, (2014)
Team of 8th International Conference on Community Based Adaptation 8th International Conference on Community Based Adaptation Team picture with Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). #Conference #GroupPicture #Photo #ChristianaFigueres ...
UNIC, (2014)
Nepal Development Update The successful election of a new parliament and subsequent formation of a popularly mandated government provide a more conducive environment for private sector activity and economic policy. The uncertainties brought about by Nepal’s prolonged politic...
WB, (2014)
Danish support to UN Women In Nepal The Embassy of Denmark signed an agreement with UN Women in Nepal for grant assistance of DKK Mio.equivalent supporting the implementation of the strategy and annual plan of UN Women in Nepal.The support to the implementation of the overall strategic...
Civil Society Report on Beijing+20 Nepal, “Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity: Picture it!!!” The Beijing +20 Review holds a lot of significance for women as it provides an important opportunity to examine the efforts of government, non-government organizations as well as civil societies in realizing the commitments to the goals of equality, d...
World Survey On The Role Of Women In Development 2014, Gender Equality And Sustainable Development The immense social, economic and environmental consequences of climate change and loss of essential ecosystems are becoming clear. Their effects are already being felt in foods, droughts, and devastated landscapes and livelihoods. Among those most ...
UNWOMEN, (2014)
Nepal Economic Update The successful election of a new parliament and subsequent formation of a popularly mandated government provide a more conducive environment for private sector activity and economic policy. The uncertainties brought about by Nepal’s prolonged politic...
WB, (2014)
Country Programme Document 2014-2015 Nepal On request by Government of Nepal World Bank is supporting a Nepal Urban Governance and Development Programme (UGDP). This UGDP will address the basic delivery of services and priority infrastructure in six key municipalities – Mechinagar, Dhankuta, ...
Education and Civil Conflict in Nepal Between 1996 and 2006, Nepal experienced violent civil conflict as a consequence of a Maoist insurgency, which many argue also brought about an increase in female empowerment. This paper exploits variations in exposure to conflict by birth cohort, su...
WB, (2014)
Nepal Report on Human Development In recent years, Nepal too has invested heavily in these sectors, particularly in education and health. Improving access to and quality of education and health services continues to be priority agenda items for the country. The coverage of social pro...
WB, (2013)
WORLD SURVEY ON THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT 2014 GENDER EQUALITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The immense social, economic and environmental consequences of climate change and loss of essential ecosystems are becoming clear. Their effects are already being felt in floods, droughts, and devastated landscapes and livelihoods. Among those most...
UNWOMEN, (2014)
Christiana Figueres Addressing on the Conference at Grand Hotel on April 2018 Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) addressing on the National Youth Conference on Climate Change held on Grand Hotel, Kathmandu. #ChristianaFigueres #ExecutiveSecreta...
UNIC, (2014)
Christiana Figueres Greets Organizer at the Grand Hotel Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) welcomed at Grand Hotel, Kathmandu for the Event National Youth Conference on Climate Change. Figueres greets the organizer and othe...
UNIC, (2014)
Christiana Figueres Having an Interview at Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plaza Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) interviewed at Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plaza on 29 April, 2014. #ChristianaFigueres #ExecutiveSecretary #Interview #UNFCCC #Photo #201...
UNIC, (2014)
Christiana Figueres Interacting at the National Youth Conference on Climate Change on April 2014 Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) addressing on the National Youth Conference on Climate Change held on Grand Hotel, Kathmandu. #ChristianaFigueres #ExecutiveSecret...
UNIC, (2014)
Christiana Figueres Meets Prime Minister of Nepal Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meeting the Prime Minister of Nepal Hon'ble Sushil Koirala at Prime Minister Residence, Baluwatar. #ChristianaFigueres #ExecutiveSe...
UNIC, (2014)
Christiana Figueres Sight Seeing Street of Bhaktapur Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Sight Seeing Around the Street of Bhaktapur Durbar Square on April, 2014. #ChristianaFigueres #2014 #Photo #BhaktapurDurbarSquare #...
UNIC, (2014)
Christiana Figueres Watching the Pottery Done at Bhaktapur on April 2014. Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Watching the Pottery Done at Bhaktapur on April 2014. #Bhaktapur #Potter #Pottering #ChristianaFigueres #Photo #2014 #April #Bhakta...
UNIC, (2014)
Participant Speaking on the Event National Youth Conference on Climate Change Held on Grand Hotel Kathmandu A Participant speaking on National Youth Conference on Climate Change held on April 2014 at Grand Hotel, Kathmandu. #Youths #NationalYouthConference #ClimateChange #Conference #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Participants at National Conference on Climate Change held on April 2014 Participants at National Youth Conference on Climate Change, event was 4th National Youth Climate Summit held on Grand Hotel, Kathmandu. #Participant #Youth #Photo #2014 #Conference...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Youth of the United Nation Youth Society Association Nepal (UNYSAN) Getting Ready for Blood Donation Program at Jawalakhel in UN Day on the date of 30 October 2014. #UN #UNYSAN #Youth #BloodDonation #Event #Jawalakhel #UNDay #2014 #October ...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Dramatist Performing UN Peace Keeping Forces in UN Day at Jawalakhel Ground #UN #UNPeaceKeeping #UNDay #Jawalakhel #Perfomance #October #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Resident Coordinator Jamie Mcgoldrick along with Honorable Speaker of the Parliament Onsari Gharti Magar Formal Finance Minister Barsaman Pun and UNICEF Representative Tomoo Hozumi glancing a program at Jawalakhel Ground in UN Day on the date of 30 O...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Resident Coordinator Jamie MCGOLDRICK and the Formal Finance Minister Barsaman Pun greeting each other at Jawakhel Ground during the Event of UN Day on 30 October 2014. #UN #ResidentCoordinator #RC #JamieMcGoldRick #Formal #FinanceMinister #Barsa...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 Resident Coordinator Jamie McGoldRick delivering a speech in UN Day at Jawalakhel ground on the date of 30 October 2014. #UN #ResidentCoordinator #RC #JamieMcGoldRick #Sharing #Delivering #Speech #Jawalakhel #UNDay #October #2014...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 UN Agency staffs exhibiting about UNESCO by distributing books, pamphlets at Jawakhel Ground in UN Day on the date of 20 October 2014. #UN #UNESCO #Staffs #Demonstration #Exhibition #Books #Publication #Pamplets #UNDay #Jawalakhel #October #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
UN DAY 2014 UN Staff and Volunteers getting face ink of UN Logo at Jawalakhel Ground in UN Day on the date of 30 October 2014. #UN #UNStaffs #Volunteers #Face #Paint #Ink #UNLogo #UNDay #Jawalakhel #October #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Nepal Local Service Delivery in Nepal In Nepal a combination of de-concentrated line agencies and local bodies at the district, municipal, and village level provides inputs which are translated into delivery of service outputs and outcomes. Yet the relationships between line agencies and...
WB, (2014)
UN USG DPKO visit Nepal 2014 Mr. Herve Ladsous, Unites Nations Under Secretary General DPKO, giving speech when he visit Nepal. #HerveLadsous #DPKO #UNUSG #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
UN USG DPKO visit Nepal 2014 Mr. Herve Ladsous, Unites Nations Under Secretary General DPKO, giving speech when he visit Nepal. #HerveLadsous #DPKO #UNUSG #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Christiana Figueres Exploring the Nepali Sculpture at Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Bhaktpur Hon'ble Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Exploring Bhaktapur Durbar Square Sculpture at Bhaktapur on April 2014. #BhaktapurDarbarSquare #Photo #UNFCC #ChristianaFigueres #N...
UNIC, (2014)
IOM receives Rana Samundra Trophy on World Tuberculosis Day The GeneXpert technology is a cartridge-based fully automated Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (DNA test). It can simultaneously detect Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB) and Rifampicin (RIF) resistance with a high sensitivity and specificity. IOM has b...
IOM, (2014)
ICT4D Computer Distribution 2014 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, attending Signing Ceremony of ICT4D Computer Distribution 2014 in UN House. #RamBabuShah #ICT4D #ComputerDistribution #UNIC #2014 #Photo #UNHouse...
UNIC, (2014)
ICT4D Computer Distribution 2014 UN Staff are attending Signing Ceremony of ICT4D Computer Distribution 2014 in UN House. #ICT4D #ComputerDistribution #UNIC #2014 #Photo #UNHouse...
UNIC, (2014)
ICT4D Computer Distribution 2014 UN Staff are attending Signing Ceremony of ICT4D Computer Distribution 2014 in UN House. #ICT4D #ComputerDistribution #UNIC #2014 #Photo #UNHouse...
UNIC, (2014)
ICT4D Computer Distribution 2014 UNIC Distributing computers in UN House. #ICT4D #ComputerDistribution #UNIC #2014 #Photo #UNHouse ...
UNIC, (2014)
The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme 2014 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, giving speech in The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme 2014 in UN House. #RamBabuShah #Holocaust #UNIC #Photo #2014 #UNHouse #Speech...
UNIC, (2014)
The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme 2014 Participant giving speech in The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme 2014 in UN House. #Holocaust #UNIC #Photo #2014 #UNHouse #Participants #Speech...
UNIC, (2014)
The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme 2014 Participants are attending The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme 2014 in UN House. #Holocaust #UNIC #Photo #2014 #UNHouse #Participants...
UNIC, (2014)
The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme 2014 Participants are attending The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme 2014 in UN House. #Holocaust #UNIC #Photo #2014 #UNHouse #Participants...
UNIC, (2014)
The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme 2014 Participants are attending The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme 2014 in UN House. #Holocaust #UNIC #Photo #2014 #UNHouse #Participants...
UNIC, (2014)
The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme 2014 Participants are attending The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme 2014 in UN House. #Holocaust #UNIC #Photo #2014 #UNHouse #Participants...
UNIC, (2014)